Praise for other Head First books

“With Head First C#, Andrew and Jenny have presented an excellent tutorial on learning C#. It is very approachable while covering a great amount of detail in a unique style. If you’ve been turned off by more conventional books on C#, you’ll love this one.”

Jay Hilyard, software developer, coauthor of C# 3.0 Cookbook

“Going through this Head First C# book was a great experience. I have not come across a book series which actually teaches you so well…This is a book I would definitely recommend to people wanting to learn C#”

Krishna Pala, MCP

Head First Web Design really demystifies the web design process and makes it possible for any web programmer to give it a try. For a web developer who has not taken web design classes, Head First Web Design confirmed and clarified a lot of theory and best practices that seem to be just assumed in this industry.”

Ashley Doughty, senior web developer

“Building websites has definitely become more than just writing code. Head First Web Design shows you what you need to know to give your users an appealing and satisfying experience. Another great Head First book!”

Sarah Collings, user experience software engineer

Head First Networking takes network concepts that are sometimes too esoteric and abstract even for highly technical people to understand without difficulty and makes them very concrete and approachable. Well done.”

Jonathan Moore, owner, Forerunner Design

“The big picture is what is often lost in information technology how-to books. Head First Networking keeps the focus on the real world, distilling knowledge from experience and presenting it in byte-size packets for the IT novitiate. The combination of explanations with real-world problems to solve makes this an excellent learning tool.”

Rohn Wood, senior research systems analyst, University of Montana

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Other books in O’Reilly’s Head First series

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Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA&D)

Head First HTML with CSS and XHTML

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Head First EJB

Head First SQL

Head First Software Development

Head First JavaScript

Head First Physics

Head First Statistics

Head First Ajax

Head First Rails

Head First Algebra

Head First PHP & MySQL

Head First Web Design

Head First Networking

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