Chapter 9. Find Out What Others Think

A team that has done a solid job of gathering diverse perspectives and exploring ideas will likely have arrived at some conclusions about how they can solve the challenge they face. Great collaborators will never stop being curious to put those ideas and conclusions to the test, and will continue to seek out the opinions of other people. And while putting ideas to the test is part of a process, it doesn’t have to take a long time to get to this point. Each cycle should set aside time to make sure that the ideas generated aren’t just put into action without feedback about how they perform (Figure 9-1).

This stage of the team’s cycle will give you valuable feedback, even early on in the process
Figure 9-1. This stage of the team’s cycle will give you valuable feedback, even early on in the process

Running through the process in a few days or a week and then repeating it to refine further can be more useful than spending a great deal of time trying to do it once and declare victory. The biggest mistake many teams make is waiting too long to get their ideas prototyped and tested with those they are meant to serve.

In this chapter, we’ll look at why sharing in-progress work is so helpful, and how to go about making sense of the feedback you receive so it helps to strengthen ideas. Teams should be clear about how “finished” the work is that they are sharing, and present it in way that leads to actionable feedback. You’ll also learn how to help team members deal with less-than-positive feedback on their work.

Share Early and Often

Matt LeMay, in his book Agile for Everybody (O’Reilly), says that sharing work early and often is critical for teams to succeed. Because organizations typically share finished work for a final approval, versus seeking input to refine work in progress, solutions can become inflexible, requiring specific conditions to function. When work can be shared ahead of time, before certain assumptions become etched in stone, solutions become better adapted to real-world conditions. Sharing work in progress also helps organizations continually refine and communicate their understanding of the problem(s) to be solved. LeMay told me that “having people at all levels understand what you are trying to solve for is absolutely critical,” and showing solutions in progress is an effective way to create that understanding.

Sharing early and often means being curious to hear what others think about ideas even before they are fully fleshed out. Sharing also helps keep a large group more engaged in the problems and solutions at play. LeMay has found that when meeting time is used to dig into and make decisions together, it can feel more meaningful than when it’s used simply to inform people of finished work.

When we find out what others think, we’re doing three things:

  • Turning assumptions into knowledge

  • Testing ideas and hypotheses to see if they show promise with those they are meant to help

  • Opening up our thinking to find blind spots and mistakes

This means that you need to help your team keep track of and be transparent about assumptions, develop artifacts that test them, and be prepared to hear answers to their questions.

Share Especially in Challenging Situations

Sharing work also tends to fall by the wayside when a team is going through a rough patch. Whether it’s a release that’s gone wrong or negative feedback about work, when we experience failure, it’s natural to hunker down to get through it.

In The Logic of Failure (Basic Books), Dietrich Dörner shares insights from psychology studies about what happens in our brains when we’re confronted with challenges and failure. In one study, participants were asked to play a “war game,” like a low-resolution version of The Sims, where the player must balance different forces to keep a population safe and healthy. The game involved balancing a large number of competing factors, and the goal was not easy to achieve. The researchers found that as the game progressed, the difference between success and failure could be seen in the ratio of activity to asking questions. In other words, when things get tough, some people tend to start taking action after action without gathering information about the situation or the effects of those actions. But to succeed in balancing complex forces and make good decisions, the opposite is needed; when things become challenging is exactly when we need more information, not less. Communication goes two ways: when you don’t communicate out, you’re also not getting new info in.

As an example, Dörner looks at the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, when a nuclear reactor exploded at the atomic energy plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine, polluting the surrounding area and most of Europe with radioactivity. The engineers had decided to conduct an experiment to improve safety systems at the plant and reduce the operating capacity of the reactor to 25%. Instead, the operator inadvertently reduced the capacity to 1% by using manual controls, missing the fact that the system had automatic damping functions that also kicked in. Operating at such a low level is dangerous because the reactor becomes unstable, with irregularities in nuclear fission as a result. Operators knew that this situation was dangerous and immediately took steps to monitor and correct the resulting capacity level. Each step they took affected the capacity in one direction or another, however, which eventually led to the explosion. Dörner says, “This tendency to ‘oversteer’ is characteristic of human interaction with dynamic systems…We find a tendency, under time pressure, to apply overdoses of established measure. We find an inability to think in terms of nonlinear networks of causation—an inability, that is, to properly assess the side effects and repercussions of one’s behavior.”

We also benefit from sharing our work with those who will make use of it, even when it all goes horribly wrong, because, as Dörner says, “theoretical knowledge [of risks and consequences] is not the same thing as hands-on knowledge.” The operators at Chernobyl violated some safety precautions during the event, just as we all tend to bend rules, usually without suffering any consequences for it. But they didn’t “conceive of the danger in a concrete way,” just as your team may not fully understand the implications of decisions that entertain a little bit of risk. Especially when what you are working on isn’t a nuclear reactor, it can be tempting to just launch it into the wild rather than testing it in a contained way.

When we hunker down when things go wrong, we rob ourselves of the information and perspectives of those who could spot our mistakes and help us correct them. Sharing isn’t just about communicating what works, but about helping everyone avoid oversteering and missing the nuances in complex systems.

Be Disciplined and Intentional About Sharing

Sharing work with those who haven’t been closely involved is so valuable, but it also takes some effort to prepare for. Even with a group that holds different views and has different skills, once an idea has made it through the group’s exploration and deciding stage, they are naturally attached to it. This idea may even be something you’ve asked people to “disagree and commit” to. This step doesn’t need to become a huge effort, especially early on, but it also won’t just happen naturally. As you begin sharing an idea that is more and more developed, it can be tempting to just start lobbing work out to an audience and assume the feedback will be useful. But to get the most out of your collaboration, it’s important that you know what questions you have and share work that will get you answers to those questions. The team should also be clear on whether what you’re sharing is something small that you will grow over time, incrementally, or whether you’re open to actually throwing out previous work to make a new iteration. When you plan properly to find out what others think, it yields so many rich benefits; but when sharing work “just happens” at the end of a sprint, your team may get distracted or bogged down in feedback that is not actionable or leads you astray.

There has been much written on the art and science of conducting user research, and my advice in this area is simple: hire professionals to do it. That being said, a collaboration that wants to get close to users means even the nonprofessionals should get some experience understanding their audience. When doing upfront, exploratory research, in which you’re being omnivorous and nonjudgmental with people to understand how they see the landscape you’re working in, it’s important to be disciplined in your approach.

Know What You Are Listening For

The best way to prepare for research is to create (or, better, always have) a running list of questions and assumptions you want to learn more about. At the start of your project and each cycle, turn back to your objectives that say what you think will happen and why, based on what you know and what you can guess. These questions will form the basis of a plan to guide you.

A basic plan should have:

  • A statement of the objective, or the part of the objective you are focused on. For example, if your objective is improving physical security at a location, and the idea(s) being tested focus only on stopping tailgating (i.e., people following others into a site without badging in), state that.

  • The key questions you want answered, such as: Is the solution understandable? Will people adopt it? Does it appear to take too much effort? These are often the same questions that came up when the team was developing the idea. Review what was contentious about the idea to see what others think.

  • The method you will use to test ideas out. Are you showing people example solutions in context for them to use? Or are you sharing a description of a solution in a conference room or over a video call?

  • Who you will share the work with and how you will reach them. If the people you need are difficult to schedule and talk to, you should plan for that. Especially if you are working with customers, you may need to follow certain rules or enlist others in the organization to get to them.

In Just Enough Research (A Book Apart), Erika Hall says, “assumptions are insults,” and she’s right. However, since we can’t know everything all the time, we can’t avoid making them. What you can do is be clear and transparent with yourself and the team about just what truths you hold to be self-evident, and revisit them when you hear something that doesn’t fit. Most likely when feedback doesn’t match the team’s expectations, you are running into an assumption that should be challenged and revised. A red flag is when a person or team begins discounting what they hear from outsiders because it doesn’t fit with their worldview. If you can keep your own head on straight, you can help model the behavior of checking assumptions, and eventually get the group to police themselves and each other. Learning to get past bias is a behavior that can be learned, and it pays great dividends. You can help teams that struggle with this by pointing to or adding the assumption in your plan to make sure you don’t take it for granted.

It’s generally preferred to work with people one-on-one, or in realistic groups that reflect actual usage. In large panels of strangers, or focus groups, data can be skewed by participants who dominate the conversation or who express agreement they may not actually feel.

Fidelity Matters

The way the team shares work will vary depending on what solutions you have and where you are in the process. From sharing rough napkin sketches with stakeholders, to acting out proposed services or processes, to creating prototypes of products to test with users, what’s important is not so much how you go about testing the team’s ideas, but that you do it regularly and take what you hear to heart.

The level of fidelity you show should match your level of confidence in your ideas. When your prototypes of an initial concept are polished and seem finished, people may think the work is further along than it is. Their feedback may be about details, rather than the big idea. This is not to say you should tell those who test out a low-fidelity prototype that you don’t want to hear their opinions on details. But it does mean that you should focus your inquiry on the areas you are prepared to take input on. When working both with your external customers and even internally, never shut down an avenue of feedback. Even if you aren’t prepared or mandated to do something about it, if you shut it down in one area, you run the risk of shutting it down where you want to hear it. Instead, take a note and move on. You can always share it with those responsible for that aspect, or discard it in your own analysis.

Be careful not to focus only on building artifacts to share without going through the expansive thinking and decision-making we looked at in the last chapter. I hear from many people, often those who are experiencing “collaboration fatigue,” that “just getting something done” is a more effective use of time. If a team isn’t able to come together long enough, and productively enough, to do things like set a brief or throw away constraints, prototypes are just manifestations of someone’s pet ideas. Certainly, it’s better to have something tangible for your customers and stakeholders to react to. As my former boss, John Edson of McKinsey Digital, says, “You can’t steer a parked car,” and building something is one way to get the car going. You can always pull a 180 if needed. Prototypes are a great way to learn more about how good an idea is, but it’s always wise to make sure you’ve set some clear objectives (Chapter 6) and thought through a few different approaches using divergent thinking (Chapter 7), rather than just jumping into prototyping the first idea.

Be Disciplined About Gathering Feedback

As you prepare your plan, think about how you will keep track of the feedback you receive. If you are conducting a large-scale quantitative study, you’ll likely be gathering a mix of freeform discussion and more specific, bounded questions. If the approach is qualitative, you will be collecting richer, less structured info from fewer people. Capturing these two forms of information requires different approaches.

For the more open-ended discussion, be sure to have an outline of the kinds of questions to ask, but don’t feel beholden to following it slavishly. Appoint one person to be a note taker specifically for each session, and if possible keep it consistent between one or two people. Provide note takers with a script to mark up.

The key things you should look for are:

  • How well the person understands what you are showing at first. Do they ask clarifying questions? Are they able to jump in and try something, or do they hesitate?

  • How eager they are to try it. Skepticism isn’t necessarily bad, but it can be an indication that the person doesn’t understand or get the value of what you are showing.

  • Whether they can use the artifact without help, or whether they make mistakes.

For more bounded data, you can ask people questions verbally or provide a survey to complete. I find that asking people to complete forms takes them out of the moment and leads to comments you may not understand later, but if there’s a large amount of information to capture it may be required.

It’s also useful to take images of key points or make recordings to share highlights with those who weren’t there. Not every situation lends itself to this, so think through how you’ll capture some of the more expressive aspects of sessions. I suggest having a checklist of images you want for the note taker so they don’t forget in the heat of the moment.

One question that comes up often is about sample size. There are many different opinions about how many people you need to speak with, depending on your situation. A rule of thumb I use for one-on-one qualitative research in this part of the process is to start with five to seven people per segment (e.g., sales people versus managers) and see if you can identify patterns among them. If what you are learning doesn’t seem to lead in a direction with that many people, you can add more.

Making Use of What You Learn

Because we are so used to showing only “finished” work, rather than intentionally subjecting partial and imperfect work to scrutiny, we don’t have a lot of experience making use of feedback on what we create. We may have experience taking a manager’s input or including subject-matter expert information, but when we expose our somewhat raw thinking to strangers or those we don’t know well, we can tend to get defensive or overwhelmed. It’s also common to feel like receiving anything but glowing acceptance means we’ve failed. Mastering collaboration means helping people get over themselves to use what they find to strengthen ideas, and to avoid face-plants caused by problems we never saw coming.

It’s also a good idea to check in after every session and have the team do a quick round-up of what they’re hearing. You don’t want to have them drawing concrete conclusions based on the first thing they hear, but by calling out big insights, or by discussing things that should change about the way the session is moderated, the team can stay on the same page and keep things fresh.

Don’t Get Defensive

The first thing to continually remind teams testing out their work is that the feedback isn’t personal. The information won’t make it into performance reviews; it doesn’t go on a permanent record. A better way to think about testing ideas is as an exploration to incorporate more perspectives or as an evaluation, not a pass/fail test. The idea is not to see whether an idea passes muster, but how well it works. This means avoiding talking in absolutes and focusing people to ask and hear “how well” and “why” something works or not.

Watch for team members who try to argue against feedback that’s inconvenient. While it’s possible that there’s a study participant who “doesn’t get it,” it’s more likely that the team member isn’t understanding what seems clear to the rest of the team. Common causes of disconnects (besides faults with the idea itself) are:

Use of jargon or shorthand that isn’t shared
Help teams avoid this by editing their scripts to remove things that seem to be inside baseball, especially when testing with users. It’s also good to have multiple ways to explain the problem and the solution.
Failure to ground the solution in a problem
We sometimes assume that a problem is understood and experienced the same way for everyone. If the participant seems confused, try explaining the problem being addressed before launching back into explaining the solution.
Moving too quickly
Because you are familiar with the work, you may tend to rush through any context setting when sharing it. The note taker or others in the session can be helpful in applying the brakes if the person leading the session is going too fast.

I also look out for when study participants ask things like, “Can it do X?” about something the team has considered but hasn’t shown for whatever reason. The tendency is to rush to explain all of the things that aren’t in what’s being tested and further distracting the participant. Instead, I coach people to ask, “Why would that be useful?” so that the discussion can stay focused on hearing from the participant.

How to Handle Different Opinions

Often people who aren’t professional researchers complain that, in talking to study participants, “everyone says something different,” and they struggle to make sense of what feels like random feedback or an endless series of personal preferences. Divergent feedback is often tied to key behavioral differences in your participants, like their level of experience in a domain or whether they use solutions on the go versus in a set location.

Illumina, a genetic sequencing and analysis company in Hayward, California, wanted to understand how scientists used their tools in a variety of settings, from large research labs like the Broad Institute at MIT, to small independent investigations in labs at Stanford. We visited different settings to see the equipment in action; what we were looking for wasn’t about the fundamental science being done, but rather how the different environments affected the usage of the equipment. At a large organization researchers handed off samples to be processed by large teams of specialists, while in a small lab, the researchers themselves had to process their samples. This meant that the actual users were quite different in the two settings. We used the differences in what we heard to support two distinct usage modes—one for high-frequency users who were very close to the equipment but not the science, and one that guided scientists working on their own experiments less frequently. Your team should look for these types of patterns and divergences in what they are hearing and not get lost in the details of each individual user.

Sometimes feedback is divergent because people have different reasons for offering it. In writing this book I had a circle of thoughtful reviewers who helped me shape the raw material into what you are reading today. There were several parts where one person commented on a section saying, “I love this, don’t change it,” while another said, “I’d get rid of this.” In those cases, I needed to focus on why they were offering that guidance to decide what to do with it. If you hear something that runs counter to what others have said, it’s a good idea to ask why they are making the suggestion or critique.

Don’t Fear Failure

Silicon Valley loves the “fail fast” maxim, which has been a point of contention for many. Most people with experience “failing” understand this to mean that not passing the test with flying colors is actually a chance to learn, not a prompt to throw everything away or become discouraged.

When I worked on a device that enabled people with reading disabilities or vision impairments to “read” text by photographing it and having it read aloud back to them, our first prototype was an unmitigated disaster. Because the core technology of the product was a camera, we had borrowed the form factor from cameras, requiring people to hold the back of the device facing what they were capturing. But while cameras are meant to photograph the world around you, often text you are reading is lying flat in front of you. As we watched little old ladies with shaking hands try to hold a heavy brick in an awkward position, we cringed. When we regrouped afterward, the predominant feeling in the room was pain and shame for having a terrible solution. The team sat with their discomfort for half an hour, but then the tone shifted. One person suggested a simple fix: to relocate the camera to the bottom of the device, making it easier to hold, and more flexible for other uses as well. Feedback may not always be positive, but it’s always useful.

Experiencing failure is actually a great way to find what works, as each failure closes off an option, leaving fewer to explore. Katherine Johnson, the NASA mathematician whose calculations enabled our first trips to the moon and more, has described her role as follows: “We were error checkers. We did the math the men didn’t want to. We were experts in error and failure. I simply kept fact checking all the errors until the only thing left was the answer.”

Troubleshooting Getting Feedback

It can be scary to put work that isn’t “finished” in front of those it’s intended to serve. This section covers some common challenges you may encounter and ideas for how to get past them so you can learn what works, and what doesn’t.

Participants Are Confused

During an evaluation session you may notice people aren’t quite following along. That could be a sign of a bad idea or solution being tested, but more likely it’s because the person leading the session is moving too quickly or not explaining things well. When participants get lost, their feedback is likely to be negative because they feel defensive or “stupid.”

So what can I do?

Have a “high sign”
I make sure that in every session the person leading the discussion checks in periodically with other teammates in the room, but it’s also good to arrange a signal that tells the moderator to stop and check in. This can be a simple hand raise, or it may be a verbal cue that isn’t totally interruptive of the session. You don’t want others just jumping in or trying to clarify; instead, let the moderator know to stop and ask questions of teammates.
Do a couple of dry runs with people who aren’t familiar with the effort to weed out jargon, and work on the pacing of the introduction and questions. You aren’t necessarily taking the feedback from these rehearsals seriously, though you never know when a big “a-ha!” might arrive based on a newcomer’s perspective.
Regroup after every session
You can always improve the way sessions go, so encourage the team to look back together at the questions being asked and the speed of the sessions to see if there are refinements that need to be made to get better feedback. Make sure that the whole team is holding the moderator accountable for keeping things clear and well paced.

Leading the Witness

A frequent mistake inexperienced moderators of feedback sessions make is to start asking yes/no questions, or leading people by asking, “Don’t you think that…” instead of leaving things more open. This is especially prevalent toward the end of a series of sessions where the team has started to see patterns and seeks confirmation rather than critique.

So what can I do?

Follow the “script”
If you notice this behavior, direct the person leading the session back to the outline you prepared. You can use a hand signal during the session that means, “keep it open-ended,” so that the flow isn’t interrupted and the moderator isn’t being criticized in front of participants. But you don’t want to taint your findings with responses that have been coached.
Focus on asking “why?”
Coach the team on and even practice asking open-ended questions, not just in feedback sessions with those who are testing out ideas, but with stakeholders as well. Instead of “Does this help you do X?” try “How well does this help you do X?” When the team hears feedback that is either surprising or consistent with a pattern, it’s still always a good idea to ask why or say, “Tell me more about that,” so that they can gain meaningful insight from the answers they are getting.

Too Many Observers

It can be exciting to hear directly from those you are serving, and at times there are those outside of the core team who will want to be in sessions because they have a relationship with the participants or just are very curious. It’s great when people want this exposure, since it’s often both inspiring and a source of great information, but having more than three people in a room can be overwhelming to a single participant.

So what can I do?

Have people watch or listen remotely
Setting up a video call or conference call for others to listen in from outside the room is useful. It’s also a good way to conduct sessions when you can’t be face-to-face. Since many calling systems have recording capabilities built in, this is also an easy way to record what you are hearing.
Mix it up
Have different people attend different sessions so that a wider group gets exposure to users without overloading the participant. It’s important that there’s consistency among those who are capturing findings and preparing to report them.


Just as you need to be intentional about going broad to get new ideas, you also need to be sure to share them early and often. Sharing ideas isn’t so much about asking stakeholders and subject-matter experts for their opinions, but about getting solutions into the hands of their intended users to see how they actually perform. Testing ideas can take many forms, from explaining a scenario, to sharing rough sketches, to creating a prototype. Teams should be sure not to make ideas that are very rough look more “finished” than they are, so that participants don’t get misled by details that haven’t been thought through.

Sharing work will help you learn and avoid blind spots. Teams can mitigate the risk of making mistakes that carry consequences by testing their ideas out in a safe “lab” setting, with a small group. Be sure that you actually listen to the feedback you get and make use of what you learn, because it can be tempting to get defensive and dismiss negative feedback if you aren’t ready to hear it.

Key Takeaways

  • Be sure the team shares the work they do with those it’s intended to serve early and often. Getting outside perspectives on ideas is a great way to find their flaws and refine them.

  • When the going gets rough, teams naturally turn inward to protect themselves. It’s especially important when things go wrong to gather outside perspectives and not let stress or fear lead you to simply make course correction after course correction.

  • Conducting research with end users takes discipline to hear a range of perspectives and make sense of them. Teams should be clear about what they are looking to learn, and create artifacts that help them learn it.

  • Just asking for feedback isn’t enough. Teams need to be able to take in positive and negative feedback in a constructive way to make use of it and get the benefits of outside perspectives.

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