Chapter 8. HTTP/2

8.0 Introduction

HTTP/2 is a major revision to the HTTP protocol. Much of the work done in this version was focused on the transport layer, such as enabling full request and response multiplexing over a single TCP connection. Efficiencies were gained through the use of compression on HTTP header fields, and support for request prioritization was added. Another large addition to the protocol was the ability for the server to push messages to the client. This chapter details the basic configuration for enabling HTTP/2 in NGINX as well as configuring Google’s open source remote procedure call (gRPC) and HTTP/2 server push support.

8.1 Basic Configuration


You want to take advantage of HTTP/2.


Turn on HTTP/2 on your NGINX server:

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2 default_server;
    ssl_certificate    server.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key server.key;
    # ...


To turn on HTTP/2, you simply need to add the http2 parameter to the listen directive. The catch, however, is that although the protocol does not require the connection to be wrapped in SSL/TLS, some implementations of HTTP/2 clients support only HTTP/2 over an encrypted connection. Another caveat is that the HTTP/2 specification has blocked a number of TLS 1.2 cipher suites, and therefore will fail the handshake. The ciphers NGINX uses by default are not on the blocklist. The Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation of TLS allows the application layer to negotiate which protocol should be used over the secure connection to avoid additional round trips. To test that your setup is correct, you can install a plug-in for Chrome and Firefox browsers that indicates when a site is using HTTP/2, or on the command line with the nghttp utility.

8.2 gRPC


You need to terminate, inspect, route, or load balance gRPC method calls.


Use NGINX to proxy gRPC connections.

server {
    listen 80 http2;

    location / {
        grpc_pass grpc://backend.local:50051;

In this configuration, NGINX is listening on port 80 for unencrypted HTTP/2 traffic, and proxying that traffic to a machine named backend.local on port 50051. The grpc_pass directive instructs NGINX to treat the communication as a gRPC call. The grpc:// in front of our backend server location is not necessary; however, it does directly indicate that the backend communication is not encrypted.

To utilize TLS encryption between the client and NGINX, and terminate that encryption before passing the calls to the application server, turn on SSL and HTTP/2, as you did in the first section:

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2 default_server;
    ssl_certificate    server.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key server.key;
    location / {
        grpc_pass grpc://backend.local:50051;

This configuration terminates TLS at NGINX and passes the gRPC communication to the application over unencrypted HTTP/2.

To configure NGINX to encrypt the gRPC communication to the application server, providing end-to-end encrypted traffic, simply modify the grpc_pass directive to specify grpcs:// before the server information (note the addition of the s denoting secure communication):

        grpc_pass grpcs://backend.local:50051;

You also can use NGINX to route calls to different backend services based on the gRPC URI, which includes the package, service, and method. To do so, utilize the location directive.

location /mypackage.service1 {
    grpc_pass grpc://$grpc_service1;
location /mypackage.service2 {
    grpc_pass grpc://$grpc_service2;
location / {
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    index index.html index.htm;

This configuration example uses the location directive to route incoming HTTP/2 traffic between two separate gRPC services, as well as a location to serve static content. Method calls for the mypackage.service1 service are directed to the value of the variable grpc_service1 which may contain a hostname or IP and optional port. Calls for mypackage.service2 are directed to the value of the variable grpc_service2. The location / catches any other HTTP request and serves static content. This demonstrates how NGINX is able to serve gRPC and non-gRPC under the same HTTP/2 endpoint and route accordingly.

Load balancing gRPC calls is also similar to non-gRPC HTTP traffic:

upstream grpcservers {
    server backend1.local:50051;
    server backend2.local:50051;
server {
    listen 443 ssl http2 default_server;
    ssl_certificate    server.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key server.key;
    location / {
        grpc_pass grpc://grpcservers;

The upstream block works the exact same way for gRPC as it does for other HTTP traffic. The only difference is that the upstream is referenced by grpc_pass.


NGINX is able to receive, proxy, load balance, route, and terminate encryption for gRPC calls. The gRPC module enables NGINX to set, alter, or drop gRPC call headers, set timeouts for requests, and set upstream SSL/TLS specifications. As gRPC communicates over the HTTP/2 protocol, you can configure NGINX to accept gRPC and non-gRPC web traffic on the same endpoint.

8.3 HTTP/2 Server Push


You need to preemptively push content to the client.


Use the HTTP/2 server push feature of NGINX.

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2 default_server;
    ssl_certificate    server.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key server.key;
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;

    location = /demo.html {
        http2_push /style.css;
        http2_push /image1.jpg;


To use HTTP/2 server push, your server must be configured for HTTP/2, as is done in Recipe 7.1. From there, you can instruct NGINX to push specific files preemptively with the http2_push directive. This directive takes one parameter, the full URI path of the file to push to the client.

NGINX can also automatically push resources to clients if proxied applications include an HTTP response header named Link. This header is able to instruct NGINX to preload the resources specified. To enable this feature, add http2_push_preload on; to the NGINX configuration.

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