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Not yet! There’s a long pathway (some feel it is a minefield) to navigate from applying for a position to starting work. Challenges begin when applying for the job and trying to be selected by the dreaded application tracking system - the computer program that “tells” the nurse recruiter which candidates to look at first. Then there are interviews where your background and nursing knowledge come under close scrutiny. Then there’s the interview: a game of strategies where you anticipate the interviewer’s moves and motivations, then try to respond appropriately knowing that the wrong word or gesture might injure your chances of being hired. And don’t forget the pre-employment online tests that send a chill through even the most experienced nurses who probably haven’t been formally tested in years. Worse, some healthcare facilities report that more nurses fail than pass pre-employment online nursing tests. The way to the nursing job of your dreams has more than a few hurdles.

Welcome to the new world of nursing! Cracking the Nursing Interview is here to help by providing you with information you need to know about the interview process, sample questions and tips that will likely appear in the interview, detailed review “cheat sheets” so that you will be prepared and confident, and more.

This book won’t get you a nursing job...but the book provides insights and strategies that help you:

Leverage your experience, whether a novice or seasoned professional.

Beat the application tracking system at its own game with strategies that work.

Successfully surmount what might seem insurmountable interview hurdles.

Review material designed to help you pass pre-employment nursing tests.

This book was written to help you get the job you want. Much of what is written here may seem simple or even self-evident, but it is better to be prepared, confident and succeed than to lose a job because of something that could have easily been avoided. This applies to any existing nurse, nurses who may be looking for a job broader in scope than their current one, to candidates looking for their first job, for those still in school, looking forward to becoming a nurse or even those considering nursing as a profession.

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