We hope the three high-performance habits shared in Do What Matters Most have had a significant impact in your life. As you read throughout the book, the promise is that these habits will increase performance and productivity by at least 30 to 50 percent, and more importantly, empower people to prioritize their time and do what matters most!

These discussion questions are meant to summarize the book and should be considered from an individual and team level.


  1. What areas of your personal and professional lives would you like to improve? What is your current mindset toward those areas?
  2. How do you currently measure performance and productivity in your life?
  3. Using the Do What Matters Most matrix, what quadrant do you spend most of your time in? Why?
  4. Because we have all been in different quadrants at different times, how would you describe the emotions associated with each quadrant?
  5. What is the difference in feeling between Q2 and every other quadrant?
  6. How would a guiding personal vision affect your life for good?
  7. What specific area of your life would be most affected by having more direction and focus?
  8. There are four questions in the book designed to fire up your imagination prior to writing your vision. How would you answer each of these?

    A. In 10 to 20 years, what are some things you want to do and accomplish?

    B. Think of any mentors or people who have inspired you (these can be people you know personally or people you know through history). What are the traits, characteristics, and qualities that you admire about each of these people?

    C. What would you like to improve in your job, your home, or your community?

    D. Fifty years from today, whether you are alive or not, how do you hope others will look back and describe you?

  9. What are the five to seven most important roles in your life (personal/ self,* job title, parent, spouse/partner, brother/sister, son/daughter, etc.)? *Remember, personal or self is the most important role!
  10. What is your vision for each of those roles (the absolute best version of yourself by role)?
  11. What was the experience of developing your written personal vision like for you?
  12. Where will you put your personal vision so that you can reference it each week as part of pre-week planning?
  13. What are one to four SMART goals (by role) for this year that support your vision?
  14. What was the experience of developing your roles and goals like for you?
  15. Who are three to five people who you could share your goals with to increase accountability?
  16. Who else do you know who would benefit from developing their vision and goals?
  17. How can pre-week planning help you prioritize your time and do what matters most?
  18. When is the best time of the week to allocate 20 to 40 minutes to do pre-week planning? Have you set a reminder on your phone?
  19. What is one habit you would like to develop, change, or stop?
  20. How can the big three empower you to do what matters most? In other words, how will they improve your life?


  1. What is the current mindset and culture that exists within your team?
  2. How do you measure performance and productivity?
  3. What can each team member do to be a better contributor or leader?
  4. How can your team be more aligned around a compelling vision?
  5. What would be the impact on your team if each person had a written personal vision?
  6. Does the personal vision of your team members and coworkers align with their role and the vision of the organization? If so, great. If not, why?
  7. How does your team feel about goal setting?
  8. How many team members currently have specific, measurable goals for the month, quarter, or year?
  9. How often do you or your team review your goals?
  10. How can the goals be worded to eliminate such words as more or better? In other words, how can they be worded in a way that creates a clear target?
  11. How are your team members or coworkers prioritizing their time to do what matters most?
  12. How can pre-week planning help your team members or coworkers improve their focus on what matters most?
  13. If each person reviewed their monthly, quarterly, or annual goals each week as part of pre-week planning, what impact would it have on the team?
  14. Is there a team member who you can join up with as an accountability partner to develop the habit of pre-week planning each week?
  15. How aligned is your team currently? How could pre-week planning help each individual be more aligned to what matters most?
  16. Do you meet weekly as a team to make sure you are aligned? If not, when could you?
  17. If you could wave a magic wand and improve one aspect of your team, what would it be?
  18. How can the big three help your coworkers or team members increase performance and productivity?
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