Appendix C

Sample Requirements Management Plan


Organization Name

Project Title

Requirements Management Plan (RMP)

Draft Version: 1.0

Date Prepared:

Prepared by:

Document Information

Revision History



The signatures below confirm that this document has been reviewed and is complete and accurate for the project.


1.0 Introduction

Overview of Scope

Describe the purpose, scope, and objectives of the document.

This document describes the guidelines used by the project for eliciting, analyzing, specifying, documenting and validating the business requirements. In addition, it describes the process to be used for requirement traceability and change management. This document is a subsidiary element of the overall project plan.

Overview of Requirements Standards

Provide an overview of the organizational standards, how they have been tailored for this project, and any additional project-specific guidelines and expectations.

Related Documents

List all related document, such as: program documents, test plans, glossaries, standard operating procedures/work instructions. For existing documents, provide author, issue date and storage location of the electronic version. Potential examples include:

Business Case Document [insert author, date and location]

Business Requirements Document [insert author, date and location]

Supplementary Requirements Specification [insert author, date and location]


2.0 Stakeholders

List the stakeholders who are involved in the requirements definition and management process.

This is a listing of the stakeholders that will be involved in requirements gathering, documenting and management. This is not an exhaustive project stakeholder analysis, but is meant to provide the preliminary information needed to begin the requirements elicitation activities. It will also contribute to the overall stakeholder analysis completed by the project manager.

Open Stakeholder Issues:

Sample: Lack of agreement on product champion role

Open Stakeholder Risks:

Sample: Lack of access to stakeholders for business requirements


3.0 Users

List end users who are involved in the requirements management process

This is a listing of the end user groups that will be involved in the project. This is not an exhaustive user stakeholder analysis, but is meant to provide the preliminary information needed to begin the requirements elicitation activities. It will also contribute to the overall stakeholder analysis completed by the project manager.

Open User Involvement Issues:

Sample: Lack of funding to cover all user classes

Open User Involvement Risks:

Sample: Lack of access to users for use case development


4.0 Requirement Deliverables

4.1 Documents and Models

List the requirement documents, deliverables and other artifacts that will be created by the project team. Examples of requirement artifacts appear below; it is not meant to be an exhaustive list.

The following requirement artifacts are required for this project.


4.2 Attributes

Separately list the information that is required when specifying requirements. Sample information required appears below; it is not meant to be an exhaustive list.

The following is a list, by requirement type, of the required information that must be captured for each type of artifact.

Requirement Attributes for Functional Requirements

# (unique identifier)


Benefit/business value (quantified or high/medium/low)

Effort (quantified or high/medium/low)




Event/use case number

Supporting materials/documents

Dependencies (required whether manual or automated system)

Change history (this may be unnecessary if requirements are managed by an automated application)

Priority (based on business value)

Requirement Attributes for Supplemental Requirements

Effort (quantified or high/medium/low)

Requirement Attributes for Actors

Name and brief description of role

Requirement Attributes for Use Cases


Brief description

Basic flow

Alternate flow

Special requirements





5.0 Verification and Validation Processes

Allocation Process

Describe the requirement allocation process.

Traceability Process

Describe the requirements traceability process.

Peer Review Process

Describe the peer review process.

Customer Review Process

Describe the process and participants for the customer review process.

Management Review Process

Describe the process and participants for the management review process, including the requirements phase-exit control gate review.


6.0 Change Management Processes

Change Management Process

Describe the requirements change management process.

7.0 Risk Management

Describe the requirement risk identification, assessment, and risk response planning process.

Note: the requirement risk management process is provided to the project manager for further incorporation into the overall project risk management plan.


8.0 Deliverables Owners, Dependencies, and Resource Estimates

Provide project planning detail for all the artifacts to be created to manage requirements. Note: this list should include all deliverables listed in Section 4.0. Examples of requirement artifacts appear below; it is not meant to be an exhaustive list.

The requirements deliverables, ownership, and project planning information are as follows.

Requirements Development Artifacts

Requirements Management Artifacts

Environmental Needs and Responsibilities

Provide details of any special environment set-up needs. This section covers office space, equipment needs, and software tool needs. Resources may be available within the organization but need to be identified for scheduling and chargebacks.

The environmental needs for the project are as follows.


Provide details of training required for all core and extended team members to accomplish the requirement activities.

The training needs for the project are as follows.

Requirements Schedule

Provide the milestone schedule commitments to be used in overall project planning.

The requirements milestones and schedule for the project are as follows.


9.0 Glossary

Define key requirements terms to be included in the overall project glossary. Define terms in natural, nontechnical language.

Key requirements terms

Key term 1—explanation of term

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