The nature of praxis is that we do our best to contribute to growth and change, and then afterward, at least for a few moments, we savor and reflect on our experience for the inspiration and learning it can provide us. I wish to share a few such moments with you now.

My praxis for the activism involved in completing this book begins with extending my profound appreciation to you for investing the time to learn tools that can make you a more empowering resource for your family and our communities. Even in the process of learning, you are contributing energy to the Great Turning. I would be glad to hear of your achievements and learnings regarding family activism, via robertovargas.com.

This writing experience has aided me in clarifying the tools involved in family activism, the importance of this activism, and the need for you and me to take these tools to the next level. For more than twenty-five years, I have sought to develop my networks of family and friends, mostly to create for us a community that supports our collective happiness, success, and activism, and to learn more about family activism. Much of what I learned I either applied in my consultation or organizing work or sought to teach by modeling. Not until the preparation of this book was I forced to explain principles and practices that were still rather intuitive. I was like a self-taught cook who, after many years of preparing complex meals, now sought to spell out the recipes and directions in writing. Responding to this challenge has taught me more about what I know—and what I wish to learn.


The co-powering message is reflected in Andrea’s art. This watercolor painting titled ¡Si, Se Puede! captures Oakland youth chanting that “Yes, we can make positive change.”

I want to learn more about co-powering communications. I want to identify conocimiento questions that can be used to help family and friends more strongly connect with their power to support family and engage in the activism of change. I want to learn more about using our family conversations to develop a mature understanding of our social reality and transformation, and other ways to foster social consciousness. I want to learn more about how to move families from sharing love and inspiration with each other to engaging in more strategic community action directed to changing institutions, advocacy efforts, community self-help, political campaigns, and other initiatives for change. And I want to learn more about how to activate people, and how to encourage people to live up to their own community service goals.

While working on the book, I have spoken with many new acquaintances about family activism. The discussions have been affirming and inspiring. Repeatedly, people have voiced their 233 excitement about the idea of family activism because it inspires hope and affirms their commitments. A father who is actively involved in supporting political campaigns said he needed to hear validation for spending more time with his children because he was feeling guilty about doing less of the “more important political work.” Similarly, a physician whose life is overly full serving people with AIDS and caring for her two young children expressed how wonderful it felt to recognize that dedicating time to her children is also being socially responsible. These and other conversations pointed to the importance of balance, cultivating healthy families, and developing our children to become confident, caring, and activist people.

People remarked that we could become a powerful social change movement if we incorporated the principles of family activism within our community service and political action organizations. We need to develop more family and community values within our service organizations to attract others, to sustain those who are involved, and to actually be the change we desire in the world.

These conversations were uplifting and, sometimes, frustrating. Uplifting because they reaffirmed the importance of family activism to sustain our commitment and create our desired cultural transformation. Frustrating because they made apparent the enormous need for additional organizations and tools to sustain those already involved in family activism, and those who need to learn these skills to support their family and communities.

Family activism is an art form still in its early stages. While we can apply the methods of family activism, we need to further evolve these tools and strategies for social-action–oriented community building, organizing, and advocacy. I believe that as we mature as activists, we will develop new and powerful ways to support each other in building a society that works for all. If so, the emerging movement for living porvida love will blossom.

I again extend my prayers and blessings to you for your commitment and service.

  • May you and yours be blessed with much health and wisdom.
  • May we create for ourselves and our families great lives of happiness and service.
  • 234 May we find the ways to transform the selfishness, fear, and irresponsible institutions that limit our individual and social potential.
  • May we do our part to restore and advance the well-being of Mother Earth and our human family.
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