
The maturing of greening as a consumer phenomenon, and its decided shift from the fringe into the mainstream, changes the rules of green marketing. A new green marketing paradigm now exists. It is characterized by a keen sensitivity for the total person who constitutes one’s consumer and his or her new needs for brands that balance age-old benefits of performance, affordability, and convenience with minimal environmental and social impacts, and engage their consumers in meaningful dialogue. Manufacturers, retailers, and marketers looking to sustain their businesses long into the future must heed these new rules with communications that empower their consumers to act on pressing issues backed up by a proactive and demonstrated corporate commitment to conducting business in a sustainable way.

Meeting today’s consumer needs won’t be easy. Many challenges are associated with sustainable branding and green marketing – and many notable attempts, inadvertent or deliberate, of “greenwashing” abound.

But consumers want worthy businesses to succeed. As evidenced by growing participation on corporate-sponsored websites, Facebook pages, and the like, consumers are willing partners with favorite brands in the quest for innovative new ideas. In addition, much support is available from a plethora of new corporate stakeholders, among them voluntary government programs, environmental advocates willing to share expertise and partner in positive relationships, retailers looking for greener offerings, and even educators of our youth.

The marketplace will become greener and more socially aware in the years and decades ahead. Consumers’ understanding of all things “green” and “sustainable” will grow, and with it their demands for more information about the eco and social performance of the products and services they buy. Businesses looking to build authentic, sustainable brands will start to ask the many questions outlined on the checklists provided throughout this book; businesses that are already leading the way will use those questions to refine their offerings and make their brands even more credible and relevant.

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