
WE WROTE THIS BOOK TO ENCOURAGE senior leaders to embrace the power of mobile social media to augment the timeless power of learning. While developing this content, we took our own counsel by using various social tools to connect with several hundred people teeming with stories of adventure and “aha” moments.

By describing their challenges and successes, the people introduced in this book demonstrate the tremendous impact social tools can have in companies, on communities, and for those who engage with them. We hope their examples inspire you as much as they have inspired us.

We deeply appreciate the extra time given by Traci Wolbrink, Jeffrey Burns, Geoff Fowler, Don Burke, Dan Pontefract, Simon Terry, Andi Campbell, and Kevin Jones, who shared their organizations’ progress.

Alvaro Caballero, Dany DeGrave, Sheila Babnis, Ayelet Baron, Ben Brooks, Jamie Pappas, Kevin Prentiss, Janhavi Kirtane, Natalie Burke, Graham Brown-Martin, Rachel Happe, Trisha Liu, Laurie Ledford, Wendy Lamin, Monty Flinsch, Will Deyamport, David Birnbaum, and Karen Kocher contributed their firsthand experiences so that we could share them with you.

Rick Ladd, who served as developmental editor, wrangled big ideas into carefully worded passages. Steve LeBlanc brought courage to challenging subjects. Paula Thornton surfaced the design assumptions below the message. Nicole Radziwill found the pattern under thorny data streams. Lucian Tarnowski unknowingly catalyzed the updating of this book. Joel Getzendanner and Salima Nathoo infused global sensibilities into local know-how.

Sandra Kogan, Heidi Forbes Öste, Nancy White, Rafiq Phillips, Terri Griffith, Sadat Shami, Susan Scrupski, Aaron Silvers, Gina Minks, Ed Brill, Master Burnett, Tim Collins, Chris Boyce, Megan Bowe, Tony Loyd, Rawn Shah, Karen Watson, Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy, Heather Cole, Charlie Brown, Brent Schlenker, Harold Jarche, Jon Husband, Doug Newburg, and Trisha Martinez took the time to broaden our perspective.

Marie Kenerson, Nicole Lazzaro, Jane Bozarth, Jane Hart, Clark Quinn, Mark Bonchek, Meredith Singer, Valdis Krebs, Allison Anderson, Patricia Romeo, Eugene Kim, Luis Suarez, Jay Cross, Jerry Michalski, Megan Murray, Estee Solomon Gray, Mark Oehlert, Michael Idinopulos, Judee Humburg, Dion Hinchcliffe, Deb Schultz, Rich Persaud, Ginger Sall, Alec Couros, John Seely Brown, Rob Cross, Kalimah Priforce, Wayne Hodgins, Kellee Sikes, John Stepper, Ellen Wagner, Mark Frazier, and the Change Agents Worldwide community illuminated our path. Dan Pink has generously supported our effort.

Marcia also wants to thank Karl, Clarke, and JoAnn Conner, who provided compassion, patience, and understanding in a way that proved diplomacy could exist amid last-minute meals, late-night conversations, and laptop-laden family time.

The team at ATD exemplified how people can come together for the greater good. Jennifer Homer managed the process with uncommon grace. Kathryn Stafford smoothed out our words, Justin Brusino looped in community voices, and Kristen Fyfe-Mills, Pat Galagan, Christian Green, and Kris Luecker provided terrific support on many aspects of the book.

Together these extraordinary educators made quick work of a daunting task, and we will be appreciative forever.

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