
First, thank you, dear reader and colleague! Of all the resources and options available, you chose this book. In the same way that I think of clients’ needs, constraints, resources, and unique concerns when designing learning events for their use, I thought of you throughout writing this book. As activities unfolded, I would stop to consider reasons they might not work for you, and how to fix that. I pictured you facilitating the workshops and worked to create visuals that would be meaningful to participants and helpful to you—resources that you could stand beside with comfort, confidence, and pride. Wanting you to succeed, I questioned what content may be unfamiliar to you and where you might appreciate examples, stories, or sample language to explain concepts or provide instruction. And now, you are holding this book; so, I thank you for influencing my choices in the workshop designs and in the structure and content of the book itself. I thank you for seeing something in these pages that resonated with you and your needs. Your confidence in my effort is humbling.

My involvement with this book would not have happened if not for a bread trail of incredible professionals at ATD whom I have the good fortune of knowing, including Courtney Kriebs, Pat Byrd, Jennifer Naughton, Bettina Timme, Alicia Cipriani, and others who have given me opportunities to contribute, lead, learn, grow, and influence through CPLP, ATD–CI, and ATD Education. The faith placed in a first-time author by Cat Russo and the guidance and patience of Jacki Edlund-Braun, both of Trainers Publishing House, have been a gift. They have both been vital in my ability to fulfill a longstanding ambition.

It would be short-sighted of me to thank the following colleagues and friends merely for their influence in my ability to write this book. My indebtedness to them stretches far beyond a single project. Without them, I wouldn’t be me: Susan DellCioppia, Ronnie Glotzbach, Kathy Shurte, Sarah Shannon, David Gant, Lindsey Forgash, Jim Ash, Tsi Tsi Wahkisi, and Professor Masterson.

To my cheerleaders, deadline watchers, court jesters, and all-around supporters, you make this life of mine meaningful. Christine Trust, sitting here at my desk, I see on my bookshelf every book (and there are many) you ever gave me on writing and publishing. Thank you for planting seeds. Mom and dad, every time I turn around, you are making me a better person—how can I express the depth of my appreciation for that? Matt Devlin and Kim Devlin, thank you both for freeing up bandwidth at a critical time for me to finalize this project. Nicky Velazquez, I couldn’t ask for a better friend (or better-timed encouraging nudges). Kaylon Green, you make me smile every day.

And thank you, Mick, my wonder dog!

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