The Preferences command on the File menu (on the JMP menu on Macintosh) displays the Preferences window. See Figure 12.2. Each category is described in this chapter.
Changes that you make to preferences are stored in a version-specific JMP.PFS file (for example, in C:Users<user name>AppDataLocalSASJMP<version number>). JMP looks for this file when you open the program and considers your changes to be the factory defaults. And all subsequent changes are stored in this file.
Note: The Reset to Defaults button is on every page of the preferences. Clicking the button on the General, Graphs, Reports, or Styles pages resets preferences on all of those pages. On the remaining pages, clicking the button resets preferences only on the current page.
The General page is initially displayed when you open Preferences. Most General preferences customize your JMP session at start-up. Others set preferences for file-handling and the general appearance of the JMP workspace.
Figure 12.2 General Preferences
General Preferences
Table 12.1 Preferences on the General Page 
Show Tip of the Day at startup
Select this option to show the Tip of the Day window at start-up. This option is selected by default.
Clear this option to prevent the Tip of the Day window from appearing at start-up.
Initial Splash Window
Select this option to show the initial splash window at start-up. This option is selected by default.
Clear this option to prevent the initial splash window from appearing at start-up.
Initial JMP Starter Window
(Macintosh only) Select this option to show the JMP Starter window every time you start JMP. This option is on by default.
Initial JMP Window
(Windows only) Select one of the listed windows as the default window. When JMP starts this window appears.
Reopen the initial JMP window on last window close
(Windows only) Select this option to open whichever window you have set as the Initial JMP Window when you close the last JMP window. If this option is turned off, closing the last JMP window also quits JMP.
This option is on by default.
Select Individual Excel Worksheets
Select this option to always be prompted to select specific worksheets when you open a Microsoft Excel workbook. This option is not selected by default.
On Windows, you can also select File > Open, select the workbook, click the Open button arrow, and select Open Selected Worksheets.
Note that when you open an Excel file on Macintosh, an option to select worksheets is always available.
Use Excel Labels as Headings
Select this option to allow JMP to use Excel label names as column headings when importing Excel files. Available settings include:
Use best guess (default)
Use SPSS Labels for column names during import
Select this option to allow JMP to use SPSS label names as column headings when importing SPSS files.
Show menu tips
Select this option to see tooltips on main menu options and options in red triangle menus. This option is selected by default.
Open Text File Charset
Select one of the options from the menu to determine what character encoding JMP uses to open files. Best Guess is the default.
Save Text Files as Unicode
JMP uses the Unicode character set, which supports special characters such as é and ½. It saves files without special Unicode characters as plain text automatically. This option is selected by default.
Clear this check box to save all your files as plain text.
Note that versions of JMP earlier than 5.1.2 cannot read Unicode files.
Save Journals GZ Compressed
Select this option to save JMP journals in a compressed format to save disk space.
Clear this option to save journals normally. This option is not selected by default.
Save Data Table Columns GZ Compressed
Select this option to allow JMP to save data tables using GZ compression. For backwards compatibility, JMP 10 can read the compressed files but not save them. This option is not selected by default.
Save Scripts in English
Non-English versions of JMP can save scripts in either English or your local language. User-specified values (such as column names and text strings) in these scripts appear as they do in the data table. However, command words (such as Distribution and Set Value) appear in English rather than the local language in order for the script to run on JMP in English. JMP properly displays non-Roman characters (such as Japanese variable names) in JMP in English when the fonts support the necessary characters.
Select this option to save scripts in English no matter what language JMP is using.
Clear this option to save scripts in your local language. Note that these scripts run correctly only if JMP is running in the same language. This option is selected by default.
Display indexes in English
Shows sections of the JMP Indexes in English or the current locale’s language. The preference is selected by default. When you deselect it, the following items are displayed in the current locale’s language:
The message list for objects
The message list for display boxes.
The category list for JSL functions.
Note: The description of each index item is always displayed in the current locale’s language. Examples are always in English.
Report Invalid Display Box Messages
Sends information about invalid display box messages to the log. This option is off by default.
This option can be useful during script development, but can cause unwanted log messages for existing scripts.
Add files opened by scripts to the Recent Files list
(Windows only) Select this option to include files opened by the JSL Open() command in the Home Window Recent Files pane and the File > Recent Files list.
Save the session when exiting
This option allows you to save the state of the JMP window when existing JMP. When opening JMP, the saved state is restored including any open files and windows.
Report preferences customize the appearance of reports.
Figure 12.3 Reports Preferences
Reports Preferences
Table 12.2 Preferences on the Reports Page 
Date Title on Output
Select this option to display the date and time the analysis occurred in your report windows. This option is cleared by default.
Data Table Title on Output
Select this option to display the name of the data table and notes, if there are any, at the top of the report. This option is cleared by default.
Hover Help
On some numeric output, JMP provides tooltip-style help when you circle the mouse over a result.
Select this option to see hover help where it is offered. This option is selected by default.
Close report action
Select one of the options from the menu to determine what happens when you close a report:
When you close a report, you are prompted to save it.
When you close a report, you are not prompted to save it, and the report is not saved. This is the default selection.
Save / Auto-save
When you close a report, it is automatically saved using the preference selected in the “Auto-save the report to” menu.
Auto-save the report to
Select one of the options from the menu to determine where a report is saved:
When you close a report, you are prompted for a location to save it. This is the default selection.
Data Table Script
When you close a report, it is saved as a script in the open data table.
Journal Script
When you close a report, it is saved to a journal window.
Log Window
When you close a report, its script is written to the log window.
Save table with report
Select one of the options from the menu to determine how a table is saved to a report:
When you save a report, the table is embedded into the report. Choose this option if you want to share the report with others. The data table that is stored in the report is reopened (unchanged) each time the report is opened. If you make changes to the table, they are not saved into the report unless you re-save the report.
When you save a report, the table is referenced in the report.
When you save a report, you are prompted to specify how to save the report: either to embed the table within the report, or to add a reference to the table in the report.
Prompt is selected by default.
Laser pointer
JMP has a built-in laser pointer that enables you to visually emphasize parts of a report. It is off by default.
To turn it on, select a color for the laser pointer from the menu.
Show conditional formatting
Conditionally formats the color of the text that represents the values. Available for correlation values, p-values, and factor pattern values.
Select one of the options from the menu:
Conditional formatting is always applied to correlation values, p-values, and factor pattern values.
Screen Only
Conditional formatting is always applied to correlation values, p-values, and factor pattern values. However, the conditional formatting does not show when the report is printed.
Conditional formatting is never applied to correlation values, p-values, and factor pattern values.
Manage Rules
Creates custom conditional formatting rules that can be applied to numeric columns or matrices.
Use an Asterisk with the PValue Format
Select this option to have p-values display with an asterisk (*) for significant p-values. This option is on by default.
Graph preferences customize the appearance of graphs. See “Styles” for additional details on configuring the appearance of graphs.
Figure 12.4 Graphs Preferences
Graphs Preferences
Table 12.3 Preferences on the Graphs Page
Graph Border
Draws a border line around the area of the graph. This option is not selected by default.
Y-Axis Title Above Graph
Shows the Title for the Y-Axis above the line rather than beside the line. This option is not selected by default.
Hide Overlapping Labels
Select this option to have JMP hide chart labels that overlap. This option is selected by default.
Graph Height
Sets the default height (in pixels) for a graph. Default is 240 pixels.
Line Width
Sets the default width (in pixels) for lines that pertain to content. Default is 2 pixels.
Note: Does not apply to background or grid lines.
Graph Marker size
Select a default size for the markers in graphs: Dot, Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL, or XXXL.
Graph Marker
Select a default marker shape for the markers in graphs.
Graph Marker Theme
Select a default theme for the markers in graphs when you mark by row or column.
Marker Selection Mode
Select the default formatting for selected markers. See “Marker Selection Modes” in the “JMP Platforms” chapter.
Marker Selection Color
When the Marker Selection Mode is Selected Same Color, this setting applies the specified color to selected markers. Default color is Red.
Marker Selection Fade
When the Marker Selection Mode is Unselected Faded, this setting fades the unselected markers by the specified amount (in percent). The default is 65 percent.
Fast Marker Threshold
When JMP refreshes a report window, it can draw markers on a plot at two different speeds: normal and fast. If JMP is in normal drawing mode, and the number of markers in a graph are more than the specified threshold number, JMP automatically switches to fast mode.
Enter the number of markers that separate normal and fast mode. The default is 50,000.
Continuous Color Theme
Select a default color theme for continuous data. The default theme is Blue to Gray to Red. See “Create Color Themes” in the “Enter and Edit Data” chapter.
Categorical Color Theme
Select a default color theme for categorical data. The default theme is JMP Default. See “Create Color Themes” in the “Enter and Edit Data” chapter.
The Style pages allows you to customize colors, tick marks and grid lines, and report colors.
See “Graphs” for additional details on configuring the appearance of graphs.
Figure 12.5 Styles Preferences
Styles Preferences
Table 12.4 Preferences on the Styles Page 
Color Presets
The Color Presets provides a set of predefined colors for use in customizing the appearance of reports, graphs, charts, etc. Tints of the selected color are applied to the various elements.
Note: The selected color is applied also to windows.
Frame Color
Defines the color applied to a graph frame and tick marks. Click to change the default color.
Major Grid Line Color
Defines the major grid line color. Click to change the default color.
Minor Grid Line Color
Defines the minor grid line color. Click to change the default color.
Graph Background Color
Click the color box to select a background color for all graphs. Click to change the default color.
Window Background Color
Click the color box to select a background color for all reports and data tables. Click to change the default color.
Click to restore default color settings.
Frame Border
Shows borders only on the axes.
Tick marks inside graph frame
Shows axis tick marks inside the graph frame.
Major Grid Lines
Shows major grid lines on graphs.
Minor Grid Lines
Shows minor grid lines on graphs.
Underline Table Headings
Shows border under table headings.
Shade Table Headings
Shows table headings with shading.
Table Column Borders
Shows borders between table columns.
Table Row Borders
Shows borders between table rows.
Shade Alternate Table Rows
Shows alternate table rows with shading.
Shade Table Cells
Shows table cells with shading.
Preview Graph
Shows a preview area where you can see your changes before applying them.
Table preferences customize JMP data tables, including formula handling, appearance, and compatibility with SAS data sets.
Figure 12.6 Tables Preferences
Tables Preferences
Table 12.5 Preferences on the Tables Page 
Suppress OnOpen Script Eval
If you save a script to a data table and name it OnOpen, that script is automatically run whenever the data table is opened.
Select this option to prevent any script named OnOpen in the data table from running when you open the data table.
Clear this option to allow OnOpen scripts to run. This option is cleared by default.
Allow short numeric data format
JMP has the ability to store numeric data in as few as 8 bits (one byte). This option makes short-integer formats available to you when you select Cols > Column Info and assign a column a data type. When you use the correct short-integer format for your data, the numbers are not displayed differently, but the data table uses less disk space. See “The Short-Integer Format” in the “Set Column Properties” chapter.
Save table in extended file format
Starting with JMP 8, data tables can contain a very large number of columns. To accomplish this feature, much of the internal data table coding was changed to support the large (that is, extended) file format. By default, this option is on. Clear this check box if you want to open your JMP data table in versions earlier than JMP 8.
Print Data Grid as is
Select this option to print the JMP data table as it appears on the screen.
Clear this option to resize column widths to accommodate the content width. This option is cleared by default.
Preserve SAS variable names when exporting to SAS
Select this option to use variable names that are compliant with SAS when you export a JMP data table to a SAS data set. This option is cleared by default.
Preserve SAS formats when exporting to SAS
Select this option to use formats that are compliant with SAS when you export a JMP data table to a SAS data set. This option is selected by default.
Show Alternate Column Name
Select this option to show the name-label pair of the column. A column has name-label pair if the two column properties are defined and the Column Name equals one of the two properties.
JMP recognizes the following name-label pairs:
SAS name-label pair, where the properties are “SAS Name” and “SAS Label”
SPSS name-label pair, where the properties are “SPSS Name” and “SPSS Label”
Short-long name-label pair, where the properties are “Short Name” and “Long Name”
If the preference is checked, then both the name and label will appear in the dialog.
Use Thousands Separator
Select this option to display numbers using the locale-appropriate thousands separator. This option is not selected by default.
Default Field Width
Changes the number of digits that appear in numeric columns.
Use a Floating Window for Data Filters
Select this option to float the Data Filter window on top of its associated data table. Clearing this option causes the Data Filter window to behave like any other window. This option is selected by default.
Data Filter Select Check
Select this option to show the Select check box in the Data Filter. This option is selected by default.
Data Filter Show Check
Select this option to show the Show check box in the Data Filter. This option is not selected by default.
Data Filter Include Check
Select this option to show the Include check box in the Data Filter. This option is not selected by default.
Data Filter Auto Clear
Select this option to show the Auto clear option in the Data Filter red triangle menu. This option is selected by default.
Data Filter Check Box Display
Select this option to always use check boxes for categorical filter columns. This option is not selected by default.
Include Responses Not in Data
(Categorical columns only) Shows all of the possible responses listed in value labels, even if the response is not present within the data.
Numeric keypad Enter key moves down
(Windows only) When a data table cell is selected and you press the Enter (or Return) key on the keyboard, the next table cell down is selected. Pressing either the TAB key or the ENTER key on the numeric keypad located to the right of the keyboard selects the next table cell to the right.
Select this option to change the behavior of the ENTER key on the numeric keypad to select the next table cell down instead of to the right. This option is cleared by default.
Suppress Formula Eval On Open
Select this option to prevent columns formulas from being evaluated when you open data tables.
Clear this option to allow formulas to be evaluated when you open data tables. This option is cleared by default.
ODBC Hide Connection String
Select this option to have the Open Database command hide the ODBC connection settings (that is, user ID and password). See the Scripting Guide book for additional information.
Data Table Background Color
Click the color box to select a background color for data tables.
Data Table Grid Color
Click the color box to select a color for the grid lines in a data table.
Data Table Header Grid Color
Click the color box to select a background color for the column names.
Each analysis report has a variety of plot and table options that are shown by default. However, there might be additional options that you want to see each time you run a particular analysis. For example, a bivariate analysis shows a scatterplot by default, but you might also always want to see a linear fit each time. By selecting the Platforms option in the left panel of the Preferences window, you can set the default options for analyses. (Analyses are run by using platforms, such as the Bivariate platform. Thus, the name of this category is Platforms.)
Highlight an analysis name in the Platforms list. Its available options appear in the Options box with the defaults selected.
Click Reset Platform to Defaults to return the selected platform options to the default settings.
Click Reset to Defaults to return all platforms to their default settings.
Figure 12.7 Platforms Preferences
Platforms Preferences
Graph Builder Preferences
There are a few preferences in Graph Builder that do not appear as options within JMP and cannot be scripted. Select Platforms, and then select Graph Builder from the list of platforms to see these preferences.
Table 12.6 Frequently Used Graph Builder Preferences 
Continuous Points Limit
For continuous variables, this number indicates the number of rows at which the Points element is no longer shown initially. The default value is 1500.
Continuous Alternate
For continuous variables, indicates the element to display when there are more rows than the Points limit can handle. The default value is None, or you can select Contour (density contour).
If None is selected, and the Continuous Smoother is turned off, Points appear when the limit is breached.
Continuous Smoother
For continuous variables, indicates whether the Continuous Smoother should appear.
Categorical Points Limit
For categorical variables, this number indicates the number of rows at which the Points element is no longer shown initially. The default value is 1500.
Categorical Alternate
For categorical variables, indicates the element to display when there are more rows than the Points limit can handle. The default value is Box Plot, or you can select from the following options:
Box Plot
Indicates whether jittering is on by default. Small spaces are displayed between the data points so that you can see each point more clearly. (Only applies to elements that support jittering.)
The Print pages allows you to configure default print settings such as, margins, header, and footers.
Figure 12.8 Print Preferences
Print Preferences
Table 12.7 Preferences for Print Settings
Top (margin)
Sets the print page’s top margin. The default value is 0.75 inches.
Left (margin)
Sets the print page’s left margin. The default value is 0.75 inches.
Right (margin)
Sets the print page’s right margin. The default value is 0.75 inches.
Bottom (margin)
Sets the print page’s bottom margin. The default value is 0.75 inches.
Left (header)
Sets the page’s left-side header information. The default value is &wt; (that is, the title).
Center (header)
Sets the page’s center header information. The default value is blank.
Right (header)
Sets the page’s right-side header information. The default value is Page &pn; of &pc; (that is, Page # of count).
Left (footer)
Sets the page’s left-side header information. The default value is blank.
Center (footer)
Sets the page’s center header information. The default value is blank.
Right (footer)
Sets the page’s right-side header information. The default value is blank.
Sets the page’s print orientation as either Portrait or Landscape. The default value is Portrait.
Scale Factor
Sets the page’s print scaling factor (in percent). The default value is 100%.
Note: The code for printing the current date in the header or footer is &d.
Text Data Files
Text Data File preferences customize the handling of importing and exporting text files.
Figure 12.9 Text Data Files Preferences
Text Data Files Preferences
Table 12.8 Preferences for Import Settings for Text Files 
Import Settings
Select the strategy JMP uses to open text files. The default selection is Use these settings. In that case, you need to ensure that the settings reflect your text files.
If you select Use Best Guess, JMP collects statistics in the text file on tabs, commas, blanks, and a few other characters and uses a rule-based system to decide what the file format might be. The rules try to make reasonable field widths and a reasonable number of fields per line. If your data format is too different from what the rules are designed to guess, JMP guesses incorrectly. In that case, either use the wizard or explicitly describe your data in these preference settings.
End Of Field
Select one or more characters to use as the delimiter that signifies the end of a field when importing text data.
Select the Other option and enter a character to specify a delimiter that is not listed.
End Of Line
Select one or more characters to use as the delimiter that signifies the end of a line (row).
Select the Other option and enter a character to specify a delimiter that is not listed.
Note that if double-quotes are encountered when importing text data, the delimiter rules change to look for an end double-quote. Other text delimiters, including spaces, that are embedded within the quotes are ignored and treated as part of the text string.
Table contains column headers
Select this option if your text file contains columns names. If you select this option, enter the line number where the column names are located in the field next to Column Names are on line.
Column Names are on line
If you select the Table contains column headers option, enter the line number where the column names are located in this field.
Data starts on line
Enter the line number where the data starts in your text file.
When determining column types
Set how long JMP scans a text file to determine data types for the columns. The default value is Scan whole file. Note that the Scan whole file option can cause importing a text file to be slow for large files.
When your text file contains columns of missing data, select Treat empty columns as numeric to import the columns as numeric rather than character. A period, Unicode dot, NaN, or a blank string are possible missing value indicators. This option is deselected by default.
Two-digit year rule
Select the rule that you want to use to import dates that use two digits instead of four. For details about these rules, see “Two-digit year rule” in the “Import Your Data” chapter.
Try to compress
Select the options used for compressing text files. Available options are:
Numeric columns
Character columns
Allow List Check
Note: This feature requires a scan of the entire file.
Strip enclosing quotation marks
Select this option to remove quotation marks that enclose data in the text file. This option is selected by default.
Recognize apostrophe as quotation mark
Select this option to treat apostrophes as quotation marks. This option is off by default.
Note: This option is not recommended unless your data comes from a nonstandard source that uses apostrophes around data fields rather than quotation marks.
Table 12.9 Preferences for Export Settings for Text Files 
Export Table Headers
Select this option to include column names when you save data tables as text files.
End Of Field
Select one or more characters to use as the delimiter signifying the end of a field when exporting text data.
Select the Other option and enter a character to specify a delimiter that is not listed.
End Of Line
Select one or more characters to use as the delimiter that signifies the end of a line (row).
Select the Other option and enter a character to specify a delimiter that is not listed.
Windows Specific
These preferences customize settings for machines running the Windows operating system, including graphics formats and the window background color.
Figure 12.10 Windows Specific Preferences
Windows Specific Preferences
Table 12.10 Windows Specific Preferences 
Display Language
Select the language in which you want to run JMP.
The locale settings for your operating system normally determine settings for number, date, and currency formats. Select the option below the language menu to use that language to determine these formats instead.
Text that appears in windows provided by the operating system (for example, File > Open), do not reflect changes in the language setting.
Copy/Drag Graphic Formats
Select one or more graphic formats to use when copying and pasting (or dragging and dropping) graphics from JMP into other applications.
Resolution (DPI) for PNG and JPEG Images
Specify the DPI to be used when you copy a graphic format. Choose from the Default (96) or 300 DPI. 300 DPI is good for images that must be stretched, embedded in trade publications, or printed. However, this setting uses more memory and is slower to generate for large images.
Graphics Formats
Select the format to use for graphics when you save a JMP report as an RTF file or an HTML file.
In the Graphic Scale Factor % box, enter the percentage at which you want graphics to appear in other applications. This feature might not work with all versions of your chosen application.
Highlight Outline Headers
Select this option to give title bars in the data table and report windows a light shade of gray. This option is selected by default.
Clear this option to give the title bars a darker shade of gray.
JSL Scripts should be run only, not opened, when selected from Recent Files or a file browser
Select this option to force all scripts to run when opened. If this is selected, the script window for the script is not opened. This option is off by default.
Show on the Windows task bar
Select which JMP windows you would like displayed on the Windows task bar. The default selection is All Windows. You can also choose to display the main JMP window and data table windows.
Open the JMP Log window
Select one of the options to open the log only when text (such as error messages) is added to it or every time you start JMP. The default setting displays the log only when you open it.
Auto-hide menu and toolbars
Select the rule used to determine when menus and toolbars are hidden. The default value is Based on window size.
Wrap the main menu in narrow windows
Select this option to wrap the menu to additional lines when the window is narrower is than the menu. This option is on by default.
Show the thumbnail panel in data table windows
Select this option to show the thumbnail panel of reports at the bottom of a data table. This option is on by default.
Dock the Window List in maximized windows
Select this option to automatically dock the Window List if you maximize your JMP windows. This option is off by default.
Reset file associations to this application
Click this button to associate all JMP file types with the JMP version that you are running.
Mac OS Settings
Mac OS Settings preferences customize settings for Macintosh machines, including the display language, graphics formats, and file associations.
Figure 12.11 Mac OS Settings Preferences
Mac OS Settings Preferences
Table 12.11 Macintosh OS Settings 
Alternate Image Formats for Clipboard and Drag & Drop
Select one or more graphic formats to use when copying and pasting (or dragging and dropping) graphics from JMP into other applications.
Clipboard Image Scale Factor
Enter the percentage at which you want graphics to appear in other applications.
Image format for RTF
Select the format to use for graphics when you save a JMP report as an RTF file.
RTF Image Scale Factor
Enter the percentage at which you want graphics to appear in RTF documents.
Image format for HTML
Select the format to use for graphics when you save a JMP report as an HTML file.
Font preferences customize the appearance of reports, data tables, and scripts, including fonts, text size, and font style.
Figure 12.12 Fonts Preferences
Fonts Preferences
Table 12.12 Preferences for Customizing Fonts 
Sets the font for the text portion of a JMP analysis report.
Sets the font for the heading of columns in an analysis report and a data table.
Sets the font for the title shown in all title bars.
Sets the font for small text, which is used in the upper left corner of the data grid to show the number of columns and rows.
Sets the font used in the JMP Scripting Language (JSL) editor for script commands.
Formula Editor
Sets the font for the expressions entered into the Formula Editor.
Sets the default font used in annotations.
Sets the font used for the axis tick labels.
Sets the font used for alphanumeric markers.
Axis Title
Sets the font for axis titles.
Data Table
Sets the font for displaying data in the data table.
Font Family
Select a proportional font. The font that you select is immediately applied to all settings except for Mono, which is used for scripts.
Enable special font effects
(Windows only) Select this option to enable setting Underline and Strikeout in the other font settings. This option is cleared by default.
Use Greek letters
Select this option to use Greek letters instead of spelling out Greek letters. (For example, π instead of pi.) This option is selected by default.
Use math symbols
Select this option to use math symbols instead of simple text representations of math symbols. (For example, ± instead of +/-) This option is selected by default.
(Windows only) Communications preferences customize settings for reading data from an external source. These settings need to be specified only if you are using an instrument to do so.
Figure 12.13 Communications Preferences
Communications Preferences
Table 12.13 Preferences on the Communications Page 
Select the port that your data source uses.
Baud Rate
Set the baud rate for your data source.
Data Bits
Set the number of data bits (7 or 8).
Set the parity bit. None is the default value.
Stop Bits
Set the stop bits (1 or 2).
Flow Control
Set the flow control. XON/XOFF is the default value.
File Locations
(Windows only) File Locations preferences set the default locations of JMP system files. Usually, the files can stay where JMP installs them, and you do not have to change anything here. However, if you do move files, such as Help files, elsewhere, you should update the location here.
Figure 12.14 File Locations Preferences
File Locations Preferences
Table 12.14 Preferences on the File Locations Page 
Data Files directory
Change the folder in which JMP looks for data files (for example, data tables).
Help Files directory
Change the folder in which JMP looks for Help files.
Installation directory
Change the JMP installation folder.
License file path
Change the folder in which JMP looks for your JMP License file.
Preferences file directory
Change the folder in which JMP looks for preference information.
Save As directory
Change the folder in which JMP saves data files when you select File > Save As.
Always go to this directory when the File Open window is displayed
Select to have JMP always use the selected path when you select File > Open.
Script Editor
Script Editor preferences customize the appearance of the JSL Script Editor, such as tab width, syntax coloring, and tooltips.
Figure 12.15 Script Editor Preferences
Script Editor Preferences
Table 12.15 Preferences on the Script Editor Page 
Use tabs
Select this option to enable tabs in your scripts. This option is selected by default.
Clear this option to replace any tab that you type with spaces.
Tab width
Enter how many spaces a tab should indent. If you have disabled tabs, any tab you type is replaced with the number of spaces specified. The default value is 4.
Extra space at bottom of document
Select this option to enable scrolling up from the last blank lines of a script. This option is selected by default on Windows and deselected on Macintosh.
Auto-complete parentheses and braces
Select this option to enable the script editor to automatically add closing parentheses, square brackets, and curly braces when you type an opening one. This option is selected by default.
Show line numbers
Select this option to show the line numbers on the left side of the script editor. This option is off by default.
Show indentation guides
Select this option to see faint vertical lines that mark indention. This option is selected by default.
Show operator tips
Select this option to see tooltips for JSL operators. This option is selected by default.
Show variable value tips
Select this option to see tooltips for variable values. This option is selected by default.
Wrap Text
Select this option to always wrap text in the script editor. This option is off by default.
Show embedded log on script window open
Select this option to have an embedded log window appear in the scripting window when editing or running scripts. This option is off default.
Color unknown object messages
Select this option to always show unknown object messages in color. Unknown object messages will appear in the color specified by “Message unknown color”. This option is off by default.
Save and restore document state information
Saves the state of collapsed and expanded code, and restores that state when the script is reopened.
Spaces inside parentheses
Select this option to cause the script editor to add spaces between parentheses, brackets, and braces and their contents for automatically formatted scripts. This is on by default.
Spaces in operator names
Select this option to cause the script editor to add spaces between words within operator names. For example, turning on this option results in New Window instead of NewWindow. This option is selected by default.
JSL code folding
Select this option to use code folding markers in the script editor, which mark the opening and closing of user defined functions and Expr() blocks. You can expand and collapse these marked blocks of code. This option is off by default.
You can also choose the appearance of the marker using the JSL code folding marker menu.
Allow additional code folding keywords
Select this option to enable using additional keywords for folding markers in the script editor. See the Scripting Guide book for details.
Color selection
To set your own color for any of the listed types, click the color box and select your color.
SAS Integration
SAS Integration preferences customize the default settings for working with SAS servers. For details about using the SAS Integration capabilities, see “Import Data from SAS” in the “Import Your Data” chapter.
Note: The SAS Environment options appear only when you select SAS 9.3 from the SAS Server Version list.
Figure 12.16 SAS Integration Preferences
SAS Integration Preferences
Table 12.16 Preferences on the SAS Integration Page 
SAS Server Version
Select the default version for the SAS Server. This can also be changed in the Server Connections window. (See “Connect to a SAS Metadata Server” in the “Import Your Data” chapter.) This option does not apply when connecting to local SAS on Windows.
I want to connect to a SAS Environment
Select this option to always connect to a SAS Environment and click Configure to configure the URL of the location.
I want to connect to a SAS Metadata Server
Select this option to always connect to a SAS Metadata Server. This option is selected by default.
Clear this option if you do not have a SAS Metadata Server available, and you connect directly to SAS Workspace Servers instead.
I will manually connect to SAS workspace servers
Select this option to manually connect to a SAS workspace server.
Automatically connect metadata-defined SAS libraries
Select this option to connect to metadata-defined SAS libraries automatically when you connect to a SAS Workspace Server. Selected by default.
When the Workspace Server contains a large number of metadata-defined SAS libraries, deselect this option to speed up your connection to the server.
Automatically generate ODS results
Select this option to generate ODS (operational data store) results. This option is cleared by default.
ODS Result Format
Select the format for ODS reports. The default value is HTML.
ODS Style
Enter the style name for ODS reports. The default value is Statistical.
ODS Style sheet
Enter the style sheet name for ODS reports.
Prompt if results are larger than __ MB
Enter the number of MB that triggers a prompt for you to continue or cancel the operation. The default value is 5.
Graphics Format
Select the format for graphics for ODS reports.
Generate ODS statistical graphics
Select this option to include statistical graphics in the ODS reports.
Import generated SAS data sets into JMP
Select this option to import any generated data sets into JMP automatically.
Prompt if data set has more than __ rows
Enter the number of rows that triggers a prompt for you to continue or cancel the operation. The default value is 100,000.
Use SAS variable labels for column names during data import
Select this option to use the column labels in the SAS data set as the JMP data table column names when importing a SAS data set into a JMP data table.
Convert SAS custom formats to JMP value labels
Select this option to use the information in the SAS column formats to set JMP value labels when importing a SAS data set into a JMP data table.
Warn before closing unsaved imported data
Select this option to trigger a prompt to save any SAS data sets that you imported into JMP and have not saved before closing.
On export, store table and column properties in extended attributes
Select to allow extended attribute support during SAS 9.4 data export. This option is not selected by default.
On import, apply table and column properties from extended attributes
Select to allow extended attribute support during SAS 9.4 data import. This option is not selected by default.
Stored Process Results: Format
Select a report format: HTML, RTF, or PDF.
Stored Process Results: Graph Format
Select a graph format: ActiveX Image (only available on a SAS server that runs on Windows), Java Image, PNG, JPEG, or GIF.
Show SAS Log
Select Always, Never, or On Error to set when the SAS log is displayed
Select the location for SAS log information: within the JMP log window, or in a separate SAS log window.
JMP Updates
The JMP Update preferences show you what version of JMP you currently have, the last time it was updated, and whether and how often JMP checks automatically for updates.
Figure 12.17 JMP Updates Preferences
JMP Updates Preferences
Table 12.17 Preferences on the JMP Updates Page 
Check for Updates
Select this option to have JMP automatically check for updates.
If this option is selected, specify how often the check is performed: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Current Version
What version of JMP you are currently running.
Last Check
The last time you checked for an update.
Check Now
Click this button to perform an update check immediately.
JSL Debugger
The JSL Debugger preferences let you show or hide line numbers, create breaks in scripts, and show warnings.
Figure 12.18 JSL Debugger Preferences
JSL Debugger Preferences
Table 12.18 Preferences on the JSL Debugger Page 
Show Line Numbers
Shows or hides the line numbers for the script in the debugger. The default value is selected.
Break on Multiple Statements Per Line
Stops executing the script between each expression in a single line. The default value is deselected.
Break On Throw
Breaks when an exception error occurs in a Try() function. For example, the exception error in the Try() function is thrown by a Throw() function. The Debugger breaks on theThrow() instead of continuing through the rest of the codes. This lets you identify where the problem occurred in the script and then return to debugging. The default value is deselected.
Break On Execution Error
Stops executing the script when the error occurs rather than closing the Debugger. The default value is selected.
Warn On Assignment In Condition
Select to show a warning when you enter an assignment expression for the breakpoint condition. For example, if you specify x = 1 instead of x == 1 in the breakpoint condition, you are prompted to verify the specification. The default value is selected.
Enter Debugger Upon Termination
Select to enter the Debugger when JMP terminates. The default value is selected.
Menu Preferences
The Menu preferences show and hide menus based on how you use JMP. This gives you fewer menu items to browse through and streamlines the JMP interface. For example, if you never design experiments, deselect Design of Experiments. Other menus are grouped by area of interest, such as quality engineering, advanced modeling, reliability and survival, SAS options and Excel Modeling.
Figure 12.19 Menu Preferences
Menu Preferences
Scripting-Only Preferences
The following preferences can be changed only by using a JSL script. See the Scripting Guide for information about scripting.
Table 12.19 Scripting-Only Preferences 
JMP 6 Scoping
Preferences(JMP 6 Scoping(0|1|)
Turns JMP 6 scoping on or off.
Warn On Scoping Conflict
Preferences(Warn On Scoping Conflict(0|1))
Turns the warning for possible scoping conflicts on or off.
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