2.7. Review notes

Primitive data types:

  • Java defines eight primitive data types: char, byte, short, int, long, float, double, and boolean.
  • Primitive data types are the simplest data types.
  • Primitive data types are predefined by the programming language. A user can’t define a primitive data type in Java.
  • It’s helpful to categorize the primitive data types as Boolean, numeric, and character data types.

The boolean data type:

  • The boolean data type is used to store data with only two possible values. These two possible values may be thought of as yes/no, 0/1, true/false, or any other combination. The actual values that a boolean can store are true and false.
  • true and false are literal values.
  • A literal is a fixed value that doesn’t need further calculations to be assigned to any variable.

Numeric data types:

  • Numeric values can be stored as either integers or decimal numbers.
  • byte, short, int, and long can be used to store integers.
  • The byte, short, int, and long data types use 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits, respectively, to store their values.
  • float and double can be used to store decimal numbers.
  • The float and double data types use 32 and 64 bits, respectively, to store their values.
  • The default type of integers—that is, nondecimal numbers—is int.
  • To designate an integer literal value as a long value, add the suffix L or l to the literal value.
  • Numeric values can be stored in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal number formats. This exam won’t ask you to convert a number from one number system to another.
  • Literal values in the decimal number system use digits from 0 to 9 (a total of 10 digits).
  • Literal values in the octal number system use digits from 0 to 7 (a total of 8 digits).
  • Literal values in the hexadecimal number system use digits from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F (a total of 16 digits and letters).
  • Literal values in the binary number system use digits 0 and 1 (a total of 2 digits).
  • The literal values in the octal number system start with the prefix 0. For example, 0413 in the octal number system is 267 in the decimal number system.
  • The literal values in the hexadecimal number system start with the prefix 0x. For example, 0x10B in the hexadecimal number system is 267 in the decimal number system.
  • The literal values in the binary number system start with the prefix 0b or 0B. For example, the decimal value 267 is 0B100001011 in the binary system.
  • Starting with Java 7, you can use underscores within the Java literal values to make them more readable. 0B1_0000_10_11, 0_413, and 0x10_B are valid binary, octal, and hexadecimal literal values.
  • The default type of a decimal number is double.
  • To designate a decimal literal value as a float value, add the suffix F or f to the literal value.
  • The suffixes D and d can be used to mark a literal value as a double value. Though it’s allowed, doing so is not required because the default value of decimal literals is double.

Character primitive data types:

  • A char data type can store a single 16-bit Unicode character; that is, it can store characters from virtually all the world’s existing scripts and languages.
  • You can use values from u0000 (or 0) to a maximum of uffff (or 65,535 inclusive) to store a char. Unicode values are defined in the hexadecimal number system.
  • Internally, the char data type is stored as an unsigned integer value (only positive integers).
  • When you assign a letter to a char, Java stores its integer equivalent value. You may assign a positive integer value to a char instead of a letter, such as 122.
  • The literal value 122 is not the same as the Unicode value u0122. The former is a decimal number and the latter is a hexadecimal number.
  • Single quotes, not double quotes, are used to assign a letter to a char variable.

Valid identifiers:

  • A valid identifier starts with a letter (a–z, upper- or lowercase), a currency sign, or an underscore. There is no limit to its length.
  • A valid identifier can contain digits but not in the starting place.
  • A valid identifier can use the underscore and currency sign at any position of the identifier.
  • A valid identifier can’t have the same spelling as a Java keyword, such as switch.
  • A valid identifier can’t use any special characters, including !, @, #, %, ^, &, *, (, ), ', :, ;, [, /, , and }.

Assignment operators:

  • Assignment operators can be used to assign or reassign values to all types of variables.
  • A variable can’t be assigned to an incompatible value. For example, character and numeric values can’t be assigned to a boolean variable and vice versa.
  • += and -= are short forms of addition/subtraction and assignment.
  • += can be read as “first add and then assign” and -= can be read as “first subtract and then assign.”

Arithmetic operators:

  • Arithmetic operators can’t be used with the boolean data type. Attempting to do so will make the code fail to compile.
  • ++ and –- are unary increment and decrement operators. These operators work with single operands.
  • Unary operators can be used in prefix or postfix notation.
  • When the unary operators ++ and -- are used in prefix notation, the value of the variable increments/decrements just before the variable is used in an expression.
  • When the unary operators ++ and -- are used in postfix notation, the value of the variable increments/decrements just after the variable is used in an expression.
  • By default, unary operators have a higher precedence than multiplication operators and addition operators.

Relational operators:

  • Relational operators are used to compare values for equality (==) and inequality (!=). They’re also used to determine whether two numeric values are greater than (>, >=) or less than (<, <=) each other.
  • You can’t compare incomparable values. For example, you can’t compare a boolean with an int, a char, or a floating-point number. If you try to do so, your code will not compile.
  • The operators equal to (==) and not equal to (!=) can be used to compare all types of primitives: char, byte, short, int, long, float, double, and boolean.
  • The operator == returns true if the primitive values being compared are equal.
  • The operator != returns true if the primitive values being compared are not equal.
  • The result of the relational operator is always a boolean value.

Logical operators:

  • You can use the logical operators to determine whether a set of conditions is true or false and proceed accordingly.
  • Logical AND (&&) evaluates to true if all operands are true and false otherwise.
  • Logical OR (||) evaluates to true if any or all the operands are true.
  • Logical negation (!) negates the boolean value. It evaluates to true for false and vice versa.
  • The result of a logical operation is always a boolean value.
  • The logical operators && and || are also called short-circuit operators. If these operators can determine the output of the expression with the evaluation of the first operand, they don’t evaluate the second operand.
  • The && operator returns true only if both of the operands are true. If the first operand to this operator evaluates to false, the result can never be true. Therefore, && does not evaluate the second operand.
  • Similarly, the || operator returns true if any of the operands is true. If the first operand to this operator evaluates to true, the result can never be false. Therefore, || does not evaluate the second operator.

Wrapper classes:

  • The wrapper classes are used to wrap primitives in an object, so they can be added to a collection object.
  • All the wrapper classes are immutable.
  • You can create objects of all the wrapper classes in multiple ways:

    • Assignment—By assigning a primitive to a wrapper class variable (autoboxing)
    • Constructor—By using wrapper class constructors
    • Static methods—By calling the static method of wrapper classes, like valueOf()
  • All wrapper classes (except Character) define a constructor that accepts a String argument representing the primitive value that needs to be wrapped.
  • None of the wrapper class defines a no-argument constructor.
  • You can assign a primitive value directly to a reference variable of its wrapper class type, called autoboxing. The reverse is unboxing, when an object of a primitive wrapper class is converted to its corresponding primitive value.
  • All wrapper classes define methods of the format primitive Value(), where the term primitive refers to the exact primitive data type name.
  • To get a primitive data type value corresponding to a string value, you can use the static utility method parseDataType, where DataType refers to the type of the return value.
  • The valueOf() method returns an object of the corresponding wrapper class when it’s passed an argument of a primitive type or String.
  • You can compare objects of wrapper classes for equality by using the method equals or the comparison operator, ==.
  • The method equals always compares the primitive value stored by a wrapper instance and == compares object references. The operator == returns true if the variables being compared refer to the same instance.
  • In the case of the Boolean class, the cached instances are accessible directly because only two exist: the static constants Boolean.TRUE and Boolean.FALSE.
  • The Character class caches instances with values from 0 to 127. Classes Byte, Short, Integer, and Long cache instances for values -128 to 127. No cached instances exist for the Float and Double wrapper classes.
  • Wrapper classes are immutable. Adding a primitive value to a wrapper class variable doesn’t modify the value of the object it refers to. The wrapper class variable is assigned a new object.
  • Unboxing a wrapper reference variable, which refers to null, will throw a NullPointerException.
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