


-- operator
% operator
&& operator2nd
/* character
*/ character
* character2nd
* operator
/** character
*= operator
... (ellipsis)2nd
!. operator
// character
@ sign
[ ] (square brackets)2nd3rd
_ (underscores)2nd
{ } (curly braces)2nd3rd4th5th6th
|| operator2nd
+ operator2nd
++ operator
+= operator2nd3rd4th
< operator
<= operator
<> (angle brackets)
= (assignment operator)2nd3rd4th5th
-= operator
/= operator
!= operator, comparing primitives for equality using
== operator, comparing primitives for equality using
> operator
>= operator
: (colon)
. (dot notation)2nd3rd4th
" (double quotes)2nd3rd
- (negative sign)
; (semicolons)2nd3rd
1Z0-808 (OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I exam)
1Z0-809 (OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II exam)
1Z0-811 (Java Junior Associate) certification
( ) (parentheses)
' character
- operator
/ operator
?: operator


abstract base class, vs. concrete base class
abstract class type, arrays of
abstract interface
abstract keyword

abstract methods
  extending multiple interfaces with same abstract method names
  implementing multiple interfaces with same abstract method names
  polymorphism with

abstract modifier
  abstract class
  abstract interface
  abstract method
  abstract variables
ac value

access modifiers
  default access (package access)
  Java entities and2nd
  number of
  what they control
accessing object fields
accessor method
acl value
add method
addAll method
addSeconds( ) method
age variable
allocating arrays
AND operator2nd
angle brackets
Animal class2nd
AnnualExam class2nd
anonymous classes

append( ) method
StringBuilder class
application termination
arithmetic operators2nd
ArrayAccess class
ArrayList class
  accessing elements of2nd
  adding elements to2nd
  clearing elements
  creating arrays from
  deleting elements of
  modifying elements of
  of abstract class type
  asymmetrical multidimensional
  creating from ArrayList
  of interface type
  members of
  of object
ASCII values
assignedArrList variable
assigning primitives
assignment operator2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
associate subpackage
asterisk character2nd
Astronaut class
asymmetrical arrays
asymmetrical multidimensional arrays
at prefix
atDate( ) method
atTime( ) method
author variable

  wrapper classes
automatic memory management2nd3rd
average variable
averageOfFirst100Integers method
avg variable2nd


b1 variable
b2 variable
b3 variable
BankAccount class
bankVault variable
base class
baseDecimal variable
binary number system
binVal variable
BlackInk class
bold font
Book class2nd3rd
bookConferenceRoom method
Boolean category
Boolean class2nd3rd
boolean data type2nd3rd
boolean variable2nd
Boolean.FALSE static constant
Boolean.parseBoolean( ) method
Boolean.TRUE static constant
booleanValue( ) method
break outer
break statement2nd3rd4th
building package2nd
bunsAvailable variable
byte argument
Byte class2nd
byte data type2nd
byteValue( ) method


c variable
calcAverage method2nd3rd4th
calendar data
    formatting date or time objects using
    parsing date or time objects using
    converting to another type
    combining with another type
    using constants
    converting to another type
    manipulating LocalDate and LocalDateTime using
    querying instances
case keyword
  need for
  of variable to another type
catch block
certification package2nd3rd
chaining methods
char argument

char array
  methods of String don’t modify
char data type2nd3rd
character category (unsigned integer)
Character class2nd3rd4th
character primitive data types
charAt( ) method2nd
charValue( ) method
check method

checked exceptions
child classes
class constructors
class definition
class keyword
class method
class variables
  comparing scope of
  comparing use of in different scopes
  overlapping scopes of

  defining in packages, using package statement
    directory structure and package hierarchy
    rules to remember
    setting classpath for packaged classes
  inheritance with
    abstract base class vs. concrete base class
    base class members inherited by/not inherited by derived class
    derived class containing object of its base class
    derived classes defining additional properties and behaviors
    extending classes, benefits of
    need to inherit classes
  polymorphism with
    polymorphic methods (overridden methods)
    rules for overriding methods
    whether polymorphic methods always abstract
    whether polymorphism works with overloaded methods
  structure of
    class definition
    import statement
    package statement
Class.forName( ) method
classpath, setting for packaged classes
cleanup code
clone( ) method2nd
cloning, ArrayList
close method
code block
Code Exhibit button
code flow
code fragments
Collection class
colon character
ColorInk class
command line, running Java program from
comments package
common categories
common classes
common exceptions package package
compareTo( ) method
compile-time checks
concat method
concatenation operators
concrete base class, vs. abstract base class
conditional constructs
conductInterview method2nd
ConferenceHall class
constant pool, String class

  implementing multiple interfaces with same constant names
  access levels
  accessing using this keyword
  of base class, accessing using super
  default constructors
  vs. initialization blocks
    invoking from another constructor
    rules to remember
contains method2nd3rd
contiguous memory locations
continue statement2nd3rd
count variable
countPages method
CourseBook class2nd
covariant return type
CreateArrayList class
crossRapid method
ctr variable2nd3rd
Cubicle class
curly braces2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
currentPosition( ) method
Curtain class


D suffix
dark gray background
data hiding
data types
  object reference variables
    differentiating from primitive variables
    arithmetic operators
    assignment operators
    logical operators
    precedence of
    relational operators
  primitive variables
    Boolean category
    character category (unsigned integer)
    names of primitive data types
    signed numeric category
    wrapper classes
  autoboxing and unboxing
    class hierarchy of
    comparing objects of
    difference between using valueOf method and constructors of
    objects of
    parsing string value to primitive type
    retrieving primitive values from
Date class
DateTimeException class2nd
DateTimeFormatter class
  formatting date or time objects using
  parsing date or time objects using
day variable
dayCount variable
daysOffWork method2nd
decimal integer
decimal number system2nd
declaring arrays2nd
decrement operator
default access level2nd
default accessibility
default constructors
default keyword2nd
default label

default methods
  extending multiple interfaces with same default method names
  implementing multiple interfaces with same default method names
  polymorphism with
default package2nd3rd
defaultPlan( ) method
defender method
delete( ) method, StringBuilder class
deleteCharAt( ) method, StringBuilder class
deliverMobileApp method
DemoExceptionInInitializerError class
DemoExceptionInInitializerError2 class
DemoThrowsException class
derived classes2nd3rd
descriptive comments
digital signatures
discount variable
distance variable
Doctor class
dot operator2nd3rd4th
double argument
Double class2nd3rd
double data type2nd
double quotes2nd3rd4th
double type
doubleValue( ) method

do-while loop
  comparing with while loop
DropOarException class
Duration class


elementData variable2nd
else blocks2nd
else statement
Emp class2nd
emp variable2nd3rd
emp1.startProjectWork( ) method
emp2.startProjectWork( ) method
Employee class2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th
empty body

  need for
end-of-line comments
endsWith( ) method, String class
enhanced for loops
  comparing with for loop
  Iteration with
  limitations of
ensureCapacity method
entities, Java, access modifiers and2nd
epoch date
equality, comparing objects for
  comparing objects of user-defined class
  contract of equals method
  equals method in class java.lang.Object
  incorrect method signature of equals method

equals( ) method
  contract of
  incorrect method signature of
  in java.lang.Object class
error-handling block
Exam class2nd
ExamQuestion class2nd3rd
exception categories
  benefits of handling
  categories of
    checked exceptions
    class hierarchy of exception classes
    runtime exceptions
  classes and categories
  example of
  methods for throwing
    handle-or-declare rule
    throwing all types of exceptions
    throwing checked exception, 2nd, 3rd
    throwing errors
    throwing runtime exceptions, 2nd
  separate handling of
    try-catch-finally blocks and, 2nd, 3rd
executable Java applications
  executable Java classes versus non-executable Java classes
  main method
  running Java program from command line
expandCapacity( ) method
experience property
expert1 variable
explainContents( ) method
extended classes
extended interfaces
extends keyword2nd3rd
external reference


facebookId property
FallInRiverException class
false value, boolean variable
fatal errors
features and components of Java
  automatic memory management
  multithreading and concurrency
  object orientation
  platform independence
  type safety
File I/O
file variable
FileInputStream class2nd3rd
filter method
final char array
final interface
final modifier
  final class
  final interface
  final method
  final variable
final variables2nd3rd4th
finalize method
float argument
Float class2nd
float data type2nd
floating-point literals
floating-point number
floatValue( ) method
flow control
  do-while, comparing with while loop
  do-while loop
  else blocks, missing
  if constructs2nd
  if-else constructs
  for loop
    comparing with enhanced for loops
    comparing with while loop
    initialization block
    optional parts of for statement
    termination condition
    update clause
  loop constructs
  loop statements
    break statement, 2nd
    continue statement, 2nd
    labeled statements
  switch statement
    arguments passed to
    comparing with multiple if-else constructs
    label case of, values passed to
  ternary constructs
    correct usage
    incorrect assignments
    incorrect usage
  while loop
    comparing with do-while loop
    comparing with for loop
for block
for loop
  comparing with enhanced for loops
  comparing with while loop
    Iteration with
    limitations of
  initialization block
  optional parts of for statement
  termination condition
  update clause
format method2nd
format prefix
FormatStyle value2nd
forward reference
from prefix
fully qualified names
functional interfaces
functional-style programming


garbage collection
  automatic memory management
  of referenced objects
  using System.gc( ) or Runtime.getRuntime( ).gc( )
  when object is garbage collected
get( ) method2nd
get prefix
getAge method
getAverage( ) method2nd
getDays( ) method
getHour( ) method
getMinute( ) method
getMonths( ) method
getName( ) method2nd3rd4th
getNano( ) method
getSecond( ) method
getter method
getWeight method2nd
getXX( ) method2nd
getYears( ) method


HandleAndDeclare class
handle-or-declare rule2nd
handling exceptions separately
hashCode( ) method2nd3rd
hasNext method
HelloExam class
hex value
hexadecimal number system2nd
hexVal variable
hiding class members
Home class
House class2nd3rd
hr variable
HRExecutive class2nd3rd4th5th6th


IDE (Integrated Development Environment)2nd
if block
if constructs2nd3rd4th
if statements2nd3rd4th5th

if-else constructs
  {} in
  multiple, comparing with switch statement
if-else pairs
if-else statement
immutable classes
implemented interfaces
implements keyword2nd3rd
implicit widening, of data types in an arithmetic operation
import statement2nd3rd
import static statement
incorrect statements
increment( ) method
increment operators
indentation technique
indexOf method2nd3rd4th
information hiding
    need for
    of variable to another type
  with classes
    abstract base class vs. concrete base class
    base class members inherited by/not inherited by derived class
    derived class containing object of its base class
    derived classes defining additional properties and behaviors
    extending classes, benefits of
    need to inherit classes
    class can’t extend multiple classes
    implementing single interface
    methods in, modifying
    methods in, types of
    multiple interfaces, extending
    multiple interfaces, implementing
    need for using
    properties of members of
  lambda expressions
    comparing passing values with passing code to methods
    Predicate interface
    syntax of
    binding of variables and methods at compile time and runtime
    with classes
    with interfaces
  reference variables
    accessing objects using
    of derived class, using to access its own object
    of interface, using to access derived class object
    of superclass, using to access object of derived class
  super keyword
    accessing constructors of base class using
    accessing variables and methods of base class using
    using in static methods
  this keyword
    accessing constructors using
    accessing variables and methods using
    using in interfaces
    using in static methods
inherited methods
inheriting classes
initialization blocks, vs. constructors
initialization statements
initializer block
initializing arrays
Ink class
inner class
inner loop2nd
inner parentheses
insert( ) method, StringBuilder class
instance attributes
instance variables2nd
instanceof operator
int argument2nd
int data type2nd
int type
int value2nd3rd
int variable2nd3rd
Integer class2nd3rd
Integer variables
Integrated Development Environment.
    See IDE.
interface body
interface keyword2nd
interface name
interface type, arrays of
  methods in, modifying
    changing default method to abstract or static
    changing static method to default or abstract
  methods in, types of
    abstract methods
    default methods
    static methods
  multiple interfaces, extending
    with same abstract method names
    with same name default method names
    with same name static method names
  multiple interfaces, implementing
    with same abstract method names
    with same constant names
    with same default method names
  need for using
  properties of members of
  single, implementing
    implementing abstract methods
    overriding default methods
    static methods
Interviewer interface2nd3rd
interviewer variable2nd3rd4th
inTransit( ) method
intValue( ) method
invalid combinations
invalid identifiers
is prefix
IS-A relationship
isAfter( ) method2nd
isBefore( ) method2nd
isbn variable
island of isolation2nd
isNegative method
isPrime method
issueCount variable
issueHistory method
isTested method
isZero method


Java, features and components of
  automatic memory management
  multithreading and concurrency
  object orientation
  platform independence
  type safety
Java Development Kit.
    See JDK.
java HelloExam command
Java Junior Associate certification.
    See 1Z0-811.
java keyword
Java reflection
Java Runtime Environment.
    See JRE.
java variable
Java Virtual Machine.
    See JVM.
Javadoc comments class class class interface
java.lang package2nd3rd
java.lang.Comparable interface
java.lang.Error class2nd
java.lang.Exception class2nd
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException error
java.lang.Number class
java.lang.Object class2nd3rd4th
java.lang.RuntimeException class2nd
java.lang.Throwable class2nd
java.sql package
java.time.format package
java.util package2nd
java.util.Date instance
JDK (Java Development Kit)
JRE (Java Runtime Environment)2nd
Jumpable interface2nd
JVM (Java Virtual Machine)2nd3rd4th


key-value pairs
Kitchen class

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