Chapter 20. Blending OOP and FP: Comparing Java and Scala

This chapter covers

  • An introduction to Scala
  • How Java relates to Scala and vice versa
  • How functions in Scala compare to Java
  • Classes and traits

Scala is a programming language that mixes object-oriented and functional programming. It’s often seen as an alternative language to Java for programmers who want functional features in a statically typed programming language that runs on the JVM while keeping a Java feel. Scala introduces many more features than Java: a more-sophisticated type system, type inference, pattern matching (as presented in chapter 19), constructs that define domain-specific languages simply, and so on. In addition, you can access all Java libraries within Scala code.

You may wonder why we have a chapter about Scala in a Java book. This book has largely centered on adopting functional-style programming in Java. Scala, like Java, supports the concepts of functional-style processing of collections (that is, streamlike operations), first-class functions, and default methods. But Scala pushes these ideas further, providing a larger set of features that support these ideas compared with Java. We believe that you may find it interesting to compare Scala with the approach taken by Java and see Java’s limitations. This chapter aims to shed light on this matter to appease your curiosity. We don’t necessarily encourage the adoption of Scala over Java. Other interesting new programming languages on the JVM, such as Kotlin, are also worth looking at. The purpose of this chapter is to open your horizons to what’s available beyond Java. We believe that it’s important for a well-rounded software engineer to be knowledgeable about the wider programming-languages ecosystem.

Also keep in mind that the purpose of this chapter isn’t to teach you how to write idiomatic Scala code or to tell you everything about Scala. Scala supports many features (such as pattern matching, for-comprehensions, and implicits) that aren’t available in Java, and we won’t discuss those features. Rather, we focus on comparing the Java and Scala features to give you an idea of the bigger picture. You’ll find that you can write more concise and readable code in Scala compared with Java, for example.

This chapter starts with an introduction to Scala: writing simple programs and working with collections. Next, we discuss functions in Scala: first-class functions, closures, and currying. Finally, we look at classes in Scala and at a feature called traits, which is Scala’s take on interfaces and default methods.

20.1. Introduction to Scala

This section briefly introduces basic Scala features to give you a feel for simple Scala programs. We start with a slightly modified “Hello world” example written in an imperative style and a functional style. Then we look at some data structures that Scala supports—List, Set, Map, Stream, Tuple, and Option—and compare them with Java. Finally, we present traits, Scala’s replacement for Java’s interfaces, which also support inheritance of methods at object-instantiation time.

20.1.1. Hello beer

To change a bit from the classic “Hello world” example, bring in some beer. You want to print the following output on the screen:

Hello 2 bottles of beer
Hello 3 bottles of beer
Hello 4 bottles of beer
Hello 5 bottles of beer
Hello 6 bottles of beer
Imperative-style Scala

Here’s how the code to print this output looks in Scala when you use an imperative style:

object Beer {
  def main(args: Array[String]){
    var n : Int = 2
    while( n <= 6){
      println(s"Hello ${n} bottles of beer")           1
      n += 1

  • 1 String interpolation

You can find information about how to run this code on the official Scala website (see This program looks similar to what you’d write in Java, and its structure is similar to that of Java programs, consisting of one method called main, which takes an array of strings as argument. (Type annotations follow the syntax s : String instead of Strings, as in Java.) The main method doesn’t return a value, so it’s not necessary to declare a return type in Scala as you’d have to do in Java when you use void.


In general, nonrecursive method declarations in Scala don’t need an explicit return type, because Scala can infer the type for you.

Before we look at the body of the main method, we need to discuss the object declaration. After all, in Java you have to declare the method main within a class. The declaration object introduces a singleton object, declaring a class Beer and instantiating it at the same time. Only one instance is created. This example is the first example of a classical design pattern (the singleton design pattern) implemented as a language feature, and it’s free to use out of the box. In addition, you can view methods within an object declaration as being declared as static, which is why the signature of the main method isn’t explicitly declared as static.

Now look at the body of main. This method also looks similar to a Java method, but statements don’t need to end with a semicolon (which is optional). The body consists of a while loop, which increments a mutable variable, n. For each new value of n, you print a string on the screen, using the predefined println method. The println line showcases another feature of Scala: string interpolation, which allows you to embed variables and expressions directly in string literals. In the preceding code, you can use the variable n directly in the string literal s"Hello ${n} bottles of beer". Prepending the string with the interpolator s provides that magic. Normally in Java, you have to do an explicit concatenation such as "Hello " + n + " bottles of beer".

Functional-style Scala

But what can Scala offer after all our talk about functional-style programming throughout this book? The preceding code can be written in a more functional-style form in Java as follows:

public class Foo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        IntStream.rangeClosed(2, 6)
                 .forEach(n -> System.out.println("Hello " + n +
                                                  " bottles of beer"));

Here’s how that code looks in Scala:

object Beer {
  def main(args: Array[String]){
    2 to 6 foreach { n => println(s"Hello ${n} bottles of beer") }

The Scala code is similar to the Java code but less verbose. First, you can create a range by using the expression 2 to 6. Here’s something cool: 2 is an object of type Int. In Scala, everything is an object; there’s no concept of primitive types, as in Java, which makes Scala a complete object-oriented language. An Int object in Scala supports a method named to, which takes as an argument another Int and returns a range. You could have written instead. But methods that take one argument can be written in an infix form. Next, foreach (with a lowercase e) is similar to forEach in Java (with an uppercase E). This method is available on a range (you use the infix notation again), and it takes a lambda expression as an argument to apply on each element. The lambda-expression syntax is similar to that in Java, but the arrow is => instead of ->.[1] The preceding code is functional; you’re not mutating a variable as you did in the earlier example using a while loop.


Note that the Scala terms anonymous functions and closures (interchangeable) refer to what Java calls lambda expressions.

20.1.2. Basic data structures: List, Set, Map, Tuple, Stream, Option

Are you feeling good after having a couple of beers to quench your thirst? Most real programs need to manipulate and store data, so in this section, you manipulate collections in Scala and see how that process compares with Java.

Creating collections

Creating collections in Scala is simple, thanks to Scala’s emphasis on conciseness. To exemplify, here’s how to create a Map:

val authorsToAge = Map("Raoul" -> 23, "Mario" -> 40, "Alan" -> 53)

Several things are new in this line of code. First, it’s awesome that you can create a Map and associate a key with a value directly, using the syntax ->. There’s no need to add elements manually, as in Java:

Map<String, Integer> authorsToAge = new HashMap<>();
authorsToAge.put("Raoul", 23);
authorsToAge.put("Mario", 40);
authorsToAge.put("Alan", 53);

You learned in chapter 8, however, that Java 9 has a couple of factory methods, inspired by Scala, that can help you tidy this type of code:

Map<String, Integer> authorsToAge
    = Map.ofEntries(entry("Raoul", 23),
                    entry("Mario", 40),
                    entry("Alan", 53));

The second new thing is that you can choose not to annotate the type of the variable authorsToAge. You could have explicitly written val authorsToAge : Map[String, Int], but Scala can infer the type of the variable for you. (Note that the code is still checked statically. All variables have a given type at compile time.) We come back to this feature in chapter 21. Third, you use the val keyword instead of var. What’s the difference? The keyword val means that the variable is read-only and can’t be reassigned to (like final in Java). The var keyword means that the variable is read-write.

What about other collections? You can create a List (a singly linked list) or a Set (no duplicates) easily, as follows:

val authors = List("Raoul", "Mario", "Alan")
val numbers = Set(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)

The authors variable has three elements, and the numbers variable has five elements.

Immutable vs. mutable

One important fact to keep in mind is that the collections you created previously are immutable by default, which means that they can’t be changed after they’re created. Immutability is useful because you know that accessing the collection at any point in your program always yields a collection with the same elements.

How can you update an immutable collection in Scala? To come back to the terminology used in chapter 19, such collections in Scala are said to be persistent. Updating a collection produces a new collection that shares as much as possible with the previous version, which persists without being affected by changes (as we show in figures 19.3 and 19.4). As a consequence of this property, your code has fewer implicit data dependencies: there’s less confusion about which location in your code updates a collection (or any other shared data structure) and at what point in time.

The following example demonstrates this idea. Add an element to a Set:

val numbers = Set(2, 5, 3);
val newNumbers = numbers + 8        1
println(newNumbers)                 2
println(numbers)                    3

  • 1 Here, + is a method that adds 8 to the Set, creating a new Set object as a result.
  • 2 (2, 5, 3, 8)
  • 3 (2, 5, 3)

In this example, the set of numbers isn’t modified. Instead, a new Set is created with an additional element.

Note that Scala doesn’t force you to use immutable collections—only makes it easy to adopt immutability in your code. Also, mutable versions are available in the package scala.collection.mutable.

Unmodifiable vs. immutable

Java provides several ways to create unmodifiable collections. In the following code, the variable newNumbers is a read-only view of the set numbers:

Set<Integer> numbers = new HashSet<>();
Set<Integer> newNumbers = Collections.unmodifiableSet(numbers);

This code means that you won’t be able to add new elements through the newNumbers variable. But an unmodifiable collection is a wrapper over a modifiable collection, so you could still add elements by accessing the numbers variable.

By contrast, immutable collections guarantee that nothing can change the collection, regardless of how many variables are pointing to it.

We explained in chapter 19 how you could create a persistent data structure: an immutable data structure that preserves the previous version of itself when modified. Any modifications always produce a new updated structure.

Working with collections

Now that you’ve seen how to create collections, you need to know what you can do with them. Collections in Scala support operations similar to those in the Java Stream API. You may recognize filter and map in the following example and as illustrated in figure 20.1:

val fileLines = Source.fromFile("data.txt").getLines.toList()
val linesLongUpper
  = fileLines.filter(l => l.length() > 10)
             .map(l => l.toUpperCase())
Figure 20.1. Streamlike operations with Scala’s List

Don’t worry about the first line, which transforms a file into a list of strings consisting of the lines in the file (similar to what Files.readAllLines provides in Java). The second line creates a pipeline of two operations:

  • A filter operation that selects only the lines that have a length greater than 10
  • A map operation that transforms these long lines to uppercase

This code can be also written as follows:

val linesLongUpper
  = fileLines filter (_.length() > 10) map(_.toUpperCase())

You use the infix notation as well as the underscore (_) character, which is a placeholder that’s positionally matched with any arguments. In this case, you can read _.length() as l => l.length(). In the functions passed to filter and map, the underscore is bound to the line parameter that is to be processed.

Many more useful operations are available in Scala’s collection API. We recommend taking a look at the Scala documentation to get an idea ( Note that this API is slightly richer than the Streams API (including support for zipping operations, which let you combine elements of two lists), so you’ll definitely gain a few programming idioms by checking it out. These idioms may also make it into the Streams API in future versions of Java.

Finally, remember that in Java, you can ask for a pipeline to be executed in parallel by calling parallel on a Stream. Scala has a similar trick. You need only use the par method:

val linesLongUpper
  = fileLines.par filter (_.length() > 10) map(_.toUpperCase())

This section looks at another feature that’s often painfully verbose in Java: tuples. You may want to use tuples to group people by name and phone number (here, simple pairs) without declaring an ad hoc new class and instantiating an object for it: ("Raoul", "+44 7700 700042"), ("Alan", "+44 7700 700314"), and so on.

Unfortunately, Java doesn’t provide support for tuples, so you have to create your own data structure. Here’s a simple Pair class:

public class Pair<X, Y> {
    public final X x;
    public final Y y;
    public Pair(X x, Y y){
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

Also, of course you need to instantiate pairs explicitly:

Pair<String, String> raoul = new Pair<>("Raoul", "+44 7700 700042");
Pair<String, String> alan = new Pair<>("Alan", "+44 7700 700314");

Okay, but how about triplets and arbitrary-size tuples? Defining a new class for every tuple size is tedious and ultimately affects the readability and maintainability of your programs.

Scala provides tuple literals, which allow you to create tuples through simple syntactic sugar with the normal mathematical notation, as follows:

val raoul = ("Raoul", "+44 7700 700042")
val alan = ("Alan", "+44 7700 700314")

Scala supports arbitrary-size[2] tuples, so the following are possible:


Tuples have a limit of 22 elements.

val book = (2018 "Modern Java in Action", "Manning")     1
val numbers = (42, 1337, 0, 3, 14)                       2

  • 1 A tuple of type (Int, String, String)
  • 2 A tuple of type (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)

You can access the elements of the tuples by their positions by using the accessors _1, _2 (starting at 1), as in this example:

println(book._1)         1
println(numbers._4)      2

  • 1 Prints 2018
  • 2 Prints 3

Isn’t that example much nicer than what you’d have to write in Java? The good news is that there are discussions about introducing tuple literals in future versions of Java. (See chapter 21 for more discussion of possible new features in Java.)


The collections that we’ve described so far—List, Set, Map, and Tuple—are all evaluated eagerly (that is, immediately). By now, you know that streams in Java are evaluated on demand (that is, lazily). You saw in chapter 5 that because of this property, streams can represent an infinite sequence without overflowing memory.

Scala also provides a corresponding lazily evaluated data structure called Stream. But Streams in Scala provide more features than those in Java. Streams in Scala remember values that were computed so that previous elements can be accessed. In addition, Streams are indexed so that elements can be accessed by an index, like a list. Note that the trade-off for these additional properties is the fact that Streams are less memory-efficient compared with Java’s Streams, because being able to refer to previous elements means that the elements need to be remembered (cached).


Another data structure that you’ll be familiar with is Option—Scala’s version of Java’s Optional, which we discussed in chapter 11. We argued that you should use Optional when possible to design better APIs, in which by reading the signature of a method, users can tell whether they can expect an optional value. You should use this data structure instead of null whenever possible to prevent null-pointer exceptions.

You saw in chapter 11 that you can use Optional to return the name of a person’s insurance if the person’s age is greater than some minimum age, as follows:

public String getCarInsuranceName(Optional<Person> person, int minAge) {
    return person.filter(p -> p.getAge() >= minAge)

In Scala, you can use Option in a way similar to Optional:

  def getCarInsuranceName(person: Option[Person], minAge: Int) =
    person.filter(_.age >= minAge)

You can recognize the same structure and method names apart from getOrElse, which is the equivalent of orElse in Java. You see, throughout this book, you’ve learned new concepts that you can apply directly to other programming languages! Unfortunately, null also exists in Scala for Java compatibility reasons, but its use is highly discouraged.

20.2. Functions

Scala functions can be viewed as being sequences of instructions that are grouped to perform a task. These functions are useful for abstracting behavior and are the cornerstone of functional programming.

In Java, you’re familiar with methods: functions associated with a class. You’ve also seen lambda expressions, which can be considered to be anonymous functions. Scala offers a richer set of features to support functions than Java does, and we look at those features in this section. Scala provides the following:

  • Function types—syntactic sugar that represents the idea of Java function descriptors (that is, notations that represent the signature of the abstract method declared in a functional interface), which we described in chapter 3
  • Anonymous functions that don’t have the no-writing restriction on nonlocal variables that Java’s lambda expressions have
  • Support for currying, which means breaking a function that takes multiple arguments into a series of functions, each of which takes some of the arguments

20.2.1. First-class functions in Scala

Functions in Scala are first-class values, which means that they can be passed around as parameters, returned as a result, and stored in variables, like values such as Integer and String. As we’ve shown you in earlier chapters, method references and lambda expressions in Java can also be seen as first-class functions.

Here’s an example of how first-class functions work in Scala. Suppose that you have a list of strings representing tweets you’ve received. You’d like to filter this list with different criteria, such as tweets that mention the word Java or tweets of a certain short length. You can represent these two criteria as predicates (functions that return a Boolean):

def isJavaMentioned(tweet: String) : Boolean = tweet.contains("Java")
def isShortTweet(tweet: String) : Boolean = tweet.length() < 20

In Scala, you can pass these methods directly to the built-in filter as follows (as you can pass them by using method references in Java):

val tweets = List(
    "I love the new features in Java",
    "How's it going?",
    "An SQL query walks into a bar, sees two tables and says 'Can I join you?'"

Now inspect the signature of the built-in method filter:

def filter[T](p: (T) => Boolean): List[T]

You may wonder what the type of the parameter p means (here, (T) => Boolean), because in Java, you’d expect a functional interface. This Scala syntax isn’t (yet) available in Java, but it describes a function type. Here, the type represents a function that takes an object of type T and returns a Boolean. In Java, this type is expressed as a Predicate<T> or Function<T, Boolean>, which has the same signature as the isJavaMentioned and isShortTweet methods, so you can pass them as arguments to filter. The designers of the Java language decided not to introduce similar syntax for function types to keep the language consistent with previous versions. (Introducing too much new syntax in a new version of the language is viewed as adding too much cognitive overhead.)

20.2.2. Anonymous functions and closures

Scala also supports anonymous functions, which have syntax similar to that of lambda expressions. In the following example, you can assign to a variable named isLong-Tweet an anonymous function that checks whether a given tweet is long:

val isLongTweet : String => Boolean                 1
    = (tweet : String) => tweet.length() > 60       2

  • 1 A variable of function type String to Boolean
  • 2 An anonymous function

In Java, a lambda expression lets you create an instance of a functional interface. Scala has a similar mechanism. The preceding code is syntactic sugar for declaring an anonymous class of type scala.Function1 (a function of one parameter), which provides the implementation of the method apply:

val isLongTweet : String => Boolean
    = new Function1[String, Boolean] {
        def apply(tweet: String): Boolean = tweet.length() > 60

Because the variable isLongTweet holds an object of type Function1, you can call the method apply, which can be seen as calling the function:

isLongTweet.apply("A very short tweet")           1

  • 1 Returns false

In Java, you could do the following:

Function<String, Boolean> isLongTweet = (String s) -> s.length() > 60;
boolean long = islongTweet.apply("A very short tweet");

To allow you to use lambda expressions, Java provides several built-in functional interfaces such as Predicate, Function, and Consumer. Scala provides traits (you can think of traits as being interfaces for now) to achieve the same thing: Function0 (a function with 0 parameters and a return result) up to Function22 (a function with 22 parameters), all of which define the method apply.

Another cool trick in Scala allows you to implicitly call the apply method by using syntactic sugar that looks more like a function call:

isLongTweet("A very short tweet")          1

  • 1 Returns false

The compiler automatically converts a call f(a) to f.apply(a) and, more generally, a call f(a1, ..., an) to f.apply(a1, ..., an), if f is an object that supports the apply method. (Note that apply can have any number of arguments.)


In chapter 3, we commented on whether lambda expressions in Java constitute closures. A closure is an instance of a function that can reference nonlocal variables of that function with no restrictions. But lambda expressions in Java have a restriction: they can’t modify the content of local variables of a method in which the lambda is defined. Those variables have to be implicitly final. It helps to think that lambdas close over values, rather than variables.

By contrast, anonymous functions in Scala can capture variables themselves, not the values to which the variables currently refer. The following is possible in Scala:

def main(args: Array[String]) {
    var count = 0
    val inc = () => count+=1         1
    println(count)                   2
    println(count)                   3

  • 1 A closure capturing and incrementing count
  • 2 Prints 1
  • 3 Prints 2

But in Java, the following results in a compiler error because count is implicitly forced to be final:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int count = 0;
    Runnable inc = () -> count+=1;              1;

  • 1 Error: Count must be final or effectively final.

We argued in chapters 7, 18, and 19 that you should avoid mutation whenever possible to make your programs easier to maintain and parallelizable, so use this feature only when strictly necessary.

20.2.3. Currying

In chapter 19, we described a technique called currying, in which a function f of two arguments (x and y, say) is seen instead as a function g of one argument, which returns a function also of one argument. This definition can be generalized to functions with multiple arguments, producing multiple functions of one argument. In other words, you can break down a function that takes multiple arguments into a series of functions, each of which takes a subset of the arguments. Scala provides a construct that makes it easy to curry an existing function.

To understand what Scala brings to the table, first revisit an example in Java. You can define a simple method to multiply two integers:

static int multiply(int x, int y) {
  return x * y;
int r = multiply(2, 10);

But this definition requires all the arguments to be passed to it. You can break down the multiply method manually by making it return another function:

static Function<Integer, Integer> multiplyCurry(int x) {
    return (Integer y) -> x * y;

The function returned by multiplyCurry captures the value of x and multiplies it by its argument y, returning an Integer. As a result, you can use multiplyCurry as follows in a map to multiply each element by 2:

Stream.of(1, 3, 5, 7)

This code produces the result 2, 6, 10, 14. This code works because map expects a Function as argument and multiplyCurry returns a Function.

It’s a bit tedious in Java to split up a function manually to create a curried form, especially if the function has multiple arguments. Scala has a special syntax that performs this automatically. You can define the normal multiply method as follows:

def multiply(x : Int, y: Int) = x * y
val r = multiply(2, 10)

And here is the curried form:

def multiplyCurry(x :Int)(y : Int) = x * y     1
val r = multiplyCurry(2)(10)                   2

  • 1 Defining a curried function
  • 2 Invoking a curried function

When you use the (x: Int)(y: Int) syntax, the multiplyCurry method takes two argument lists of one Int parameter. By contrast, multiply takes one list of two Int parameters. What happens when you call multiplyCurry? The first invocation of multiplyCurry with a single Int (the parameter x), multiplyCurry(2), returns another function that takes a parameter y and multiplies it by the captured value of x (here, the value 2). We say that this function is partially applied as explained in chapter 19, because not all arguments are provided. The second invocation multiplies x and y. You can store the first invocation to multiplyCurry inside a variable and reuse it, as follows:

val multiplyByTwo : Int => Int = multiplyCurry(2)
val r = multiplyByTwo(10)                            1

  • 1 20

By comparison with Java, in Scala you don’t need to provide the curried form of a function manually, as in the preceding example. Scala provides a convenient function-definition syntax to indicate that a function has multiple curried argument lists.

20.3. Classes and traits

In this section, we look at how classes and interfaces in Java compare with those in Scala. These two constructs are paramount to design applications. You’ll see that Scala’s classes and interfaces can provide more flexibility than those in Java.

20.3.1. Less verbosity with Scala classes

Because Scala is a full object-oriented language, you can create classes and instantiate them to produce objects. In its most basic form, the syntax to declare and instantiate classes is similar to that of Java. Here’s how to declare a Hello class:

class Hello {
  def sayThankYou(){
    println("Thanks for reading our book")
val h = new Hello()
Getters and setters

Scala becomes more interesting when you have a class with fields. Have you ever come across a Java class that purely defines a list of fields and had to declare a long list of getters, setters, and an appropriate constructor? What a pain! In addition, you often see tests for the implementation of each method. A large amount of code typically is devoted to such classes in Enterprise Java applications. Consider this simple Student class:

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int id;
    public Student(String name) { = name;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public int getId() {
        return id;
    public void setId(int id) { = id;

You have to manually define the constructor that initializes all fields, two getters, and two setters. A simple class now has more than 20 lines of code. Several IDEs (integrated development environments) and tools can help you generate this code, but your code base still has to deal with a large amount of additional code that’s not too useful compared with real business logic.

In Scala, constructors, getters, and setters can be generated implicitly, which results in code with less verbosity:

class Student(var name: String, var id: Int)
val s = new Student("Raoul", 1)                 1
println(                                 2 = 1337                                     3
println(                                   4

  • 1 Initialize a Student object.
  • 2 Get the name and print Raoul.
  • 3 Set the id.
  • 4 Print 1337.

In Java, you could get similar behavior by defining public fields, but you’d still have to define the constructor explicitly. Scala classes save you boilerplate code.

20.3.2. Scala traits vs. Java interfaces

Scala has another useful feature for abstraction, called traits, which are Scala’s replacement for Java’s interfaces. A trait can define both abstract methods and methods with a default implementation. Traits can also be multiply inherited like interfaces in Java, so you can see them as being similar to Java interfaces that support default methods. Traits can also contain fields such as abstract classes, which Java interfaces don’t support. Are traits like abstract classes? No, because unlike abstract classes, traits can be multiply inherited. Java has always had multiple inheritance of types because a class can implement multiple interfaces. Java 8, through default methods, introduced multiple inheritance of behaviors but still doesn’t allow multiple inheritance of state—something permitted by Scala traits.

To see what a trait looks like in Scala, define a trait called Sized that contains one mutable field called size and one method called isEmpty with a default implementation:

trait Sized {
  var size : Int = 0              1
  def isEmpty() = size == 0       2

  • 1 A field called size
  • 2 A method called isEmpty with a default implementation

You can compose this code at declaration time with a class, such as an Empty class that always has size 0:

class Empty extends Sized         1
println(new Empty().isEmpty())    2

  • 1 A class inheriting from the trait Sized
  • 2 Prints true

Interestingly, compared with Java interfaces, traits can be composed at object instantiation time (but this operation is still a compile-time operation). You can create a Box class and decide that one specific instance should support the operations defined by the trait Sized, as follows:

class Box
val b1 = new Box() with Sized      1
println(b1.isEmpty())              2
val b2 = new Box()
b2.isEmpty()                       3

  • 1 Composing the trait at object instantiation time
  • 2 Prints true
  • 3 Compile error: The Box class declaration doesn’t inherit from Sized.

What happens if multiple traits are inherited, declaring methods with the same signatures or fields with the same names? Scala provides restriction rules similar to those that apply to default methods (chapter 13).


  • Java and Scala combine object-oriented and functional-programming features into one programming language; both run on the JVM and to a large extent can interoperate.
  • Scala supports collection abstractions similar to those in Java—List, Set, Map, Stream, Option—but also supports tuples.
  • Scala provides richer features that support more functions than Java does. These features include function types, closures that have no restrictions on accessing local variables, and built-in currying forms.
  • Classes in Scala can provide implicit constructors, getters, and setters.
  • Scala supports traits, which are interfaces that can include fields and default methods.
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