

absenteeism, 17, 5556

abundance, sense of, 3, 79, 1112

creating, 1112

definition of, 7

from job/employee match, 134135

accountability, 2627, 48, 62

in global work, 79

Hollywood Model and, 72

of leaders, 148, 200

for workspace use, 109

Achor, Shawn, 49

action plans, 183

adaptability, 173

adult-to-adult model, 10, 4950

advancement, career, 124126

agency, 200

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 48, 125

alienation, 1618, 55

alignment, 1112

with culture, 163178

with diversity, 119127

generational differences and, 113118

with global work, 7585

for impact, 197198

with leaders, 141150

with the nature of the work, 6574

with performance, 129140

with teams, 151161

with technology, 87101

with work environment, 103112

Allegiant (Roth), 107

amenities, 36

American Psychological Association, 13, 57

Argyris, Chris, 155

arousal, 5152

Ask the Children (Galinsky), 122

assumptions, 155157

authority, breakdown of, 30

autonomy. See self-determination


baby boomers, 115118

background and problem statements, 182

balance, integration vs., 3, 45, 12

Bargh, John A., 106

“Be Here Now” movement, 9798

benefits, 33. See also work-life supports

establishing clear, 148

examples of, 3437

international differences in, 7576

“Best Companies to Work For” list (Fortune), 37, 5657

“Best-Performing CEOs in the World, The” (Hansen, Ibarra, & Peyer), 125

bias, 125126

biocracy, 18

biopower, 18

blind spots, 153155

Bloom, Nicholas, 131

boards, 195

boundary management, 5

generational differences in, 1134

relationships and, 2627

technology and, 2526, 9798

brands, 169

Breakpoint and Beyond (Land & Jarman), 187188

Brondel, Andrew, 47

Brummel, Lisa, 4748, 6061, 115

business case, 181186

business drivers, 2122

business literacy, 3, 7778

buy-in, obtaining, 183184

BYOD (bring your own device), 91, 94


call centers, 174175

capacity, sense of, 3, 1112

flexibility and, 73

perceptions of demands and, 6


aligning for impact, 197198

choosing wisely, 2930

cultural, 170171

dissatisfaction leading to, 188189

driven by millennials, 114115

engagement in, 190191

executing, 3031

formula for, 187190

knowledge in creating, 189, 190

leading for, 187198

measuring impacts of, 194196

pace of, 197

perceived costs of, 190

process of, 191193

readiness for, 185186

stakeholders and, 183184

supporting through actions, 193194

child care, 13, 15, 34

guilt over, 122123

on-site, 68

working from home and, 132133

choice, 910, 12

number of choices in, 2930

technology and, 91

Christensen, Kathleen, 125

Clark, Richard T., 48

Clifton, Jim, 11

cloud computing, 94

coalitions, 2627, 148

cognitive complexity, 2324

collaboration, 2122

change and, 191

in global work, 80

individual work and, 52, 70

skill development in, 135137

virtual, 80

Coming Jobs War, The (Clifton), 11

commitment, 12, 50

modeling, 5355

of teams, 160161

“common enemy phenomenon,” 159160

communication, 2122

about change, 192193

creating sense of abundance through, v78

e-mail, 25

in global work, 7879

by leaders, 149150

of organizational memory, 29

preference for face-to-face, 172

relationships and, 152153

skill development in, 135

technology and pace of, 8990

trust and, 157

communities of practice, 148

community contributions, 15, 36

cultural differences and, 166

leaders and, 143

compartmentalization, 5

competition, fragmentation of, 27

compressed workweeks, 37

Conference Board, 195

conflict, 158160

consistency, 150, 173

consulting businesses, 27

context, 3, 191

control, 12

core values, 113

Cornell, Laura, 23

cost reduction, 2122


food/drink and, 106

happiness and, 4950

sense of abundance and, 89

spaces for, 107

in work flexibility solutions, 6772

criteria, 182


alignment with, 163178

external, 163167

organizational, 38, 108, 168178

leaders in, 143144

sensitivity to differences in, 76

Curtis, Jamie Lee, 23

customer-facing work, 70

customers, diversity among, 113114

customer satisfaction, 59


decision making

algorithm-assisted, 92

conflict in, 158159

context for, 3

in creating abundance, 78

demands for speed and, 2425

diversity in, 113

person-centered view of, 1920

respect for employees in, 10

70/7 rule for, 184185

too many choices in, 2930

vision shaped by, 187188

demands, 1112

abundance and, 89

flexibility and, 73

fulfilling work and, 11

overwork and, 2223

perceptions of capacity and, 6

Deming, W. Edwards, 24

Deming Cycle, 24

demographic changes

aging employees and, 2829

generational differences and, 113118

life course needs and, 56

recruitment/hiring and, 5859

social networking and, 81

Denison, Dan, 173, 176178

DePree, D.J., 16, 20

deskilling of production, 16

development planning, 137138, 148, 149

Diamond Pet Foods, 47

differentiation, 59

digital natives, 113114

discipline, 131132

dissatisfaction, 188189, 190

distractions, 4748

diversity, 119127

benefits of, 113114

cultural, 163167

gender, 120127

programs supporting, 120121

downtime, 25

Drucker, Peter, 52, 95, 141, 142143

Drucker Institute, 18, 48, 5960, 135136, 146

Durkheim, Emile, 1920


Economist, The, 92

education, 35, 7677

development planning, 137138

skill development and, 135137

in technology, 91

ElsaCo, 4142

Ely, Robin, 125

e-mail, 25, 98, 152153

employees. See also recruitment and hiring

alienation of, 1618

development planning for, 137138

match of jobs with, 133135

maturity levels of, 131132

multifaceted nature of, 16, 20

partnerships with, 29

person-centered view of, 1920

engagement, 12

in change, 190191

commitment and, 5355

fun and, 53

happiness and, 50

international levels of, 17

productivity and, 49

of remote workers, 131

sense of abundance and, 78

technology and, 9798

work-life supports and, 4548

environment. See culture; workplace environment

equity vs. equality, 67, 84

ergonomics, 43

Etsy, 140

execution, strategic, 3031

exit interviews, 195

expectations, 7778

in culture, 174178

technology and, 9798

for workspace use, 108

expense policies, 9091


Facebook. See social networking

failure, 157158

setting up employees for, 2223

fairness, 84

family life

child care and, 13, 15, 34, 68, 122123, 132133

flexible work schedules and, 3738

gender differences in, 121124

presence by proxy and, 100101

working parents and, 15

Fast Company, 31

financial considerations

cost reductions, 2122

money saved from work-life supports, 5556

optimal density and, 110111

perceived costs of change, 190

resistance to work-life supports as, 5961

Fleming, Peter, 18

flexibility, 12

based on the nature of the work, 6574

benefits of in recruiting and hiring, 58

bidirectional, 133

creative solutions for, 6772

for customer-facing work, 7071

demand vs. capacity and, 73

differences in application of, 144145

diversity and, 120121

employee ability to take advantage of, 172173

generational differences and, 114118

global work and, 7585

life-course changes and, 56

managing, 129130

in measurement systems, 195196

money savings with, 5556

perceptions and mind-sets about, 7374

as privilege, 130131

for project-based work, 7172

regulations/safety and, 6869

results from, 4849

situational issues and, 132133

sustainability and, 166167

travel and, 6768

in work hours/locations, 3738

flextime, 35

flow states, 5152

food and drink, 106

Fortune magazine, 37

Foucault, Michel, 18

fragmentation, 27

friendships, 152153. See also relationships

Frost, Dr. Carl, 3

fulfillment, sense of, 6, 11

fun, 53

future proofing, 3132, 191


Galinsky, Ellen, 12, 22, 122

Gallup, 11, 49, 131, 152153, 173

gender differences. See also diversity

business impacts of, 119120

in career advancement, 124126

child care and, 122123

in multitasking, 123124

in work-life spillover, 13, 14

on work-life supports, 121122

generational differences, 113118. See also demographic changes

Genius Bars, 69

gen Z, 113114

Gerson, Kathleen, 126

global work, 7585

policies and fairness in, 84

social networking and, 8083

goals, 78, 182

Goldilocks Rule, 39

Great Placed to Work Institute, 47

Greening of Yellowstone, 26

growth, 2122

guilt, 122123


Hansen, Morten T., 125

happiness, 11, 4950

Happiness Advantage, The (Achor), 49

Hardy, Quentin, 9395

Harvard Business Review, 92, 125, 148

Hawthorne Effect, 19

health, 12

costs of stress and, 17

results of work-life supports, 4548

technology and, 8889

work-life supports for, 34

Herman Miller North America, 16, 46, 138139, 142, 184185

Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership, 191

Heskett, James, 178

hiring. See recruitment and hiring

Hochschild, Arlie, 123124

Hollywood Model, 7172

“hologram thinking,” 188

Homans, George C., 19

home, working from, 35, 3738

differences in application of, 144145

employee maturity and, 131132

returning to office work and, 133

situational issues in, 132133

work relationships and, 152153

human resources, 111112


Ibarra, Herminia, 125

implementation, 199201

Inc. magazine, 58

income levels, 13, 14, 6667, 126

information overload, demand for speed and, 2325

Ingham, Harrington, 153

innovation, 130131, 143

inspiration, 11

insurance, 34

integration, 3, 45

balance vs., 3, 45, 12

business case for, 181186

challenges in, 2132

defining, 5

social contract and, 18

internet of things, 9192

involvement, 173

Is There Really a Human Race? (Curtis & Cornell), 23

iterative learning, 139


Jacknis, Martin, 58

Jarman, Beth, 187188

job design, 36, 133135

job matching, 133135

job satisfaction, 12

expectations and, 174176

family life quality and, 15

work-life supports and, 4548

job security, 38, 78

job sharing, 37

Johari window, 153156, 161

Joy, Inc. (Sheridan), 164165


Knebl, Kevin, 8083

Kolb, Deborah, 125

Kotter, John, 178


labor market, 11, 2728, 4142

Ladder of Inference, 155156

Land, George, 187188

LaRusso, Frank, 106

leaders and leadership

accountability of, 148, 200

alignment with, 141150

attitudes of toward work-life supports, 5962

centrality of in employee experience, 143144

challenges facing, 2132

for change and impact, 187198

in change process, 192194

in choosing wisely, 2930

in creating abundance, 79

in creating happiness, 4950

development of, 149

Drucker’s principles of, 142143

influence of on supports, 141142

as leverage point, 177

mind-sets of, 145146

in organizational culture, 143144, 165

project-based work and, 7172

styles of, 149150

systems and, 147148

tone set by, 146147

work team, 195

Leading Culture Change in Global Organizations: Aligning Culture and Strategy (Denison), 173

Lean In (Sandberg), 126


from failure, 157158

lifelong, 135137

from mistakes, 138139

leaves, 34, 4243, 7576

Lesage, Jean-Francois, 23

leverage points, 173174, 177

life course, 56. See also demographic changes

light levels, 107

likability index, 125

LinkedIn. See social networking

love-work patterns, 133135

loyalty, employee, 59, 72

Luft, Joseph, 153


management. See also leaders and leadership

of change, 191193

of conflict, 158159

Drucker on, 95, 141

of global work, 7779

by objectives, 52

for outcomes, 129131

by walking around, 192

market leadership, 2122

Mars Drinks, Inc., 54, 5657, 105, 106, 137138, 139140, 170

Marx, Karl, 16

Maslow, Abraham, 19

Mason, Malia, 50

maturity, 131132

McGregor, Douglas, 19

McKinsey Global, 113, 122

meeting places, 107, 108

Menlo Innovations, 164167

mentoring, 29, 115, 116117, 138

Merck & Co., 48

mergers and acquisitions, 173174

metrics, 6061, 129, 186

for change processes, 194196

technology and, 94, 95

Microsoft, 4748, 6061, 115

millennials, 113115

mind-sets, 7374, 145146

Ministry of Unusual Business, 140

mission, 173

mistakes, approach to, 138139

modeling, 116117, 146147

moments of truth, 911

Moon, K.H., 4647, 136137, 143

Moral Molecule, The (Zak), 5051

motivation, 10, 17

empowerment and, 51

happiness and, 4950

person-centered management and, 1920

physical environment and, 104

recognition and, 139140

turnover rates and, 57

Mulcahy, Anne, 48

multitasking, 123124


NalydCo, 4041

navigation, 5, 181. See also boundaries

networks and networking, 2627

neuroscience, 5053, 123124

noise, ambient, 107

No Man’s Land (Gerson), 126

norms, 38, 95101, 108. See also culture

novelty, 96, 107


objectives, 182

obligations, 4849

openness, 153155

optimal density, 103, 104, 107, 109111

organizational culture, 38108, 168178

defining, 167169

embodiments of, 168169

expectations and, 174178

immune systems in, 171

importance of attending to, 178

joining, 170

leaders in, 143144, 173174

leverage points for changing, 173174

symbiotic relationships in, 170171

work-life supports in, 171173, 176178

organizational memory, 29, 116117

organizational practices, 3334

organization skills, 135

outcomes, 183

overwork, 2223

oxytocin, 51


pace, 2325, 88, 89

Parsons, Greg, 46

partnerships, 27, 29

passion, 10, 72. See also engagement

patience banks, 196

peer influence, 192

perceptions, 3

of demand and capacity, 6

flexibility and, 7374

gender differences in, 125126

of reality, 36

perfectionism, 89

performance, 12

accountability and, 139140

aligning work-life supports with, 129140

approaches to mistakes and, 138139

development planning and, 137138

employee maturity and, 131132

happiness and, 4950

job match and, 133135

leaders and, 143

managing for outcomes and, 129131

mentoring and, 138

metrics on, 195

organizational culture and, 178

rewards and recognition and, 138140

in school, 15

self-determination and, 59

situational issues in, 132133

skill development and, 135137

personal concerns, 191

person-centered view, 1920

Peyer, Urs, 125

pilot projects, 186

Pinterest. See social networking

place, sense of, 103104

Plan-Do-Check-Act model, 24

policies, 33. See also work-life supports

establishing clear, 148

examples of, 3536

in global work, 84

late-career employees and, 117118

technology systems and, 9092

presence by proxy, 98101

prioritization, 2125

procedural concerns, 191

productivity, 11

effects of attention on, 1920

engagement and, 49

flexibility and improved, 48

happiness and, 4950

managing for, 130131

optimal density and, 110111

reasonable goals for, 2223

stress and, 17

professional level, work flexibility and, 6667

project-based work, 7172

proximity, 98101

Pullen, Curt, 138139, 142, 184185

purpose, 48

connecting with abundance, 89

engagement and, 54

in global work, 78

leaders in creating, 143

neuroscience on, 51


Ramo, Joshua Cooper, 191


matching expectations with, 174176

overwork and productivity demands, 2223

perceptions of, 36

reciprocal mentoring, 115

reciprocity, 4849, 50

recognition and rewards

abundance of, 78

mistakes and, 138139

older employees and, 2829

performance and, 138140

recruitment and hiring, 2728

at ElsaCo, 4142

honesty and expectations in, 174176

of leaders, 148

work-life supports as advantage in, 5659

workplace environment and, 104105

reflection, time for, 2325

regulation, 6869

relationships, 52

in global work, 7778

inter-team, 161

making time for, 2627

physical presence and, 98101

presence by proxy and, 100101

skills in building, 135

social networking and, 83

symbiotic, 170171

in teams, 151153, 153155

technology and, 97101

relaxation, 53, 106

51-52, 51

resilience, 4950, 73, 191

resistance, 5961, 183184, 197

respect, 10, 155

responsibility, 48, 82, 200

results, 4562

attracting and retaining talent, 5659

financial, 5556

happiness and, 4950

modeling behavior and, 5355

neuroscience of, 5053

organizational culture and, 178

reciprocity in, 4849

of self-determination, 59

retention, 12, 4548, 5657. See also recruitment and hiring

retirement, 34, 117118

return on investment (ROI), 194

reverse mentoring, 115

rewards. See recognition and rewards

risks, 182

Rometty, Virginia, 2324

Ross, Edward A., 110

Roth, Veronica, 107

Rummelt, Herman, 16


sabbaticals, 4243

sacrifice, attitude of, 122

safety, 6869

Sandberg, Sheryl, 126, 164

saying no, 2123

scarcity paradigm, 7. See also abundance, sense of

second shift, 123124

security, 6869

selective attention, 96

self, loss of, 1618

self-actualization, 19

self-determination, 910, 59

demand/capacity and, 73

flexible work hours and, 3738

international levels of, 18

neuroscience on, 52

results from increasing, 48

70/7 rule, 184185

Sharer, Kevin, 148

Sheridan, Richard, 164167

simplicating, 200

skills and talent

developing, 135138

labor market bifurcation by, 2728, 4142

mentoring, 138

sense of abundance and, 89

strategic vs. tactical, 3031

technology’s impact on, 9293

sleep deprivation, 88

social contract, 18, 5960

Social Media Sales Revolution, The (Knebl), 8081

social mobility, 2728

social networking, 8083

adoption rates of, 83

guidelines for, 83

value added by, 8182

social proof, 116117

spillover, 1315

boundary setting and, 2526

employee exploitation and, 18

generational differences in tolerance of, 114

spin cycle, 2425

sponsors, 6061, 78, 192

stability, 2122

stakeholders, 183184

storytelling, 104105, 165166

strategic advantage, 169

strategic partnerships, 27

strategy, in execution, 3031


perceptions of demand vs. capacity and, 6

from spillover, 1315

work as source of, 1617

structure, 200

substance abuse, 88

supporters, 184186

survey data, 194195

survival, 2122

sustainability, 166167

systems, 147148


talent. See skills and talent

“Team Playbook,” 160


alignment with, 151161

avoiding assumptions in, 155157

commitment of, 160161

conflict in, 158160

cycles in, 70

in global work, 7679

learning from failures in, 157158

openness and trust in, 153155

relationships between, 161

task and relationship requirements of, 151153

technology vs. physical presence in, 98101


aligning work-life supports with, 87101

behavior changes from, 9295

boundary management and, 2526

changes from using, 9395

employee exploitation through, 18

generational differences and, 114115

in global work, 77

in inter-team relationships, 161

norms and behaviors changed by, 95101

physical presence vs., 98101

pros and cons of, 8789

relationships and, 152153

resistance to, 8990

spillover and, 18

supports related to, 35

systems with, 9092

trends in, 9192

workplace environment supporting, 107

telecommuting, 37

“tell your spouse test,” 53

testing, 201

text parenting, 100101

360-degree feedback, 195

time management

demands for speed and, 2325

overworked employees and, 2223

prioritization and, 2223

relationship development and, 2627

sense of abundance and, 78

skill development in, 135137

time tracking and, 4142

tone, setting, 146147

touch points, 911

town hall meetings, 192

Townsend, Nicholas W., 126127

training, 91, 135137. See also mentoring

development planning, 137138

of leaders, 148, 149

transparency, 143

travel, 6768, 9091

trust, 52, 70

flexible working and, 130131

teams and, 153155

understanding and, 157

turnover rates, 17, 57, 195

Twain, Mark, 200


Unkovic, Xavier, 54, 5657, 105, 137138, 139140, 170


values, 163. See also culture

Verma, Ragini, 123

vision, 143, 187188, 190

Vital Friends (Gallup), 152153

Voydanoff, Patricia, 6


Wartzman, Rick, 18, 5960, 135136, 146

“water cooler test,” 53

Waytz, Adam, 50

Western Electric Company, 19

“whites of the eyes” management, 129

whole person perspective, 20, 178

Williams, Lawrence E., 106

Wilson, H. James, 92


changes in, 34, 1316

historical perspective on, 1620

overwork in, 2223

work and life

challenges in, 2132

integrating vs. balancing, 3, 45

perceptions of demand vs. capacity in, 6

spillover between, 1315, 18, 2526, 114

work cycles, 6970

work ethic, 38

work hours, 35, 3738

generational differences and, 1134

neuroscience on long, 53

technology and excessive, 8889

work-life supports, 3, 1112

aligning with culture, 163178

aligning with diversity, 119127

aligning with leaders, 141150

aligning with performance, 129140

aligning with teams, 151161

aligning with the nature of the work, 6574

aligning with work environments, 103112

approaches to, 3344

attitudes toward, 5962

autonomy and, 910

boundary management and, 2526

business case fir, 181186

child care, 13, 15

choice in, 910

commitment to employees and, 5355

comparison of across companies, 3844

definition of terms in, 3334

differences in application of, 141142, 144145

examples of, 3437

generational differences and, 29, 113118

for global work, 7585

guidelines for, 160161

integrating in the business, 197198

measuring effects of, 6061

moments of truth in, 911

money saved with, 5556

neuroscience on, 5053

organizational systems for, 147148

over the life course, 56

personal experiences of, 6061

playing the system and, 62

research methodology on, 203208

resistance to, 5961

results of, 4562

strategic execution of, 3031

utilization of, 38

when to implement, 199

workplace environment, 36, 52

accountability in, 109

alignment among solutions in, 111112

as destination, 106108

optimal density in, 103, 104, 107, 109111

social norms and, 108

stories told by, 103105

technology and, 9495

walls in, 111

work-life supports aligned with, 103112

work team leader data, 195

Wright, Thomas, 49


XelaCo, 4243

Xerox, 48


Yellowstone National Park, 26

YertCo, 4344

Yuhan-Kimberly, 4647, 136137, 143


Zak, Paul, 5053

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