
Academic capitalism, 7, 8, 74, 136

Academic training of business faculty, 4

Accreditation organizations, 89

Adler, Nancy, 100

Altruism, 61

Aristotelian Ethics, 61

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), 8, 9, 38, 165166

approach of integrating ethics, 74

categories of emphasis, 5456

Integrated Model, 6970

Authentic leadership, 126127

Autonomy, 13, 48, 59, 62

of judgment, 21, 2224

of thinking, 119

Bak, John, 69

Behavior, norms of, 9


professionalism, 10

in self-regulation, 18

social-trustee, 11

Body of knowledge, 41

Boggs, Grace Lee, 121

Build spaces for students, 167

Bureaucratization, 19

Business, 165

failure-to-success ratio in, 5

methods, applications of, 12

organizations, management of, 103

professional ethics in, 54

purpose of, 46

in society, role of, 35

Business courses, 154155

kinds of, 110

Business curriculum, 25, 27, 41, 74, 102, 166

leadership courses within, 131132

Business education, 41

accreditation organizations, 89

current state of professionalism, 1113

description of, 34

historical influences on, 6

history of, 46

importance of, 4

powerful contemporary influences on, 78

practical knowledge emphasis in, 47

viewing, 911

Business educators, 74, 155156

Business ethics, 66

foundational course in, 166

Business faculty, academic training of, 4

Business graduates, 137

Business professionals, 45, 137

ethical standards for, 35

Business programs, 4, 28

accrediting agencies for, 8

curricula, 9

educational elements of, 41

inconsistent practices amongst, 9

Business schools, 12

quality of, 5

Business students, 25

civic learning outcomes in, 146150

moral development of, 9

professionalism for, 4142

Business subjects, 54

Business theory, 4


academic, 74

influences of, 11

Categorical Imperative, 60

Change agent, 156163

phase of change, 129

political/power elements of change, 158

process of change, 156158

Character development, 6263

Civic engagement

definition and purpose within institutions, 136137

democracy and knowledge of, 136

description of, 135136

development within business courses, 144146

educational capital for business students, 141144

initiatives in higher education, 137138

learning. See civic learning

Civic learning

about communities and cultures, 139

about knowledge, 139140

about public action, 141

about self, 138139

about skills, 140

about values, 140141

outcomes in participating business students, 146150


education, 13

ethical model in, 7576

ethical sensitivity, 7779

instrument, 2829

learning, 94

short vignette, 7677

Clients, professionals vs., 37

Code of ethics, 4647

Cohen’s model of professional socialization, 3839

Collaboration, 107109


civic learning about, 139

responsibility to, 148150

service orientation, 4546

Compensation, 12

Confucianism, 61

Conscious capitalism, 45

Contemporary influences, on business education, 78

Continuous knowledge, 4445

Corporate business managers, 37

Courage, 65

Critical questioning, 102

Critical thinking, 28, 4344, 107109

Cultural elements, 164

Culture, civic learning about, 139

Curricular elements, 164


business. See business curriculum

infusing theory into, 105106

Decision-making models, 42

Decision-making process, 42

Defining Issues Test (DIT), 59

Degrees of sophistication, 59

Deliberate psychological education, 92

Dependence/mutuality, 39

Desire for expertise, 26

Dialectical framing, 4344

Disciplines, 6669

Donations, 9

Economic well-being, 5, 4546

Educational institutions, 9

Education, and leadership, 122

Employment, 12

Engagement, in real contexts, 102

Environmental issues, 129

Ethical action, 65, 9093

in business ethics, 92

components of, 57

by students, 91

values platform, 9091

Ethical behavior, norms of, 9

Ethical choices, 106

Ethical decision-making

discussions of, 110

for managers, 100

Ethical development, stages of, 5866

Ethical judgment, 74, 83

Ethical leadership, 63, 158

Ethical motivation, 6465, 74, 8385

Ethical philosophies, 5962

Ethical process model, 75

Ethical reasoning, 66

Ethical sensitivity, 74, 75, 7779, 9293


code of, 4647

foundational course of, 5556, 66

foundation in, 4243, 5556

Expertise, 13, 18, 21

results, desire for, 24

Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), 19

Faculty development funds, 158

Failure-to-success ratio in business, 5

Fink, D.

model, 9293

taxonomy of significant learning, 9394

Gentile, Mary, 65

approach, 91

Global citizenship, 136

Gotsch, Susan, 155

Hall model, 1819

Harvard Business School (HBS), 47

Haywood-Farmer model, 19

Higher education, 34, 10, 12, 40, 42, 78, 154

civic engagement initiatives in, 135138

Humanistic values, 130131

Humanities courses, 100

Individual education accounts (IEAs), 78

Industrialization, 35

Inform decision-making, 102

Informed imagination, 101

Infusing theory into curriculum, 105106

Institutional culture, 157158

Institutional missions, aims and aspirations for, 135

Integrating ethics, AACSB approach of, 74

Interdependence, 39, 136

Interdisciplinary collaborative approaches, 109

collaborations across disciplines, 114116

modules, 110114

pairs combined, 116117

Job description, 107

Job security, 12

Justice as Fairness, 60

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 156

Kidder’s Ethical Checkpoints, 64


body of, 41

civic learning about, 139140

moral custodians of, 11

Kohlberg, L.

models, 92

stages of moral development, 58

theory of moral development, 59

Leadership, 4344, 6768, 100, 120

cases and modules, 69

courses within business curriculum, 131132

development of courses in, 120

education, 122, 131132

ethical, 63, 158

examination of, 121

humanistic values and management, 130131

impact questionnaire result, 162

individual, 122, 125130

management and, 103

perspectives on, 121

potentials, 121

practices, 124125

principled and authentic, 126127

study of, 132

styles, 63, 125126

theories, 63, 124125


civic. See civic learning

classroom, 94

Fink’s taxonomy of, 9394

integrative, 2728

liberal, 135

taxonomy of, 9394

Liberal arts, 122

Liberal learning, 135

Lies model, 94

Madoff Affair, 8590

Management, 120, 130131

behavior, 103

and leadership, 103

organizational, 103

Managers, ethical decision-making for, 100

Mature practical judgment, 119

Maturity, 146147

McEnaney, Laura, 66

Mental models, 108

Module assessment, 163

Moral action, 42, 5758

Moral development

stages of, 58

theory of, 59

Moral judgment, 42, 57, 65

components of ethical action, 5758

decision-making formats, 6364

stages of ethical development, 5859

Moral motivation, 42, 57

Moral sensitivity, 42, 57

Multidisciplinary coursework, 100

Multi-disciplinary thinking

description of, 99100

interdisciplinary collaborative approaches, 109117

need for, 100103

teaching, 103109

Multi-frame thinking, 4344, 104105

Narvaez model, 94

Negativity/independence, 39

Nino, Lana, 154

study, 20

Nixon, Richard, 66

case study, 65

and leadership, 6768

Nurturing, 156

Organizational behavior, 103

Paired-courses assessment, 160161

Parks, Sharon Daloz, 159

Personal mastery, 108

Pierson study, 4

Practical knowledge, emphasis in, 47

Practice social agency, 167

Precursors of professionalism, 22, 26

Preprofessional students, 48

Principled leadership, 126127

Private sectors, 7

Problem solving, research vs., 4445

Process of change, 156158

Process of discovery, 108


criteria of, 3940

vs. others, 3638

standards in, 4647

Professional autonomy, 37, 40

Professional curricula, definition and type of, 153

Professional development, 35

Professional ethics in business, 54

Professional focused curriculum, 164

Professional identity, 35

Professionalism, 19, 6970

for business students, 4142

categories of, 10

components of, 1011, 21, 22

comprehensive model of, 10

comprehensive platform of, 12

concepts of, 62, 74

current state of, 1113

definition of, 10, 18

descriptions of, 73

directions for business education, 2730

elements of, 11, 18, 129

framework of, 13

Hall model, 18

Haywood-Farmer and Stuart model, 19

implications of study, 2627

institutional and environmental factors, 2526

literature on, 154

model of, 1718

in nursing, 41

precursors of, 20, 22, 26

prior studies on, 1825

robust education of, 10

scales of, 19

“social-trustee” facets of, 136

standards of, 48

studies on, 20, 22

wheel of, 42


of business management, 10

structural and attitudinal facets of, 19

Professional knowledge, 4344

Professional legitimacy, 46

Professional model, adoption of, 38

Professional organization, participation in, 4748

Professional programs, 153, 168

educational elements of, 4148


activities of, 12

vs. clients, 37

literature in, 12

organizational structure of, 11

performance and effectiveness for, 11

precapitalist ideals of, 11

traditional characteristics of, 30

Professional socialization, 3840

Cohen’s model of, 3839

Professional training, 1718

elements of, 36

Public action, civic learning about, 141

Public sectors, 7

Quality of business schools, 5

Rawls’ behavioral duties, 9

Readiness, 6970

Reflection, 65

-in-action, 123

Repeat process, 70

Research, 4445

importance of, 106107

vs. problem solving, 4445

Rest model, 65, 92

Right to be Forgotten, 7983

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 121

Self-actualization, 63

Self-concept, 1011, 13, 1921, 2627, 59, 62, 119, 120

impacts on, 129

improved, 147148

results, 2425

Self-confidence, 10, 44

Self-discovery, 146147

Self-employment, 12

Self-exploration, 6263

Self-regulation, 48

Senge, Peter, 107

Sensed inequity, 91

Sequenced approach, 6566

Sharing goals, 108

Skills, civic learning about, 140

Social agency, 13, 2627, 62, 127, 154

development of, 4546

results, 25

Social institutions, 12

Social life, 11

Social-trustee, 22

beliefs, 11

duties, 11

Societal forces, 123124

Sophistication, degrees of, 59

Standards in profession, 4647

Structural (analyst) elements of organization, 126127

Stuart model, 19

Students, 66

education, 12

ethical action by, 91

integrative learning for, 2728

moral development of, 54, 70

preprofessional, 48

professional calling, 46

professional concepts to, 4

professionalism, 75

sharing, 81

study, 109

Study of leadership

societal forces, 123124

students to, 120123

Systems thinking, 107108, 127130

Team learning, 108

Textbooks, 4

Theory development, 43, 106107

Unfairness, 91

Unilateral dependence, 39

Utilitarianism, 60

Values, civic learning about, 140141

Yale Medical School, 101

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