

1. McCarthy and McCarthy (2006).

2. Kolb and Kolb (2005).

3. Pfeffer and Fong (2002, 2009).

4. Ehrenfeld and Hoffman (2013).

Chapter 1

1. Kimberly and Bouchikhi (2016).

2. Khurana (2010).

3. Hacker and Dreifus (2010).

Chapter 3

1. Rasche and Escudero (2009).


3. Kreb (2008).

4. Rimanoczy (2010).

5. Lissack (1999).

6. Ketola (2008).

7. Rimanoczy (2014).

8. Neal (2008).

9. Hörisch, Freeman, and Schaltegger (2014).

10. Scharmer and Kaufer (2013).

11. Gardiner (2014).

12. Mitchell (2012).

13. Rimanoczy (2013).

14. Hoover et al. (2010).

15. Friga, Bettis, and Sullivan (2003).

Chapter 4

1. Rohlin (2012).

2. Rohlin (1984).

3. Rohlin (2007).

4. Rimanoczy and Turner (2008).

5. Rohlin (2002).

6. Rimanoczy (2005).

7. McDonald (2013); Rimanoczy
(2010); Schein (2015).

8. Roberts, Rimanoczy, and Drizin (2007).

Chapter 5

1. McCarthy and McCarthy (2006).

2. Kolb and Kolb (2005).

Chapter 6

1. My gratitude to Boris Drizin and Paul Roberts, who joined me and engaged many hours of passionate reflection, research, and discussions to develop the coding and conceptual framework of the ten principles. Roberts, Rimanoczy, and Drizin (2007).

2. Vail (1996).

3. Freire (1970).

4. Eisler (2000).

5. Eisler (1994).

6. Weisman (2008).

7. Norberg-Hodge (2000).

8. Several conceptual frameworks of human development have studied the evolution of human consciousness and classified it into levels or stages, from “me” (egocentric) to “us” (ethnocentric) to “all of us” (world-centric). See: Integral Theory: Wilber (2001); Spiral Dynamics: Beck and Cowan (2014); Orders of Consciousness: Kegan (1994); Moral Development: Fowler and Levin (1984).

9. Knowles (1970).

10. Raelin (2000).

11. Dewey (1938).

12. Lindeman (1926).

13. Kolb (1984).

14. Vygotsky (1962, 1978); Lave (1988). Lave formulates it as a principle herself: “Knowledge needs to be presented in an authentic context, that is, settings and applications that would normally involve that knowledge.” Also Lave and Wenger (1991).

15. Lewin (1951).

16. De Jong (2006).

17. Cunningham (1981).

18. Revans (1982).

Chapter 7

1. Polanyi (1958).

2. Nonaka (1991).

3. Wenger (1998).

4. Freire (1970).

5. Eisler (1988).

6. McDonald (2013).

Chapter 8

1. Dewey (1916, 1938).

2. Kolb (1984).

3. Lewin (1951).

4. Argyris (1982).

5. Kegan and Lahey (2001).

6. Brookfield (1995); Mezirow (2000).

7. Brookfield (1988).

8. Mezirow (1990).

Chapter 9

1. See Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1967.

2. James (1890).

3. Freud (1900).

4. Kegan (1994).

5. Torbert (1991).

6. Wilber (2001).

7. Rogers (1961).

8. Jung (1924).

9. Myers-Briggs (1962).

10. Senge (1990).

11. Goleman (1996).

12. Rimanoczy (2010, 2013).

13. Mezirow (1990, 1991).

14. Freire (1970).

15. Argyris (1982).

16. Schön (1983).

17. Brookfield (1998).

18. Cranton (1994).

19. Kegan and Lahey (2001).

20. Siebenhüner (2000).

21. Wilber (2004).

22. Honey and Mumford (2006).

Chapter 10

1. Vygotsky (1968, 1978).

2. Lave and Wenger (1991).

3. Wenger (1998).

4. Bandura (1977).

Chapter 11

1. Kuhn (1970).

2. Kegan (1994).

3. Torbert (1991).

4. Wilber (2001).

5. Kendig (1990).

6. Cranton (1994).

7. Mezirow (1991).

8. Brookfield (1995).

9. Argyris (1982).

10. Schön (1983).

11. Senge (1990).

12. Freire (1970).

13. Horton et al. (1990).

14. Belenky et al. (1986).

15. Gilligan (1982).

16. Mezirow (1991).

Chapter 12

1. von Bertalanffy (1968).

2. Capra (1996, 2004).

3. Wiener (1948).

4. Ashby (1956).

5. Schultz (1993).

6. Dilts et al. (1980).

7. Jackson (1991).

8. Rivlin (2015).

9. Senge (1990); Sterman (2000).

10. Hodgson (2001).

11. Capra (1996, 2004).

12. Kegan (1994); Torbert (1991); Wilber (2001).

13. Elkington (1998); Hawken (1993); Hawken, Lovins, and Lovins (2013).

14. Rimanoczy (2016).

15. Köhler (1970, 1929).

16. Wertheimer (1938).

17. Koffka (2001).

18. Lewin (1951).

Chapter 13

1. Goleman (1996).

2. Tisdell (2001).

Chapter 14

1. Watson (1970).

2. Skinner (1971, 1974).

3. Thorndike (1932).

4. Maslow (1943).

5. Ausubel (1968).

6. Bandura (1977).

7. Dewey (1938).

8. Rogers (1961).

9. Cooperrider and Whitney (1999).

10. Social Constructionism is a sociological theory of knowledge, which looks into the way individuals and groups participate in the creation of their perceived reality. The concept was introduced in the United States in 1967 by Berger and Luckmann, in their book The Social Construction of Reality.

Chapter 15

1. Piaget (1952, 1972).

2. Rogers (1961).

3. Knowles (1970).

4. Freire (1970).

5. Horton et al. (1990).

6. Candy and Brookfield (1991).

7. Kolb (1984).

8. Mezirow (2000).

9. Schön (1983).

10. Cranton (1994).

11. Walsh (2011).

12. Thomas, Thomas, and Wilson (2013).

Chapter 16

1. Barr and Tagg (1995).

2. Carey (2015).

3. See Appendix for a Guide of Question to design.

4. Finkel (1999).

5. Savery (2015).

6. Savin-Baden (2000).

Chapter 17

1. Scharmer and Kaufer (2013).

2. Bergmann and Sams (2012).

3. McGregor (2011).

Chapter 18

1. Doran (1981).

2. Milton, Pollio, and Eison (1986).

3. Strong, Davis, and Hawks (2004).

4. Sadler and Good (2006). See also Vander Schee (2011).

5. Boud and Falchikov (2007Brookfield); Nicol and MacFarlane-Dick (2006); Crisp (2010); McCarthy (2013).

6. Cassidy (2007); Kirby and Downs (2007); Thompson, Pilgrim, and Oliver (2005).

7. Evans, McKenna, and Oliver (2005).

8. Leach (2000).

9. Thompson, Pilgrim, and Oliver (2005).

10. Cherepinsky (2011).

11. Becker, Geer, and Hughes (1968).

Chapter 19

1. Clarke, Dameron, and Durand (2013).

Chapter 20

1. Wood (2014).


3. Ulrike et al. (2014).

4. In one two-year longitudinal study, undergraduate students at MUM increased significantly on Cattell’s Culture Fair Intelligence Test and Hick’s reaction time, compared to a control group. A bibliography of peer-reviewed research on the effects of Transcendental Meditation on improved intelligence, creativity, and learning ability, as well as other findings, can be found at

5. Muff et al. (2013).

Chapter 21

1. Starkey and Hatchuel (2014); Readings (1997).


1. Roberts, Rimanoczy, and Drizin (2007).

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