
Acting as learning facilitator, 101

Action Reflection Learning (ARL), 18–20

Andragogy, 27–28

Appreciation, 77–78

ARL principles

integration, 67–73, 130–131

learning facilitator, 81–84, 132

paradigm shift, 55–60, 129–130

reflection, 39–43, 127–128

relevance, 25–32, 123–126

repetition and reinforcement, 75–80, 131–132

self-awareness, 45–50, 128–129

social learning, 51–54, 129

systems thinking, 61–65, 130

tacit knowledge, 33–37, 126–127

Assumption analysis, 40

Behaviorism, 75–77

Business schools, 7–10

Carnegie Commission, 4

Cconsultative selling approach, 7

Client-service provider relationship, 8

Coaching and Mentoring role, 91–94

Contextual awareness, 40

Creativity, 105

Critical reflection, 40–41

Critical reflection theory, 103–107

Cybernetics, 62

Debriefs, 52

Designer role, 88

Dialogues, 52

Experiential learning approach, 28, 78

Facilitating learning principles, 14

Flipped classroom, 95–98

Grading scale, 100–101

Humanistic psychology, 71–72

Imaginative speculation, 41

Instructor role, 88–91

Integration principle

appreciative approach, 130

definition, 67

holistic involvement of individual, 131

ideas for engaging, 70

implementation, 68–69

importance, 67–68

multiple intelligences, 71–73

recommendations, 70

safe environments, 131

International Communications Union, 5

Issue-centered learning, 111

Just in time (JIT) intervention, 29

LEAP! network, 115

Learner-centric approach, 26–27

Learning facilitation approach, 13

Learning facilitator principle

conceptual model, 81–82

definition, 81

goal of management education, 83

learning coach, 132

learning needs, 81

role of, 82–83

Learning facilitator roles

Coaching and Mentoring role, 91–94

Designer role, 88

Instructor role, 88–91

Lecture-based approach, 4

Management education goals, 117

MBTI. See Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Multiple intelligences, 71–73

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 47

Organizational learning, 63

Paradigm shift principle

case studies, 59–60

controversies, 57–58

definition, 50

developing responsible managers, 56–57

implementation, 58–59

Kuhn1 definition, 55

for learning, 56

responsible management, 59

unfamiliar environment, 59, 129–130

Pedagogical methods, 115

Personal Learning Goals, 100

Problem-based learning, 109

Reflection principle

in classroom, 41–43

critical reflection, 40–41

definition, 39

feedback, 127–128

guided reflection, 127

philosophical understanding, 39–40

responsible management education, 40–41

Reflective skepticism, 41

Relevance principle

andragogy and, 27–28

balancing task and learning, 125–126

into classroom, 28

creating ownership of learning, 124

definition, 25

JIT intervention, 28, 124–125

learner-centric approach, 26–27

linking, 125

meaning, 26

positive impacts, 30

reasons for relevance, 25–26

shaping responsible managers, 30–31

small group privilege, 31–32

Repetition and reinforcement principle

behaviorism, 75–77

definition, 75

developing responsible managers, 79–80

feedback, 132

implementation, 77–78

sequenced learning, 131

Responsible management education, 13–14

Self-assessment, 102

Self-awareness principle

behavioral sciences, 47

in class, 49

coaching, 128–129

definition, 45

developing responsible managers, 48

institutional education, 46

learning and personality styles, 128

listed as principle, 45–46

self-assessment instruments, 49–50

Self-grading, 102

Social learning principle

adult learning principle, 53–54

definition, 51

diversity of perspectives, 52–53

exchange of learnings, 129

reasons for, 51–52

students model behavior, 54

techniques, 52

Student-teacher relationship, 100

Systems thinking principle

definition, 61

history of, 63–64

interconnectedness, 130

organizational learning, 63

responsible management, 61–62

Tacit knowledge

in classroom, 34

definition, 33

developing responsible managers, 36–37

foundation of psychotherapies, 34

guided reflection, 126

STEM disciplines, 34–36

using questions, 126–127

Teaching-learning relationship, 9

TM. See Transcendental meditation

Traditional expert-driven approach, 5

Transcendental meditation (TM), 113

Transferable skills, 106

White-belt attitude, 97

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