

Adaptation, standardization versus, 6667

Advertisement, 4243

Air pollution, indoor, 50

American Marketing Association, 49

Anti-corruption war, 2023

Anti-Semitism, in France, 91

Apple, 51, 130131

Arcor, 60

Arsonists, 87

Asylum territories, 115


Backup cameras, for preventing accidents, 84

Berhold v. Regensburg, 48

Berlin Wall, 40, 44

Best Global Brands 2011, 131

Border control, foreign visits and, 14

Boston Consulting Group, 7

BP, 129

BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands, 131

British Petroleum, 51

Bush, Jeb, 51

Business transaction, in mutual diplomacy, 109


Castles, 106107

Cathedral assault, 114116


    procedural learning questions, 112

    teaching other than in books, 111113


    United States and, 9293

    world trade in, 126

Chinese economy, 45

Chinese People’s Liberation Army, 91

Clandestine information inflow, 86

Climate of global commerce, 15

Coca Cola, 57, 103104, 128

    vision, 57

Cold War, 29

Communication, lack of, 104

Competitiveness, 11, 12

Consumer behaviour

    environment and, 4041

    macroeconomic, 4142

Consumption behavior, 4243

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 49


    anti-corruption war, 2023

    definition of, 89

    trust as tool to defeat, 8890

Corruption perception index (CPI), 21

Corvinus Hungarian Business School, 33

Crimea and punishment, 2729

Culture, 29

    corruption and, 22

Curative International Marketing (CIM), 17

Curative marketing approach, 1819, 40

Cyber-espionage, 9193

Cytta, 101


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, 100

Developing economies, innovation in. See Innovation, in developing economies

Die Zeit, 43

Digital technology, 60

Disney princesses, 109

Distributing networks, of developing countries, 61

Do-it-yourself approach, 122

Doha Round, 122, 127


East India Company, 128

Eastern German products, 44

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), 5

Economic espionage, 92

Edelman Trust Barometer 2012 Annual Global Study, 130

Edward Snowden revelations, 85

Enterprise development dynamic, 810

European Central Bank, 54

The European Commission, 26

European Union, 9496

EvaStarMedical, 101

Experience, effects of, 78

Export promotion, 11, 12

Exporting, 8

Exxon Mobil, 129


Facebook, 104

Fear factor, 123

Fictitious allegations, 92

Financial markets, 70

Financial services, 6061

Fine, for smoking, 51

Forbes, 14

Ford Edsel, 64

Foreign direct investment (FDI), 31, 34, 118

Foxconn, 131

Freedom, and international marketing, 7577, 7881

Frisch, Max, 87

Fugger family, 128


Gehlen, Reinhard, 8687

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 121, 125


    collective memory of, 92

    International Marketing After Macro Disruption, 3946

    model, for developing trust, 89

    spy chief of last century’s fame, 8687

German Democratic Republic (GDR), 42

German Federal Information Service, 86

German–American information collection, 86

Global advertising agencies, 103

Global commerce, climate of, 15

Global corporations, 128129

Global Corruption Barometer, 21

Global economy, terrorism on, 54

Global logistics, skillful management of, 32

Global Marketing conference, 49

Global relationships, 29

Globalization, 100

Google Trends

    learning and innovation, interest in topics of, 4

    on trade deficit, competitiveness, export promotion, 11, 12

GrameenPhone Ltd., 60

Gross domestic product (GDP), 118, 127

Group of Twenty (G20), 20

Gulyas communism, 35


Halcyon Incubator, 11

Havana Charter, 125

Health, 18

Health care, international, 99101

Hollande, Francois, 54

Honorable Merchant, 86

    critical characteristics of, 49

    in international marketing, 4749

    meaning of, 48

    reputation, 49

Honorable practices, 4849

Household appliances, 43

Human factor, 101

Hungary, unacknowledged leadership, 3335


IBM, 104

Imitators, learning curve advantage of, 67

Immaturity, driving and, 83

Indoor air pollution, 50

Industrial espionage, 93

    systematic, 85

Industrialized countries, corruption and, 21, 22

Innovation, in developing economies, 5354

    challenge to existing business, 62

    digital technology, 60

    distribution, 61

    financial services, 6061

    local solutions, 61

    multinational commitments, 61

    research, 60

Innovation scholarships, 11

International business

    changing, 56

    enterprise development dynamic, 810

    experience curves and exports, 78

    imitators, learning curve advantage of, 67

    remedies, 1012

    steps for dynamic progress, 9

    terrorism and, 3032

    theory, 109110

International health care, of future, doctor’s evolution, 99101

International Labor Organization, 123

International market, challenges of sourcing from, 128131

International marketing

    focus and aim of, 76

    freedom and, 7577, 7881

    impact of trends, 6465

    after macro disruption

       buyers and brands, 4344

       consumption behavior and attitude, 4243

       environment and consumer behavior, 4041

       promotion and products, 43

       typical macroeconomic consumer behavior influences, 4142

    need of honorable merchants in, 4749

    terrorism and, 83

International medical tourism, 100

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 71, 118

International Trade Center, 123

International Trade Organization (ITO), 125

International trading system, 125

Is Shame Necessary?, 51

Islamic extremist captives, 18

Islamic State (ISIS), 13


‘J’accuse’, 91

Jacquet, Jennifer, 51

Johnson & Johnson, vision, 57


Kafka, Franz, 87

Kate Middleton, 108

KFC, 62

Knowledge workers, training and support of, 11


Leadership, unacknowledged, 3335

Learning-by-doing, 4

Legislative ratification, 118

Liberalization, 122

Ludwig, Bavarian King, 107


Macro disruption, international marketing after

    buyers and brands, 4344

    consumption behavior and attitude, 4243

    environment and consumer behavior, 4041

    promotion and products, 43

    typical macroeconomic consumer behavior influences, 4142

Macroeconomic consumer behavior, 4142

Magdeburg, 106

Manufacturing-centric model, 119

Marketing, achieving glocal success in

    broadening perspectives, 57

    building shared vision, 5657

    capable managers, 57

    internal cooperation, 58

Marketing Management, 131

Mars Climate Orbiter mission, 80

McDonough School of Business, 18

Memorization, 112

Microchips, 101

Microfinance programs, 60

Migration, of workers from low-income nations, 9496

Mother Nature, 70

Multilateral system, 127

Multilateralism, 126, 127

Multinational corporations (MNCs), 64

    impact of trends in, 6465

    standardization vs. adaptation, 6667

    strengthening capability, 6768

    technologic and socio-cultural, 6566

Music selection, by marketers, 103104


Nacional de Chocolates, 60

NAFTA agreement, 123

National Security Agency (NSA), 8284

Nestlé, 57, 61


The New Testament, 48

The New York Times, 14, 131

9/11, 3031

Nonprofit Transparency International, 8990

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 119


Olympics, Super Bowl vs., 102104


Parallel parking, 8284

Patients Beyond Borders, 100

Personal responsibility, 19

Plurilateral plus model, 123

Policy measures, 15

Port container traffic, 45

Prayer of Saint Augustine, 9496

Pret A Manger, 65

Prince William of England, 108

Private property, 28

Procter & Gamble, 61, 129

Proverbs, 48

Psychological distance, 109

Psychological proximity, 109

Punishment, 2729

Purchasing decision, 4243

Purchasing power parity, 118

Putin, Vladimir, 27


Quran, 48


Rainforest Action Network, 52

Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs), 122, 127

Restoring, 18

Rotkäppchen, 43

Royal Dutch Shell, 129

Royal wedding, 108110

Russia, and Western nations, 2829


Safe Drinking Water program, 61

Saint Augustine, prayer of, 9496

Samsung, 104

    mission, 57

Schloss Verkauf, 106

SeaWorld, 51

Security espionage, 92

Self-driving vehicles, 84

Self-motivated absconders, 116

Shame factor, 5052

Shame policy, 51

Shared vision, building, 5657

Shares, drops of, 69

Simplicity, 19

Slingshot water purification system, 61

Smoking, 5051

Social pressure, 51

Socio-cultural trends, 6566

Spotify, 104

Standardization, versus. adaptation, 6667

Stock markets, 69

Super Bowl versus. Olympics, 102104

Symbolism, 104


Te Creemos, 6061

Technologic trends, 6566

Technological medical care, 101

Telemedicine, 100

Telephone metadata collection program, for terrorism, 83


    communication tools, 83

    cost of, 1316

    on global economy, 54

    and international business, 3032

    and international marketing, 78

    protecting against, 31

    telephone metadata collection program for, 83

“Thank You Mom app”, 103

“Thank You Mom” campaign, 103

“The Trial”, 87

Tight security regulations, foreign visits and, 14

Torture, U.S. Senate report on, 1719

Tourism, impact of terrorism on, 14

Toyota, 64

Trade deficit, 11, 12

Traffic, port container, 45

Trans-Atlantic economy, 119

Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 54, 122

    and trans-Pacific Partnership, 117120

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 54, 122

    and trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, 117120

Transparency International, 21, 22, 89

Travel, impact of terrorism on, 14


    definition of, 6465

    technologic and socio-cultural, 6566

Trend research

    standardization vs. adaptation, 6667

    strengthening capability, 6768

Trudeau, Justin, 54


    development of, 89

    discourage, 90

    public, 26

    tool to defeat corruption, 8890

    as valuable asset, 89

Trust Bridge, 49

Trust-enhancing activity, 89

Truthfulness, 19


Ukraine, 2729

Unemployment, 4142

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 54

United States Office for Travel and Tourism, 14

Uruguay Round, 122, 123, 125126

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 25

U.S. Senate report, on torture, 1719

U.S.–Chinese problem, 93


Virtual medical care, 100

Volkswagen crisis, 2426


Wal-Mart Stores, 129

Wall Street Journal, 9, 65

The Washington Post, 100

Wedding, royal, 108110

West German products, 41

World Bank, 4, 5, 71, 77, 123

World Development Indicators (WDIs), 5

World Economic Forum (WEF), 5355

World Trade Organization (WTO), 71, 120

    challenges, 121122

    solution, 123124

    in world trade, 125127


Yum Brands, 62

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