
Anchoring effect, 34–36

Argumentative theory of reason

belief system, 55

central adaptive function, 53

consequences, 56–57

convincer, 54

disagreement, 54

dogmatism, 55

social functions, 53

Background knowledge, 24

Backward masking, 40–41

Behavioral economics, 4

background knowledge, 24

ethnographic study, 23–24

homo economicus consumer, 23

purchase choice, 24

standard marketing research methods, 23

Belief system, 55

Biased memory, 43

Cognitive bias

anchoring effect, 34–36

epistemic humility, 29

heuristics, 33–34

human reasoning, 31–33

literacy, 36


complexity, 15

definition, 17

property, 15–16

satisfaction, 16–17

Confirmation bias

argumentative theory of reason

belief system, 55

central adaptive function, 53

consequences, 56–57

convincer, 54

disagreement, 54

dogmatism, 55

social functions, 53

evolutionary explanation, 51–52

human beings, 52–53

survival value, 52

Constant conjunction, 19

Correlation and causation

causal pathways, 12–13

concomitant variation, 12

interaction effects, 13–14

INUS conditions, 14

logical fallacies, 13

temporal sequence, 11–12

Critical thinking

credibility gaps, 67

decision making, 70–72

good evidence, 66–67

logical fallacies, 66

reasonable conclusion, 70

stated and implied premises, 68–69

strong inductive argument, 67–68

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) methodology, 26

Dissonance/attribution model, 7

Dogmatism, 55

Double Jeopardy Law, 4, 21–22

Epistemic humility, 29, 59–61

Epistemology, 3–4

Facial recognition, 39–40

Five Whys, 25–26

Gross national product (GNP), 69

Heuristics, 4, 33–34

Human reasoning, 31–33

Hume’s problem of induction

business models, 19–20

constant conjunction, 19

justification, 19

Innovation and diffusion models, 7

Insufficient Necessary Unnecessary Sufficient (INUS) conditions, 14

Interaction effect, 13–14

Justification, 19


applied discipline, 5

laws, 8–9

metrics, 7–8

models, 6–7

scientific way of thinking, 9–10

Marketing mix models, 7

Marketing theory, 4

Mental functioning patternicity, 40

Pattern recognition mechanism

backward masking, 40–41

facial recognition, 39–40

meaningful patterns, 40

mental functioning patternicity, 40

Price elasticity models, 7

Satisfaction, 16–17

Science, 3

anti-vaccine movement, 48–49

controlled studies, 47–48

error in judgments, 43–45

highest quality studies, 47

institutionalized social practice, 48

intuitions, 48

pattern recognition mechanism

backward masking, 40–41

facial recognition, 39–40

meaningful patterns, 40

mental functioning patternicity, 40

weigh evidence, 42–43

Scientific way of thinking (TSWT), 9–10

Standard learning model, 7

Survival value, 52

User bases seldom vary law, 8

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