
Agenda of self-interest, 17

Amazon, 111

Appropriation, 100

Armstrong, Lance, 87

Asset poor, 7577

Asset rich, 7577

Austerity, 1

Avent, Ryan, 141

‘Basic Goods’, description of, 48

Brown, Gordon, 4142

Bureaucracy, 143

Calvert social index, 134

Capitalism, 17, 23, 26, 66, 71, 81, 84, 85, 9293, 111, 133, 137

Carbon Trust, 102, 131

Child poverty, 25

Climate change, 1

Colonialism, 15

Communism, 58

Cooperativism, model of, 153

Corporate socialism, 30

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 102, 103, 106

chequered history of, 127138

definition of, 137

employee welfare program, 133

essentials of, 130

focus of, 136

hierarchy of corporate responsibilities, 129132

idea of stakeholder, extending, 127

Lean and Six Sigma programs, 132

Leisinger’s model, 130

programs, increase in, 128

progressive agenda, opportunities for, 135138

self-interest supplants social interest, 132135

voluntary program with individuals and organizations, 132

Corruption, 49

Digital property, 7475

Domini social index, 134

Dynamic market argument, 86

Dynamism, 10

Economic democracy, 8397

blaming regulation for misdeeds, 8587

invisible hand is a social construct, 8891

making good choices, 9193

numbers to change the system, 9397

profiting from doing good, 8788

Economics of politics, 23

Employment, 7182

Entertainment, 90

European Union (EU), 30, 32

Fair democracy, 85

Fast capitalism, 63, 84, 148

FedEx, 101

Feudalism, 15

Financialization, 20, 2122, 112, 115

Gekko, Gordon, 41

Gladwell, Malcolm, 67, 80

Global communication, 5

Globalization, 1, 1820, 42, 102, 133

Good citizenship, 101, 105, 108, 110

Google, 111

Great Depression, 8

‘Green glossies’ syndrome, 134

Grey, Chris, 63

Growth, pursuit of, 2829

Harmonious communities, 124

Hierarchy of Corporate Responsibilities, 130, 132

Holmes, Douglas, 10

Homelessness, 25, 72

Human trafficking, 25

International Labour Organization, 27

Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 63, 72

Kennedy, John F., 119

Keynesian policy, of full employment, 78

Laissez-faire rules, 1617, 33

Lean programs, 132

Leisinger’s model, CSR, 130

Liberal capitalism, 19

Liberalism, 23

Macroeconomics, 2829

Madoff, Bernie, 13

Management theory, 29

Market economy, 34

Mayer, Dan, 1213

May, Theresa, 24

Meltzer, Allan, 68

Moderation, 4344

Modern slavery, 25

Monetization, 20, 82, 91, 108

Motivation theory, 117

Muscular entrepreneurialism, 8, 2930

Neoliberalism, 30, 9293

Nightingale, Florence, 90

Organizational economy, 34

Organizational responsibility, 127

Ownership, pursuit of, 1518

Patience, 89

Paulson, Henry, 62

Payment protection insurance (PPI), 78

Pedophilia, 25

People potential value (PPV), 117

Ponzi scheme, 13

Property, 7182

Property ownership, 78

Prostitution, 25


central feature of temperatism, 122

definition of, 122125

profit for, 113114

Randall, Jeff, 41

Reciprocity, 120

Regulation, 143, 146147

Rogoff, Kenneth, 65

Roman Empire, 40

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 62

Self-regulation, 112

Shared Purpose: The Golden Thread survey, 101

Short-termism, 12, 13, 50

Simon, Herbert, 34

Six Sigma programs, 132

Smith, Adam, 15, 18, 25, 37, 44

Social constructionism, 89

Social democracy, 11

Social harmony, 99

Social media, 5

Socio-environmental cost, 2425

Stakeholder management, 99

Stakeholder value, 107

Starbucks, 111

Static regulation, 86

Stock market, 23

Temperance, 3738


alternative for, 4143

blaming regulation for misdeeds, 8587

conclusion, 153156

corporate state, rise of, 2931

devaluation of human life, 3133

doing good

definition of, 47

is an everyday operation, 106107

measuring, 107110

in organizational life, 4953

pursuit of, 53

economic agenda is not inevitable, 5659

economic democracy, attempting to achieve, 8397

good citizenship is good business, 99110

growth, pursuit of, 2829

human agenda, adopting, 6869

human element, focusing on, 6365

human organization, 140142

in human social history, 5

idea of doing good, 4748

impossibly possible endeavors, 5556

introduction to, 13, 3739

invisible hand is a social construct, 8891

making good choices, 9193

new ideology, 1114

new way to think about business, 4346

numbers to change the system, 9397

opinions and ideas, 56

organizational responsibility, 148151

organizations makes it possible, 104106

orthodoxy and doctrine, 5355

ownership, pursuit of, 1518

people and purpose before profit, 111125

people potential, developing, 144148

place of organizations in society, 139151

political issues, 67

problem is the solution, 142144

profit for purpose, 113114

profiting from doing good, 8788

purpose, definition of, 122125

purposeful endeavor, 118121

reason for proposing, 14

role of organizations, redefining, 140

short-term growth vs. human heart, 6568

societal culture, creating, 54

socio-environmental cost, 2425

valuing individuals equally, 114118

Temperatist marketplace, 140, 150

Terrorism, 1

Thatcher, Margaret, 8, 10, 2930, 40, 7172

Theory of Moral Sentiments, The, 25

“Trickle down” effect, 61

Unemployment, resolving, 7782

United Nations (UN) declaration, of human rights, 27

Victorian Temperance movement, 37

Wall Street Occupy Movement, 40

Watson, Thomas, 89

Wealth of Nations, 15

Western capitalism, 6

Wilberforce, William, 55, 124125

Willis, Brue, 74

World Wide Web, 5

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