Learning foundation knowledge and skills (Intermediate)

From the Setting up an environment for Cucumber BDD on Rails (Intermediate) recipe we know Cucumber contains two parts: Gherkin and Step definitions, and from the Writing your first Hello World Feature (Simple) recipe we got our first Cucumber feature to run successfully. We are now ready to walk into Cucumber world!

Getting ready

In this recipe, we will learn the foundation knowledge and skills for achieving our goal, which is developing features in the BDD style using Cucumber. Let's take a deep look into the Cucumber Gherkin and Step separately.


Gherkin is the language that Cucumber understands; it is a DSL. Gherkin has two major missions: it should have a maintainable documentation that is stakeholder-readable/understandable and it should be programmatically testable.

A feature written in Gherkin is as follows:

Feature: Credit card payment
  As a online shopper
  I want to pay through my Credit card
  So that I can buy stuff online instead of visiting the super market

  Scenario: transaction completed successfully
    Given ...
    When ...
    Then ...
  Scenario: Credit card is invalid
    Given ...
    When ...
    Then ...
  Scenario: Third party payment system refused the transaction
    Given ...
    When ...
    Then ...

A scenario consist of steps beginning with Given, When, Then, or And/But:

  • Given: This puts the system in a known state before the user (or external system) starts interacting with the system (in the When steps). Examples are as follows:
    Given I logged in as a system administrator
    Given the user has been authorized to do operation
    Given I have two items in my shop cart
  • When: A When step represents the key action the user performs. The action usually has an observable effect somewhere else. Examples are as follows:
    When I press "Submit" on the Contact us area
    When I am on the "Shopping Cart" page
    When the progress bar is running
    When I wait for the Ajax request to finish
  • Then: The Then step observes and validates the outcome(s), it is an assertion sentence just like the assert statement in common unit testing frameworks. The Then sentence should be related to the business value/benefit in your feature description. Examples are as follows:
    Then the login popup form should be shown
    Then user should be redirected to item list page
    Then I should receive $800
  • And, But: This is used when we have multiple Given/When/Then steps. Examples are as follows:
    Given I have a dummy repository on github
    And this project is written in Ruby on Rails
    Then I should be able to clone this project
    And I should be able to add more developers to folk this project
    But I cannot make this project private


Essentially Gherkin treats Given/When/Then/And/But the same, so in theory we can write all the steps with the same prefix. However, we definitely should never do that in the real world.

Cucumber step

Once we write a feature with steps in Gherkin, we need to implement each step. Step definition files are, by convention, under the features/step_definitions directory, just like the hello_world_steps.rb file we created in the Writing your first Hello World feature (Simple) recipe.

Cucumber is widely used in automation testing web applications. In most cases, Cucumber is simulating the behavior of the end user who will be using the developed application, thus verifying whether it passes the acceptance tests. So under the step definition, we will usually do the following things:

  • Environment preparation: Examples include simulating user login, and preparing test data in the database
  • URL navigation: Examples include opening initial pages and redirecting the user to a predefined URL after a specific action
  • DOM manipulation: Examples include filling text in a form, selecting items from drop-down lists, clicking on a link, or pressing a button
  • Waiting: Examples include waiting for a specific operation to be finished, waiting for animations to be completed, and simply waiting for a few seconds
  • Assertion: Examples include verifying whether a page contains expected content and checking whether the user was redirected to the right page

To achieve the preceding things, we need to use a famous Ruby gem: Capybara. It exposes a DSL to simulate and uniform a real user's interaction with a web application. The DSL is designed to be natural. The following code snippets are some examples of the Capybara DSL syntax:

  • To find a DOM element:
    find_field('blog_title').should be_visible
    find_field('blog_content').value.should eq(@content)
    find("section#main").text.should eq("Foo section")
    find("div.main-pillar").find("section#main").text.should eq("Foo section")
    all("a").each { |a| puts a[:href] }
    all("input[type='text']").each { |textbox| p textbox[:value] }
  • To fill text in a textbox:
    fill_in 'Login', :with => '[email protected]'
  • To select an item in the drop-down list:
    select("California", :from => 'Choose State')
  • To choose the Male ratio button:
    choose 'Male'
  • To check the Food checkbox:
    check 'Food'
  • To click on the Edit Profile link:
    click_link 'Edit Profile'
  • To click on the Submit button:
    Click_button 'Submit'
  • To attach a file:
    attach_file('Image', '/path/to/image.png')
  • To make assertions:
    page.has_selector?('div.main-pillar section#main').should be_true
    page.has_selector?(:xpath, '//div/article').should be_true
    page.has_xpath?('//div/article').should be_true
    page.has_css?('div.main-pillar section#main').should be_true
    page.has_content?('Foo section').should be_true

Other than utilizing Capybara, we also need a number of other Ruby gems, which are widely used in the real BDD project:

  • rspec-rails: This is a BDD test framework for Rails. In our Cucumber step implementation, we rely on it to write human-readable test assertions.
  • Launchy: The Launchy application inside the Rails application is required when we debug our Cucumber steps.
  • database-cleaner: This introduced a set of strategies to ensure a clean state when running Cucumber tests.

How to do it...

  1. Add Capybara into our Gemfile, as well as Launchy, which is required when we debug our Cucumber step.
    group :test do
     gem 'rspec-rails'   # library of Rails assertions
     gem 'cucumber-rails', :require => false
     gem 'launchy'
     gem 'database_cleaner'
  2. Then we need to run bundle install in the terminal to install the added gems.
  3. Finally, make sure you have the latest version of Firefox installed, since Capybara's default web driver is Selenium with Firefox driver.
  4. Ok, it's time to run a good sample case to demonstrate the magic of Capybara. Assume we would like to buy baseball gloves on Amazon. We write out a feature in amazon_search.feature:
    Feature: Shopping in Amazon
    As an internet user
    I want to search stuff on Amazon
    So that I can choose and buy items I like
     Scenario: Search for baseball gloves
       Given I am on Amazon homepage
       When I enter "baseball glove" in the search box
       And I click "Go" button
       Then I should see a list of results related with Baseball Gloves
  5. We run the feature in the terminal and watch it fail, and then create the step file amazon_search_steps.rb with the following code:
    Given /^I am on Amazon homepage$/ do
     visit "http://www.amazon.com"
    When /^I enter "(.*?)" in the search box$/ do |keywords|
     fill_in "Search", :with => keywords
    When /^I click "Go" button$/ do
     click_button "Go"
    Then /^I should see a list of results related with Baseball Gloves/ do
     page.should have_content("#centerBelow")

How it works...

We run the feature again and we see how it works. We specified a @javascript tag for the scenario. It is a Capybara built-in tag, which runs a feature marked as @javascript, and Capybara switches the web driver from the default (RackTest) to Capybara.javascript_driver. A Firefox browser will open and automatically perform the actions we defined in the step file.


To make this clearer, by default, Capybara uses the rack_test driver to drive browsers, which is fast but doesn't support JavaScript. Selenium is the default driver for JavaScript-required scenarios. You can change the value of the Capybara.javascript_driver setting to use another JavaScript-capable driver.

The previous Amazon search example requires JavaScript, so we specify a @javascript tag prior to Scenario.

The following screenshots demonstrate how our Cucumber feature runs, opens up Amazon's home page, and inputs the keyword baseball glove:

How it works...

And then after clicking on the Go button, we will see the search result as follows:

How it works...


The preceding screenshots were not captured manually; Capybara provides a convenient API called save_screenshot, which can be invoked inside any Cucumber step, and then we can use Launchy to open it ASAP or open the screenshot later manually.

When /^I enter "(.*?)" in the search box$/ do |keywords|
  Launchy.open 'input_keyword.png'

Under the hood, Capybara invokes a web driver to communicate with a real browser. It supports the following web drivers:

  • RackTest: This is the default driver which is fast but cannot execute JavaScript
  • Selenium: This is fully functional and ready to use, just a little bit slower
  • Capybara-webkit: It uses QtWebKit to start a rendering engine and is the fastest. It is used for true headless testing and has full JavaScript support
  • Poltergeist: It runs Capybara tests on a headless WebKit browser, unlike Capybara-webkit, and uses PhantomJS as its rendering engine


We can switch Capybara's web driver by executing the following code:

Capybara.javascript_driver= :webkit #or :rack_test,:selenium, etc.

Capybara encapsulates these web driver libraries and exposes a uniformed façade for the higher level, so developers benefit from it by learning uniformed syntax while dealing with various kinds of situations/purposes by switching between different web drivers.

In this Amazon search example, we learnt how to drive an automated web test case using Cucumber and Capybara. In the next recipe we will develop a real project based on this technology combination!

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