
Instant Cucumber BDD How-to covers an overview of Cucumber as an exciting tool to write automated acceptance tests to support software development in behavior-driven development (BDD). It elaborates the basics of TDD/BDD and explains the essence of Cucumber, describes how to write Cucumber features to drive development in a real project, and also depicts many pro tips for writing good Cucumber features and steps. Finally, it introduces some famous third-party libraries used inline with Cucumber.

What this book covers

Understanding behavior-driven development (Intermediate) introduces the concept of TDD and BDD, and explains the benefits of using BDD in software development.

Setting up an environment for Cucumber BDD on Rails (Intermediate) describes how to set up a Cucumber BDD environment based on Rails, and explains what Cucumber is and the typical process of using Cucumber in BDD.

Writing your first Hello World feature (Simple) provides an example for driving a simple "Hello World" feature using Cucumber.

Learning foundation knowledge and skills (Intermediate) explains the basic Cucumber knowledge for writing features and step definitions.

Building a real web application with Cucumber (Intermediate) shows how to use Cucumber to behaviorally drive a real Rails application.

Mastering pro tips for writing expressive Gherkin (Intermediate) introduces many useful and handy tips for writing Gherkin.

Mastering pro tips for writing good steps (Advanced) introduces many useful and handy tips for writing DRY and maintainable step definitions.

Using third-party libraries with Cucumber (Intermediate) introduces several great Ruby gems to support BDD using Cucumber better.

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