Setting up Liferay Portal nodes

As shown in the architecture diagram, we need to configure two Liferay Portal server nodes. Throughout the book, we will refer to both Liferay Portal servers as liferay-node-01 and liferay-node-02 respectively. Let's do that by following the ensuing steps:

  1. On liferay-node-01, create a directory named node-01 in the root directory, and then extract the Liferay Portal 6.1 GA2 bundle in it. Similarly on liferay-node-02, create a directory name, node-02, and extract the Liferay Portal bundle in it.


    We created node-01 and node-02 directories for easy reference to the Liferay installation directory throughout the book. It may not be required on production setup. Throughout the book we will refer to the node-01 directory for Liferay Portal installation on the liferay-node-01 server and the node-02 directory for Liferay Portal installation on the liferay-node-02 server.

  2. Create a new database schema in the MySQL Database server using the following command:
    create database lportal character set utf8;
  3. Now create the file in the node-01liferay-portal-6.1.1-ce-ga2& node-02liferay-portal-6.1.1-ce-ga2 directory with the following content:
    jdbc.default.url=jdbc:mysql://<MySQL Database Server IP>/lportal?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false
    jdbc.default.username=<MySQL Database User Name>
    jdbc.default.password=<MySQL Password>


    Make sure you provide the correct IP, username, and password of the MySQL server with which the lportal database is accessible.

We just installed the Liferay Portal server on both the Liferay portal nodes. We created a database in the MySQL server and provided database configuration on both the Liferay Portal nodes using the file.


In the book, we are implementing horizontal scaling as both the Liferay Portal nodes are on separate servers. But suppose we want to implement vertical scaling by installing both the Liferay Portal nodes on the same server, we will need to make sure that unique ports are used for both the Liferay Portal nodes. For the Liferay Portal Tomcat bundle, ports can be configured in server.xml.

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