Trying out some different styles

Let's look at examples of the two most common interfaces for Mocha and Chai—BDD and TDD.

Mocha and Chai BDD interfaces

The Mocha BDD interface provides four main functional units:

  • before(): This is a setup that occurs once before all the tests within a suite are run. Mocha also provides a beforeEach() function that runs before each test in a suite.
  • after(): This is a setup that occurs once after all tests in a suite are run, with the afterEach() alternative that runs before each test.
  • describe(): This specifies a test suite and can be nested within other describe() functions.
  • it(): This defines a single test function containing one or more assertions.

Chai's BDD style uses expect or should to make dot-notation assertion chains.

We can create a basic test file chapters/03/test/js/spec/bdd.spec.js, which uses all of these components. We name the suite with describe(), add/remove a function with before()/after(), and test it with an it() specification declaration. We chain together two Chai assertions with an and helper, producing a composite assertion that reads naturally as "expect the result of hello() to be a string and equal to text 'hello world'":

describe("BDD example", function () {
  // Runs once before all tests start.
  before(function () {
    this.hello = function () {
      return "Hello world!";

  // Runs once when all tests finish.
  after(function () {
    this.hello = null;

  it("should return expected string result", function () {
      .equal("Hello world!");

Our test driver web page (chapters/03/test/test-bdd.html in the examples) adds the Chai expect function into the global namespace for convenience and configures Mocha to use the BDD style. The relevant configuration snippet is:

  var expect = chai.expect;

  window.onload = function () {;

<script src="js/spec/bdd.spec.js"></script>

Mocha TDD and Chai assert styles

The Mocha TDD interface uses different names for the same basic units:

  • suiteSetup() and setup(): These are aliases for before() and beforeEach()
  • suiteTeardown() and teardown(): These are aliases for after() and afterEach()
  • suite(): This specifies a test suite (describe() in BDD)
  • test(): This defines a single test function (test() in BDD)

The Chai assert style is usually associated with TDD-style tests and provides an assert object with single function assertions.

Our TDD test file chapters/03/test/js/test/tdd.js provides the same test setup and assertion series as the BDD version:

suite("TDD example", function () {
  // Runs once before all tests start.
  suiteSetup(function () {
    this.hello = function () {
      return "Hello world!";

  // Runs once when all tests finish.
  suiteTeardown(function () {
    this.hello = null;

  test("expected string result", function () {
    assert.strictEqual(this.hello(), "Hello world!");

The driver web page only differs in two configuration lines:

  var assert = chai.assert;

  window.onload = function () {;

<script src="js/test/tdd.js"></script>

Opening up chapters/03/test/test-tdd.html in a browser should show exactly the same test results as the previous BDD example.

Deciding on the project style

The style options in Mocha and Chai offer developers a lot of flexibility in choosing test paradigms while still leveraging the same underlying test infrastructure. In this book we prefer the BDD style for both Mocha and Chai for a few reasons:

  • Chai expect assertion chains read in a natural language format that often obviates the need for separate test comments
  • The Mocha BDD interface components facilitate narrative descriptions of behaviors such as "this describes a number calculator" and "it should sum two numbers"
  • The BDD interface is quite popular in the modern JavaScript testing ecosystem and encourages developers to describe the behavior of the code under test rather than to just identify the internal details

Nonetheless, if you prefer any of the other styles, please use whatever feels most natural. All of the test code examples in this book can be translated between the various Mocha and Chai interfaces.

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