General non-linear optimization

You may be interested in solving general non-linear optimization problems where the constraints are not linear. The solnp() function from the Rsolnp package allows you to solve general non-linear programming problems. For example, say we wanted to minimize the General non-linear optimization function subject to the constraint General non-linear optimization.

First, we install and load the package as follows:

> install.packages("Rsolnp")
> library("Rsolnp")

# We also suggest taking a look at the help page for the function arguments and restriction
> help(solnp) 

Then, we store our function to minimize f as follows:

> f <- function(x){
   4*x[1] - 2*x[2]

We need to store our constraint function in a separate object as follows:

> ctr <- function(x){
   x[1]^2 + x[2]^2

Next, we store the value on the right-hand side of the constraint equation in a separate object as follows:

> constraints <- c(41)

Then, we store the initial parameters for General non-linear optimization and General non-linear optimization in x0 as follows:

> x0 <- c(1, 1)

We are ready to solve the problem with the solnp() function. We use eqfun for the constraint function and eqB for the constraint as follows:

> gnlp1 <- solnp(x0, fun = f, eqfun = ctr, eqB = constraints)

Iter: 1 fn: 4.8490   Pars:   7.97483 13.52517
Iter: 2 fn: -89.3900   Pars:  -13.15464  18.38573
Iter: 3 fn: -75.5164   Pars:  -17.70654   2.34511
Iter: 4 fn: -50.6915   Pars:  -9.26314  6.81945
Iter: 5 fn: -34.8293   Pars:  -7.33659  2.74148
Iter: 6 fn: -29.4963   Pars:  -5.79341  3.16135
Iter: 7 fn: -28.6698   Pars:  -5.74107  2.85273
Iter: 8 fn: -28.6358   Pars:  -5.72713  2.86361
Iter: 9 fn: -28.6356   Pars:  -5.72713  2.86356
Iter: 10 fn: -28.6356   Pars:  -5.72713  2.86356
solnp--> Completed in 10 iterations

We can obtain the values for x and y that minimize the function with $par as follows:

> gnlp1$par
[1] -5.727129  2.863564

Now let's say we wanted to minimize General non-linear optimization subject to the constraint General non-linear optimization. All we need to do is use ineqfun for the constraint function and set the ineqLB argument's lower boundary to 0 and the ineqUB argument to 45 in the solnp() function. For simplicity, we will set the initial parameters to (-5, 5) as follows:

> x0 <- c(-5, -5)
> gnlp2 <- solnp(x0, fun = f, ineqfun = ctr, ineqLB = c(0), ineqUB=c(45))

Iter: 1 fn: -13.6535   Pars:  -5.44225 -4.05775
Iter: 2 fn: -19.9098   Pars:  -6.33853 -2.72215
Iter: 3 fn: -27.9987   Pars:  -7.16312 -0.32691
Iter: 4 fn: -32.6786   Pars:  -6.85051  2.63826
Iter: 5 fn: -30.2915   Pars:  -6.02704  3.09169
Iter: 6 fn: -30.0031   Pars:  -6.00113  2.99927
Iter: 7 fn: -30.0000   Pars:  -6.00000  3.00000
Iter: 8 fn: -30.0000   Pars:  -6.00000  3.00000
Iter: 9 fn: -30.0000   Pars:  -6.00000  3.00000
solnp--> Completed in 9 iterations
> gnlp2$par
[1] -6  3 
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