Using Trident-ML

We introduced Trident in Chapter 5, Exploring High-level Abstraction in Storm with Trident, of this book. Trident-ML (GitHub repository: is an online machine-learning library written over Trident that can be used to implement machine-learning algorithms in Storm applications.

It supports the following algorithms out of the box:

  • Linear classification
  • Linear regression
  • K-means clustering
  • Feature normalization
  • Text feature extraction
  • Stream statistics (count, mean, variance, and standard deviation)

If the algorithm you are looking for is not implemented in Trident-ML, you can easily implement it. Trident-ML also comes with a very useful pretrained Twitter sentiment analyzer.

In Trident-ML, various parameters associated with the learned model is stored in a TridentState object. As more training data comes in, these model parameters can be updated. This TridentState object is then used in a DRPC server to retrieve the model parameters to compute or predict new features of the incoming data and enrich the stream to process further.

The following diagram illustrates a typical Trident-ML application:

Using Trident-ML

The Trident-ML application

Next, we will look into the use case that we will be developing for in this chapter.

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