Chapter 8. Log Processing with Storm

In the previous chapter, we covered how we can integrate Storm with Redis and HBase. Also, we learned how to use Ganglia and JMX to monitor the Storm Cluster.

In this chapter, we will cover the most popular use case of Storm, that is, log processing.

This chapter covers the following topics:

  • Server log-processing elements
  • Producing the server log in Kafka
  • Splitting the server logfile
  • Identifying the country name, the operating system type, and the browser type
  • Extracting the searched keyword
  • Persisting the process data
  • Defining a topology and the Kafka spout
  • Deploying a topology
  • MySQL queries

Server log-processing elements

Log processing is becoming a need for every organization to collect business information from log data. In this chapter, we are basically going to work on how we can process the server log data to collect business information using Storm.

The following diagram shows the log-processing topology and illustrates all the elements that we will develop in this chapter:

Server log-processing elements
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