Getting started with

Go to to get started with The system behind this remarkable Bootstrap-like website should be familiar to you! You will see the following screenshot when you go to the previously mentioned link:

Getting started with

Indeed, the same options available with STS can be found here. Clicking on Generate Project will download a ZIP file containing our starter project.

Getting started with the command line

For those of you who are addicted to the console, it is possible to curl Doing so will display instructions on how to structure your curl request.

For instance, to generate the same project as earlier, you can issue the following command:

$ curl 
-d name=masterSpringMvc  
-d dependencies=web 
-d language=java 
-d JavaVersion=1.8 
-d type=gradle-project 
-d packageName=masterSpringMvc 
-d packaging=jar 
-d baseDir=app | tar -xzvf -
% Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1255  100  1119  100   136   1014    123  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  1015
x app/
x app/src/
x app/src/main/
x app/src/main/Java/
x app/src/main/Java/com/
x app/src/main/Java/com/geowarin/
x app/src/main/resources/
x app/src/main/resources/static/
x app/src/main/resources/templates/
x app/src/test/
x app/src/test/Java/
x app/src/test/Java/com/
x app/src/test/Java/com/geowarin/
x app/build.Gradle
x app/src/main/Java/com/geowarin/AppApplication.Java
x app/src/main/resources/
x app/src/test/Java/com/geowarin/AppApplicationTests.Java

And viola! You are now ready to get started with Spring without leaving the console, a dream come true.


You might consider creating an alias with the previous command, it will help you prototype the Spring application very quickly.

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