Multiple linear regression

Whenever we have more than one input feature and want to build a linear regression model, we are in the realm of multiple linear regression. The general equation for a multiple linear regression model with k input features is:

Multiple linear regression

Our assumptions about the model and about the error component ε remain the same as with simple linear regression, remembering that as we now have more than one input feature, we assume that these are independent of each other. Instead of using simulated data to demonstrate multiple linear regression, we will analyze two real-world data sets.

Predicting CPU performance

Our first real-world data set was presented by the researchers Dennis F. Kibler, David W. Aha, and Marc K. Albert in a 1989 paper titled Instance-based prediction of real-valued attributes and published in Journal of Computational Intelligence. The data contain the characteristics of different CPU models, such as the cycle time and the amount of cache memory. When deciding between processors, we would like to take all of these things into account, but ideally, we'd like to compare processors on a single numerical scale. For this reason, we often develop programs to benchmark the relative performance of a CPU. Our data set also comes with the published relative performance of our CPUs and our objective will be to use the available CPU characteristics as features to predict this. The data set can be obtained online from the UCI Machine Learning Repository via this link:


The UCI Machine Learning Repository is a wonderful online resource that hosts a large number of data sets, many of which are often cited by authors of books and tutorials. It is well worth the effort to familiarize yourself with this website and its data sets. A very good way to learn predictive analytics is to practice using the techniques you learn in this book on different data sets, and the UCI repository provides many of these for exactly this purpose.

The file contains all our data in a comma-separated format, with one line per CPU model. We'll import this in R and label all the columns. Note that there are 10 columns in total, but we don't need the first two for our analysis, as these are just the brand and model name of the CPU. Similarly, the final column is a predicted estimate of the relative performance that was produced by the researchers themselves; our actual output variable, PRP, is in column 9. We'll store the data that we need in a data frame called machine:

> machine <- read.csv("", header = F)
> names(machine) <- c("VENDOR", "MODEL", "MYCT", "MMIN", "MMAX", "CACH", "CHMIN", "CHMAX", "PRP", "ERP")
> machine <- machine[, 3:9]
> head(machine, n = 3)
1  125  256  6000  256    16   128 198
2   29 8000 32000   32     8    32 269
3   29 8000 32000   32     8    32 220

The data set also comes with the definition of the data columns:

Column name



The machine cycle time in nanoseconds


The minimum main memory in kilobytes


The maximum main memory in kilobytes


The cache memory in kilobytes


The minimum channels in units


The maximum channels in units


The published relative performance (our output variable)

The data set contains no missing values, so no observations need to be removed or modified. One thing that we'll notice is that we only have roughly 200 data points, which is generally considered a very small sample. Nonetheless, we will proceed with splitting our data into a training set and a test set, with an 85-15 split, as follows:

> library(caret)
> set.seed(4352345)
> machine_sampling_vector <- createDataPartition(machine$PRP, p = 0.85, list = FALSE)
> machine_train <- machine[machine_sampling_vector,]
> machine_train_features <- machine[, 1:6]
> machine_train_labels <- machine$PRP[machine_sampling_vector]
> machine_test <- machine[-machine_sampling_vector,]
> machine_test_labels <- machine$PRP[-machine_sampling_vector]

Now that we have our data set up and running, we'd usually want to investigate further and check whether some of our assumptions for linear regression are valid. For example, we would like to know whether we have any highly correlated features. To do this, we can construct a correlation matrix with the cor()function and use the findCorrelation() function from the caret package to get suggestions for which features to remove:

> machine_correlations <- cor(machine_train_features)
> findCorrelation(machine_correlations)
> findCorrelation(machine_correlations, cutoff = 0.75)
[1] 3
> cor(machine_train$MMIN, machine_train$MMAX)
[1] 0.7679307

Using the default cutoff of 0.9 for a high degree of correlation, we found that none of our features should be removed. When we reduce this cutoff to 0.75, we see that caret recommends that we remove the third feature (MMAX). As the final line of preceding code shows, the degree of correlation between this feature and MMIN is 0.768. While the value is not very high, it is still high enough to cause us a certain degree of concern that this will affect our model. Intuitively, of course, if we look at the definitions of our input features, we will certainly tend to expect that a model with a relatively high value for the minimum main memory will also be likely to have a relatively high value for the maximum main memory. Linear regression can sometimes still give us a good model with correlated variables, but we would expect to get better results if our variables were uncorrelated. For now, we've decided to keep all our features for this data set.

Predicting the price of used cars

Our second data set is in the cars data frame included in the caret package and was collected by Shonda Kuiper in 2008 from the Kelly Blue Book website, This is an online resource to obtain reliable prices for used cars. The data set is comprised of 804 GM cars, all with the model year 2005. It includes a number of car attributes, such as the mileage and engine size as well as the suggested selling price. Many features are binary indicator variables, such as the Buick feature, which represents whether a particular car's make was Buick. The cars were all in excellent condition and less than one-year old when priced, so the car condition is not included as a feature. Our objective for this data set is to build a model that will predict the selling price of a car using the values of these attributes. The definitions of the features are as follows:

Column name



The suggested retail price in USD (our output variable)


The number of miles the car has been driven


The number of cylinders in the car's engine


The number of doors


The indicator variable representing whether the car has cruise control


The indicator variable representing whether the car has upgraded speakers


The indicator variable representing whether the car has leather seats


The indicator variable representing whether the make of the car is Buick


The indicator variable representing whether the make of the car is Cadillac


The indicator variable representing whether the make of the car is Chevy


The indicator variable representing whether the make of the car is Pontiac


The indicator variable representing whether the make of the car is Saab


The indicator variable representing whether the make of the car is Saturn


The indicator variable representing whether the type of the car is a convertible


The indicator variable representing whether the type of the car is a coupe


The indicator variable representing whether the type of the car is a hatchback


The indicator variable representing whether the type of the car is a sedan


The indicator variable representing whether the type of the car is a wagon

As with the machine data set, we should investigate the correlation between input features:

> library(caret)
> data(cars)
> cars_cor <- cor(cars_train_features)
> findCorrelation(cars_cor)
> findCorrelation(cars_cor, cutoff = 0.75)
[1] 3
> cor(cars$Doors,cars$coupe)
[1] -0.8254435
> table(cars$coupe,cars$Doors)
      2   4
  0  50 614
  1 140   0

Just as with the machine data set, we have a correlation that shows up when we set cutoff to 0.75 in the findCorrelation() function of caret. By directly examining the correlation matrix, we found that there is a relatively high degree of correlation between the Doors feature and the coupe feature. By cross-tabulating these two, we can see why this is the case. If we know that the type of a car is a coupe, then the number of doors is always two. If the car is not a coupe, then it most likely has four doors.

Another problematic aspect of the cars data is that some features are exact linear combinations of other features. This is discovered using the findLinearCombos() function in the caret package:

> findLinearCombos(cars)
[1] 15  4  8  9 10 11 12 13 14

 [1] 18  4  8  9 10 11 12 13 16 17

[1] 15 18

Here, we are advised to drop the coupe and wagon columns, which are the 15th and 18th features, respectively, because they are exact linear combinations of other features. We will remove both of these from our data frame, thus also eliminating the correlation problem we saw previously.

Next, we'll split our data into training and test sets:

> cars <- cars[,c(-15, -18)]
> set.seed(232455)
> cars_sampling_vector <- createDataPartition(cars$Price, p = 
  0.85, list = FALSE)
> cars_train <- cars[cars_sampling_vector,]
> cars_train_features <- cars[,-1]
> cars_train_labels <- cars$Price[cars_sampling_vector]
> cars_test <- cars[-cars_sampling_vector,]
> cars_test_labels <- cars$Price[-cars_sampling_vector]

Now that we have our data ready, we'll build some models.

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