Predicting letter patterns in English words

In this section, we will model the patterns of letters that form English words. Beyond having different words, and sometimes alphabets, languages differ from each other in the patterns of letters that are used to form words. English words have a characteristic distribution of letters and letter sequences, and in this section we will try to model the process of word formation in a very simplistic way by using a hidden Markov model.

The emitted symbols of our model will be the letters themselves, but this time we don't know what the states could be as we are using unlabeled data. For this reason, we are going to provide just the number of states that we want our model to have, and then use the Baum-Welch algorithm to train the parameters of our HMM.

All we need for this task is a corpus of text in English. Earlier in this chapter, we studied movie reviews with the Naïve Bayes classifier, so we will use these for convenience, although other sources of English text could be used as well. We shall begin by reloading our movie reviews and use the tm package to transform them all to lowercase:

> library("tm")
> nb_pos <- Corpus(DirSource(path_to_pos_folder), 
                   readerControl = list(language = "en"))
> nb_neg <- Corpus(DirSource(path_to_neg_folder), 
                  readerControl = list(language = "en"))
> nb_all <- c(nb_pos, nb_neg, recursive = T)
> nb_all <- tm_map(nb_all, content_transformer(tolower))

Next, we will the text from every review and collect these in a single vector:

> texts <- sapply(1 : length(nb_all), function(x) nb_all[[x]])

To simplify our task, aside from the individual letters, we will consider a category with all the whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, and so on) and represent these with the uppercase letter W. We will do the same for numerical digits with the uppercase character N, all punctuation marks with the uppercase character P, and use the uppercase character O for anything that is left. We use regular expressions for this:

> texts <- sapply(texts, function(x) gsub("\s", "W", x))
> texts <- sapply(texts, function(x) gsub("[0-9]", "N", x))
> texts <- sapply(texts, function(x) gsub("[[:punct:]]", "P", x))
> texts <- sapply(texts, function(x) gsub("[^a-zWNP]", "O", x))

Once we have transformed all our text, we'll pick out a sample and split each review into characters. The sequences of characters from each review will then be concatenated with each other to create one long character sequence. This works quite well in this context as the corpus of reviews contain complete sentences and concatenating them amounts to joining up complete sentences. We've chosen to use a sample of 100 movie reviews. We can use more but the time taken to train the model will be longer.

> big_text_splits <- lapply(texts[1:100], 
                            function(x) strsplit(x, ""))
> big_text_splits <- unlist(big_text_splits, use.names = F)

Next, we'll want to initialize our HMM. In this example, we'll consider a model with three states, which we'll arbitrarily name s1, s2, and s3. For emitted symbols, we have the lowercase alphabet and the four uppercase characters that as we saw earlier are being used to represent four special character categories such as numbers. R holds a vector of lowercase letters in the variable letters, which is very convenient for us:

> states <- c("s1", "s2", "s3")
> numstates <- length(states)
> symbols <- c(letters, "W", "N", "P", "O")
> numsymbols <- length(symbols)

Next, we'll create random starting, emission, and transmission probability matrices. We'll generate random entries in the [0,1] interval using the runif() function. We will need to normalize every row in these matrices in order to ensure that the entries correspond to probabilities. To achieve this, we'll use the sweep() function as we did earlier:

> set.seed(124124) 
> startingProbabilities <- matrix(runif(numstates), 1, numstates)
> startingProbabilities <- sweep(startingProbabilities, 1, 
                           rowSums(startingProbabilities), FUN = "/")
> set.seed(454235) 
> transitionProbabilities <- matrix(runif(numstates * numstates), 
                      numstates, numstates)
> transitionProbabilities <- sweep(transitionProbabilities, 1, 
                      rowSums(transitionProbabilities), FUN = "/")
> set.seed(923501) 
> emissionProbabilities <- matrix(runif(numstates * numsymbols), 
                      numstates, numsymbols)
> emissionProbabilities <- sweep(emissionProbabilities, 1, 
                      rowSums(emissionProbabilities), FUN = "/")

We now initialize and train the HMM using the large character sequence we obtained earlier. This will take several minutes to run depending on the computational resources available, and this is the main reason we drew only a sample of the text earlier on.

> hmm <- initHMM(states, symbols,  startProbs =  
      startingProbabilities, transProbs = transitionProbabilities, 
      emissionProbs = emissionProbabilities)
> hmm_trained <- baumWelch(hmm, big_text_splits)

We trained our model in a completely unsupervised way by simply providing it with character sequences. We don't have a meaningful test data set on which to assess the performance of our model; rather, this exercise is worthwhile in that it produces an HMM that has interesting properties. It is instructive to take a peek at the symbol emission probabilities for each state. These are accessible via the hmm$emissionProbs attribute on the hmm_trained object.

Predicting letter patterns in English words

Let's examine these states carefully. All states have a relatively high probability of emitting a whitespace character. State 3 is very interesting, as besides whitespace, it seems to have grouped together punctuation and vowels. The HMM has successfully managed to group together the letters a, e, i, o, and u in the same category without any prior information about the English language.

This state also emits two consonants with a noticeable probability. The consonant y is emitted, which we know occasionally does behave like a vowel in words such as rhythm and phylum, for example. The consonant s is also emitted, and because it is often used to form the plural of nouns, we find this at the end of words just like punctuation marks. So, we see that this state seems to have grouped two main themes.

By contrast, state 1 tends to emit consonants and not vowels. In fact, only the vowel u seems to have a small probability of being emitted from this state. State 2 has a mix of vowels and consonants, but it is the only state in which the consonant h has a high probability. This is very interesting, as h is another letter of the alphabet that has vowel-like properties in pronunciation (it is often silent or part of a diphthong). We can learn more by examining the transition probabilities between the states:

> (trained_transition_probabilities <- hmm_trained$hmm$transProbs)
from           s1           s2         s3
  s1 1.244568e-01 5.115204e-01 0.36402279
  s2 7.739387e-05 2.766151e-01 0.72330746
  s3 9.516911e-01 5.377194e-06 0.04830349

Again, we can discover a wealth of interesting properties. For example, when we are in state 3, the vowel state, we have a 95 percent chance of going to state 1, the consonant state. This is quite intuitive, in that English rarely has consecutive vowels. When we are in state 1, we have a 36 percent chance of going to the vowel state and a 51 percent chance of going to state 2.

Now we can begin to understand what state 2 represents. It primarily represents the state that emits the second consonant when we have two consecutive consonants. This is why the letter h has such a high probability in this state, as it participates in very common diphthongs, such as ch, sh, and th, the latter of course being found in very frequent words such as the. From this state, the most successor common state, with 72 percent probability, is the vowel state as expected after two consecutive consonants.

This experiment is worth repeating with different conditions. If we use different seeds or sample a different number of movie reviews, we may see different results, as the Baum-Welch algorithm is sensitive to initial conditions and is unsupervised. Specifically, our hidden Markov model might learn a completely different set of states.

For example, on some iterations, we noticed that all punctuation and numerical digits are grouped into one state, another state becomes the vowel state, and the third state is a pure consonant state. We can reproduce this behavior if in the previous code, we sample 40 texts and use the numbers 1816, 1817, and 1818 for the three seeds. There are many more possibilities—some of which are easier to interpret than others.

Another parameter that is worth varying here is the number of states. If we use two states, then the split tends to be between vowels and consonants. If we increase the number of states, we will often continue to find results that are interpretable for as many as ten states. Hidden Markov models are often also referred to as generative models because we can use them to generate examples of states and observations once they have been trained. We can do this with the simHMM() function by providing our model and the length of the sequence we want to generate:

> set.seed(987987)
> simHMM(hmm_trained$hmm, 30)
 [1] "s2" "s3" "s1" "s3" "s3" "s1" "s3" "s3" "s1" "s1" "s2" "s3"
[13] "s3" "s1" "s2" "s3" "s1" "s2" "s2" "s2" "s3" "s1" "s2" "s2"
[25] "s3" "s1" "s2" "s3" "s1" "s2"

 [1] "h" "o" "P" "P" "a" "n" "W" "i" "r" "r" "h" "e" "i" "n" "h"
[16] "o" "n" "l" "W" "h" "e" "s" "t" "W" "e" "t" "c" "e" "P" "W"

As a final point, we can download and use the markovchain package, take our learned transition probability matrix, and find out over the long run how much time our model spends in each state. This is done using a steady state calculation, the mathematics of which we will not explore in this book. Thankfully, the markovchain package has a simple way to initialize a Markov chain when we know the probabilities that are involved. It does this by using the simpleMc() function, and we can use the steadyStates() function on our Markov chain to find out the steady state distribution:

> library("markovchain")
> simpleMc<-new("markovchain", states = c("s1", "s2", "s3"), 
                transitionMatrix = trained_transition_probabilities, 
                name = "simpleMc")
> steadyStates(simpleMc)
            s1       s2        s3
[1,] 0.3806541 0.269171 0.3501748

In the long term, we spend 38 percent of our time in state 1, the first consonant state; 27 percent in state 2, the second consonant state, and 35 percent of our time in state 3, the main vowel state.

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