Chapter 3. Conditions Attached

I suppose we can say that we are now into the fine print of the script. These are the details that are written into our scripts using conditions to test if a statement should run or not. We are now ready to add some intelligence in scripts so our scripts become more robust, easier to use, and more reliable. Conditional statements can be written with simple command-line lists of AND or OR commands together or, more often, within traditional if statements.

In this chapter we will cover the following topics:

  • Simple decision paths using command-line lists
  • Verifying user input with lists
  • Using the test shell built-in
  • Creating conditional statements using if
  • Extending if with else
  • More conditions with elif
  • Creating the script using elif
  • Using case statements
  • Script – front-end with grep

Simple decision paths using command-line lists

We have used command-line lists both in Chapter 1, What and Why of Scripting with Bash of this book and in some of the scripts found in Chapter 2, Creating Interactive Scripts. Lists are one of the simplest conditional statements that we can create and so we thought that it was appropriate to use them in the earlier examples before fully explaining them here.

Command-line lists are two or more statements that are joined using either the AND or OR notations:

  • &&: AND
  • ||: OR

Where the two statements are joined using the AND notation, the second command only runs if the first command succeeds. Whereas, with the OR notation the second command will run only if the first command fails.

The decision of the success or failure of a command is taken by reading the exit code from the application. A zero represents a successful application completion and anything other than a zero will represent a failure. We can test the success or failure of an application by reading the exit status by means of the system variables $?. This is shown in the following example:

$ echo $?

If we need to ensure that a script is run from a user's home directory, we can build this into the script's logic. This can be tested from the command line and it does not have to be in a script. Consider the following command-line example:

$ test $PWD == $HOME || cd $HOME

The double vertical bars denote an OR list. This ensures that the second statement is only executed when the first statement is not true. In simple terms, if we are not currently in the home directory we will be by the end of the command-line list. We will see more on the test command soon.

We can build this into almost any command that we want and not just test. For example, we can query to see if a user is logged into the system, if they are then we can use the write command to directly message their console. Similar as before, we can test this in the command line prior to adding it to the script. This is shown in the following command-line example:

$ who | grep pi > /dev/null 2>&1 && write pi < message.txt

If we use this in a script, it is almost certain that we will replace the username with a variable. In general, if we have to refer to the same value more than once then a variable is a good idea. In this case, we are searching for the pi user.

When we break the command-line list down, we first use the who command to list the users who are logged on. We pipe the list to grep to search for the desired username. We are not interested in the output from the search, just the success or failure. With this in mind, we redirect all our output to /dev/null. The double ampersand indicates that the second statement in the list runs only if the first returns true. If the pi user is logged on, we use write to message the user. The following screenshot illustrates this command and the output.

Simple decision paths using command-line lists
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