Chapter 9. Security

In the previous chapter we looked at how to store information generated by our application as it works as well as adding unit tests to our suite to ensure that the application behaves as we expect it to and diagnose errors when it does not.

In that chapter, we did not add a lot of functionality to our blog app; so let's get back to that now. We'll also extend some of the logging and testing functionality from this chapter into our new features.

Till now, we have been working on the skeleton of a web application that implements some basic inputs and outputs of blog data and user-submitted comments. Just like any public networked server, ours is subject to a variety of attack vectors.

None of these are unique to Go, but we have an arsenal of tools at our disposal to implement the best practices and extend our server and application to mitigate common issues.

When building a publicly accessible networked application, one quick and easy reference guide for common attack vectors is the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), which provides a periodically updated list of the most critical areas where security issues manifest. OWASP can be found at Its Top Ten Project compiles the 10 most common and/or critical network security issues. While it's not a comprehensive list and has a habit of becoming dated between updates, but it still remains a good first start when compiling potential vectors.

A few of the most pervasive vectors of the years have unfortunately stuck around; despite the fact that security experts have been shouting from the rooftops of their severity. Some have seen a rapid decrease in exposure across the Web (like injection), but they still tend to stick around longer, for years and years, even as legacy applications phase out.

Here is a glimpse of four of the most recent top 10 vulnerabilities, from late 2013, some of which we'll look at in this chapter:

  • Injections: Any case where untrusted data has an opportunity to be processed without escaping, thus allowing data manipulation or access to data or systems, normally its not exposed publicly. Most commonly this is an SQL injection.
  • Broken authentication: This is caused due to poor encryption algorithms, weak password requirements, session hijacking is feasible.
  • XSS: Cross-site scripting allows an attacker to access sensitive information by injecting and executing scripts on another site.
  • Cross-site request forgery: Unlike XSS, this allows the attack vector to originate from another site, but it fools a user into completing some action on another site.

While the other attack vectors range from being relevant to irrelevant for our use case, it is worth evaluating the ones that we aren't covering, to see what other places might be rife for exploitation.

To get going, we'll look at the best ways to implement and force HTTPS in your applications using Go.

HTTPS everywhere – implementing TLS

In Chapter 5, Frontend Integration with RESTful APIs, we looked at creating self-signed certificates and utilizing HTTPS/TLS in our app. But let's review quickly why this matters so much in terms of overall security for not just our application but the Web in general.

First, simple HTTP generally produces no encryption for traffic, particularly for vital request header values, such as cookies and query parameters. We say generally here because RFC 2817 does specify a system use TLS over the HTTP protocol, but it's all but unused. Most importantly, it would not give users the type of palpable feedback necessary to register that a site is secure.

Second and similarly, HTTP traffic is subsequently vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.

One other side effect: Google (and perhaps other search engines) begun to favor HTTPS traffic over less secure counterparts.

Until relatively recently, HTTPS was relegated primarily to e-commerce applications, but the rise in available and prevalent attacks utilizing the deficiencies of HTTP—like sidejacking and man-in-the-middle attacks—began to push much of the Web toward HTTPS.

You may have heard of the resulting movement and motto HTTPS Everywhere, which also bled into the browser plugins that force site usage to implement the most secure available protocol for any given site.

One of the easiest things we can do to extend the work in Chapter 6, Session and Cookies is to require that all traffic goes through HTTPS by rerouting the HTTP traffic. There are other ways of doing this, as we'll see at the end of the chapter, but it can be accomplished fairly simply.

First, we'll implement a goroutine to concurrently serve our HTTPS and HTTP traffic using the tls.ListenAndServe and http.ListenAndServe respectively:

  var wg sync.WaitGroup
  go func() {
    http.ListenAndServe(PORT, http.HandlerFunc(redirectNonSecure))
  go func() {
    http.ListenAndServeTLS(SECUREPORT, "cert.pem", "key.pem", routes)


This assumes that we set a SECUREPORT constant to, likely, ":443" just as we set PORT to ":8080", or whatever you chose. There's nothing preventing you from using another port for HTTPS; the benefit here is that the browser directs https:// requests to port 443 by default, just as it directs HTTP requests to ports 80 and sometimes fallback to port 8080. Remember that you'll need to run as sudo or administrator in many cases to launch with ports below 1000.

You'll note in the preceding example that we're utilizing a separate handler for HTTP traffic called redirectNonSecure. This fulfills a very basic purpose, as you'll see here:

func redirectNonSecure(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  log.Println("Non-secure request initiated, redirecting.")
  redirectURL := "https://" + serverName + r.RequestURI
  http.Redirect(w, r, redirectURL, http.StatusMovedPermanently)

Here, serverName is set explicitly.

There are some potential issues with gleaning the domain or server name from the request, so it's best to set this explicitly if you can.

Another very useful piece to add here is HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), an approach that, when combined with compliant consumers, aspires to mitigate protocol downgrade attacks (such as forcing/redirecting to HTTP).

This is nothing more than an HTTPS header that, when consumed, will automatically handle and force the https:// requests for requests that would otherwise utilize less secure protocols.

OWASP recommends the following setting for this header:

Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload

Note that this header is ignored over HTTP.

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