

  • access to the results of public research, 87
  • allegory of the cave, 16
  • anabolism, 3
  • analyzing
  • anticipating and wishing, 28
  • apprentices or work experience students, 189
  • approach
    • epigenetic, 7
    • hollistic, 81
    • reductionist, 80
  • appropriation by citizens, 37
  • archetype(s), 7
    • evolution of, 9
  • automatic summaries, 140

B, C

  • barrier
    • language, 89
    • linguistic, 90
  • Big Data, 174
  • bottom up, 38
  • brainstorming, 29
  • capacity for resilience, 205
  • careful, 155
  • catabolism, 3
  • citations, 128
  • civil society, 27
  • click farms, 172
  • clustering, 98
  • co-creation, 162
  • coherent strategy, 30
  • company social networks, 155
  • concept title, 118
  • Confucius Institute, 160
  • coopetition, 37
  • creativity, 27, 45
    • (and) innovation, 33
  • crises, 205
  • cybercrime, 157
  • cybersecurity, 185


  • data scientists, 176
  • denial of reality, 17
  • disruptions, 15
  • distortion of competition, 197


  • electronic publishing, 86
  • epimemetic, 8
  • e-reputation, 156
  • error (as a restraint on creativity), 23
  • European Union, 64

F, G

  • fake news, 193
  • fake videos, 174
  • firewalls, 203
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 195
  • foresight group, 36
  • France Stratégie, 68
  • GIGO, 143
  • global vision, 97
  • Google Scholar, 106


  • identification by step, 187
  • identity theft, 157
  • imagination, 45
  • increased productivity, 143
  • indicators, 92
  • individuation, 1
    • according to Jung, 5
    • according to Simondon, 6
  • infiltrate, 158
  • information function, 1
    • endogenous, 8
  • innovation, 46
    • (in) Asia, 60
    • frugal, 37, 48
    • incremental, 49
    • marketing, 48
    • mechanism, 47
    • open, 50
    • organization, 48
    • process, 48
    • product, 48
    • (and) territories, 69
  • intra-company, 126
  • invention, 46
  • (the) iron cage, 20

K, L, M

  • kind codes, 128
  • legal obligations, 188
  • manipulation, 151
  • Matheo Analyzer, 110
  • matrix, 115
  • metabolism
    • food, 2
    • information, 75
  • metadata, 81
  • meta-information, 136
  • minimizing negative influence, 158

N, O

  • negentropy, 3
  • network, 112
    • autopoietic, 4
  • New Public Diplomacy, 160
  • NGO, 194
  • obligation to exploit, 123
  • observers, 35
  • open archive (HAL), 87
  • organization,
    • criminal, 202
    • learning, 11
  • outdated intellectual framework, 15


  • Parkinson’s law, 24
  • patent(s)
    • family of, 128
    • information,
      • analyzing, 124
      • contained in, 120
    • Matheo, 124
    • Pulse, 124
  • persuasive computing, 175
  • PoP, 107
  • potential risks, 186
  • processing,
    • bibliometric, 82
    • local, 132
    • remote, 124
  • public innovation policies in France, 68


  • received ideas, 25
  • reductionism, 22
  • regional
    • fragmentation, 34
    • future, 34
  • research, 46
    • niche areas, 143
  • resonator, 171
  • rise in inequality, 38


  • safeguarding data, 203
  • scamming CEOs, 198
  • scientific publications, 106
  • secondary rights, 88
  • security,
  • self-criticism, 2
  • self-deception, 175
  • sensitive businesses, 204
  • serendipity, 29
  • simplify procedures, 71
  • smart cities, 68
  • socialbot, 151
  • solidity, 122
  • state of
  • strategic dependence, 133
  • sub-contractors, 190

T, U, V

  • technical
    • illiteracy, 120
    • objects, 10
  • thinking
    • holistic, 21
    • lateral, 22
    • outside of the box, 19
  • time factor, 76
  • transgression and disruption, 26
  • triple helix, 47
  • typology
    • (of) accessible networks, 152
    • information, 77
  • understanding of other cultures, 18
  • uniformization of our vision of the world, 17
  • use of the invention, 123
  • utility models, 121
  • value of information, 191
  • validating research, 143
  • voice morphing, 174

W, Z

  • Web of Science, 110
  • zone of proximal development, 9
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