Basic types

Let's go over the basic data types that you will encounter in Python.


A number may be an integer, a real number, or a complex number. The usual operations are:

  • addition and subtraction, + and -
  • multiplication and division, * and /
  • power, **

Here is an example:

2 ** (2 + 2) # 16
1j ** 2 # -1
1. + 3.0j


The symbol for complex numbers

j  is a symbol to denote the imaginary part of a complex number. It is a syntactic element and should not be confused with multiplication by a variable. More on complex numbers can be found in section Numeric Types of Chapter 2, Variables and Basic Types.


Strings are sequences of characters, enclosed by simple or double quotes:

'valid string'
"string with double quotes"
"you shouldn't forget comments"
'these are double quotes: ".." '

You can also use triple quotes for strings that have multiple lines:

"""This is
 a long,
 long string"""


A variable is a reference to an object. An object may have several references. One uses the assignment operator = to assign a value to a variable:

x = [3, 4] # a list object is created
y = x # this object now has two labels: x and y
del x # we delete one of the labels
del y # both labels are removed: the object is deleted

The value of a variable can be displayed by the print function:

x = [3, 4] # a list object is created


Lists are a very useful construction and one of the basic types in Python. A Python list is an ordered list of objects enclosed by square brackets. One can access the elements of a list using zero-based indexes inside square brackets:

L1 = [5, 6]
L1[0] # 5
L1[1] # 6
L1[2] # raises IndexError
L2 = ['a', 1, [3, 4]]
L2[0] # 'a'
L2[2][0] # 3
L2[-1] # last element: [3,4]
L2[-2] # second to last: 1

Indexing of the elements starts at zero. One can put objects of any type inside a list, even other lists. Some basic list functions are as follows:

  • list(range(n))} creates a list with n elements, starting with zero:
      print(list(range(5))) # returns [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
  • len gives the length of a list:
      len(['a', 1, 2, 34]) # returns 4
  • append is used to append an element to a list:
      L = ['a', 'b', 'c']
      L[-1] # 'c'
      L # L is now ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
      L[-1] # 'd'

Operations on lists

  • The operator + concatenates two lists:
          L1 = [1, 2]
          L2 = [3, 4]
          L = L1 + L2 # [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • As one might expect, multiplying a list with an integer concatenates the list with itself several times:

    n*L is equivalent to making n additions.

          L = [1, 2]
          3 * L # [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]

Boolean expressions

A Boolean expression is an expression that may have the value True or False. Some common operators that yield conditional expressions are as follow:

  •  Equal, ==
  •  Not equal, !=
  •  Less than, Less than or equal to, < , <=
  •  Greater than, Greater than or equal to, > , >=

One combines different Boolean values with or and and. The keyword not , gives the logical negation of the expression that follows. Comparisons can be chained so that, for example, x < y < z is equivalent to x < y and y < z. The difference is that y is only evaluated once in the first example. In both cases, z is not evaluated at all when the first condition, x < y, evaluates to False:

2 >= 4  # False
2 < 3 < 4 # True
2 < 3 and 3 < 2 # False
2 != 3 < 4 or False # True
2 <= 2 and 2 >= 2 # True
not 2 == 3 # True
not False or True and False # True!


Precedence rules

The <, >, <=, >=, !=, and == operators have higher precedence than not.  The operators and, or have the lowest precedence. Operators with higher precedence rules are evaluated before those with lower.

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