Chapter 4. Linear Algebra – Arrays

Linear algebra is one of the essential building blocks of computational mathematics. The objects of linear algebra are vectors and matrices. The package NumPy includes all the necessary tools to manipulate those objects.

The first task is to build matrices and vectors, or to alter existing ones by slicing. The other main task is the dot operation, which embodies most of the linear algebra operations (scalar product, matrix-vector product, and matrix-matrix product). Finally, various methods are available to solve linear problems.

Overview of the array type

For the impatient, here is how to use arrays in a nutshell. Be aware though that the behavior of arrays may be surprising at first, so we encourage you to read on after this introductory section.

Vectors and matrices

Creating vectors is as simple as using the function array  to convert a list to an array:

v = array([1.,2.,3.])

The object v  is now a vector that behaves much like a vector in linear algebra. We have already emphasized the differences with the list object in Python (refer to section Arrays in Chapter 3, Containers Type). Here are some illustrations of the basic linear algebra operations on vectors:

# two vectors with three components
v1 = array([1., 2., 3.])
v2 = array([2, 0, 1.])

# scalar multiplications/divisions
2*v1 # array([2., 4., 6.])
v1/2 # array([0.5, 1., 1.5])

# linear combinations
3*v1 # array([ 3., 6., 9.])
3*v1 + 2*v2 # array([ 7., 6., 11.])

# norm
from scipy.linalg import norm
norm(v1) # 3.7416573867739413
# scalar product
dot(v1, v2) # 5.
v1 @ v2 # 5 ; alternative formulation

Note that all basic arithmetic operations are performed elementwise:

# elementwise operations:
v1 * v2 # array([2., 0., 3.])
v2 / v1 # array([2.,0.,.333333])
v1 - v2 # array([-1., 2., 2.])
v1 + v2 # array([ 3., 2., 4.])

Some functions act elementwise on arrays as well:

cos(v1) # cosine, elementwise: array([ 0.5403,
                                 -0.4161, -0.9899])

This subject will be covered in the section Functions Acting on Arrays.

A matrix is created in a similar way to a vector, but from a list of lists instead:

M = array([[1.,2],[0.,1]])


Vectors are no column - and no row matrices

The n vector, an n × 1, and a 1 × n matrix are three different objects even if they contain the same data.

To create a row matrix containing the same data as the vector v = array([1., 2., 1.]), we do this:

R = array([[1.,2.,1.]]) # notice the double brackets: 
                        # this is a matrix
shape(R)                # (1,3): this is a row matrix

The corresponding column matrix is obtained by the method reshape:

C = array([1., 2., 1.]).reshape(3, 1)
shape(C) # (3,1): this is a column matrix

Indexing and slices

Indexing and slicing are similar to that of a list. The main difference is that there may be several indexes or slices when the array is a matrix. The subject will be covered in depth in section Array indexing; here, we just give some illustrating examples of indexing and slicing:

v = array([1., 2., 3])
M = array([[1., 2],[3., 4]])

v[0] # works as for lists
v[1:] # array([2., 3.])

M[0, 0] # 1.
M[1:] # returns the matrix array([[3., 4]])
M[1] # returns the vector array([3., 4.])

# access
v[0] # 1.
v[0] = 10

# slices
v[:2] # array([10., 2.])
v[:2] = [0, 1] # now v == array([0., 1., 3.])
v[:2] = [1, 2, 3] # error!

Linear algebra operations

The essential operator that performs most of the usual operations of linear algebra is the Python function dot. It is used for matrix-vector multiplications:

dot(M, v) # matrix vector multiplication; returns a vector
M @ v # alternative formulation

It may be used to compute a scalar product between two vectors:

dot(v, w) # scalar product; the result is a scalar
v @ w # alternative formulation

Lastly, it is used to compute matrix-matrix products:

dot(M, N) # results in a matrix
M @ N # alternative formulation

Solving a linear system

If A is a matrix and b is a vector, you can solve the linear equation:

Solving a linear system

Using the solve method, which has this syntax:

from scipy.linalg import solve
x = solve(A, b)

For example, we want to solve:

Solving a linear system

Here is the solution for the preceding equation:

from scipy.linalg import solve
A = array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]])
b = array([1., 4.])
x = solve(A, b)
allclose(dot(A, x), b) # True
allclose(A @ x, b) # alternative formulation

The command allclose is used here to compare two vectors. If they are close enough to each other, this command returns True. Optionally a tolerance value can be set. For more methods related to linear equations systems, refer to section Linear algebra methods in SciPy.

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