Example of the appendReplacement and appendTail methods

Let's look at a complete program to the understand use of these methods.

Consider the following input:

<n1=v1 n2=v2 n3=v3> n1=v1 n2=v2 abc=123 <v=pq id=abc> v=pq 

We need to write code to swap each name-value pair enclosed in angular brackets, < and >, while leaving the name-value pairs outside the angular brackets unchanged. After running our code, it should produce the following output:

<v1=n1 v2=n2 v3=n3> n1=v1 n2=v2 abc=123 <pq=v abc=id> v=pq 

To solve this problem, we have to first find each match enclosed in angular brackets using the find method in a loop. Inside the loop, we will have to replace each name-value pair using the appendReplacement method. Finally, outside the loop, we will use the appendTail method to append the remaining characters after our last match.

Here is the full code:

package example.regex; 

import java.util.regex.*;

class MatcherAppendExample
public static void main (String[] args)
final String input = "<n1=v1 n2=v2 n3=v3> n1=v1 n2=v2 abc=
123 <v=pq id=abc> v=pq";

// pattern1 to find all matches between < and >
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<[^>]+>");

// pattern1 to find each name=value pair
final Pattern pairPattern = Pattern.compile("(\w+)=(\w+)");

Matcher enclosedPairs = pattern.matcher(input);

StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder();

// call find in a loop and call appendReplacement for each match
while (enclosedPairs.find())
Matcher pairMatcher = pairPattern.matcher(enclosedPairs.group());
// replace name=value with value=name in each match

// appendTail to append remaining character to buffer


Upon compiling and running, the preceding code will produce the following output:

<v1=n1 v2=n2 v3=n3> n1=v1 n2=v2 abc=123 <pq=v abc=id> v=pq 

As you can see, the final output has all the name=value pairs swapped inside the angular brackets.

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