Examples of the replaceAll method

To replace all the semi-colons with hyphens, we can use the following:

input = input.replaceAll(";", "-"); 

To remove all the non-digits from the input, we can use:

input = input.replace("\D+", ""); 

To replace all the leading and trailing commas from an input, we can use an alternation regex:

input = input.replaceAll("^,+|,+$", ""); 

To replace all the occurrences of two or more white spaces with a single space, we can use:

input = input.replaceAll("\s{2,}, " "); 

How can we escape all the dollar signs that are just before the % character? In other words, to replace all the occurrences of $% with $%, we can use:

input = input.replaceAll("\$%", "\\\$%"); 

Note that we are using \\ (four backslashes) to enter a single , and we're using \$ to enter a single $ in the replacement, whereas % will just be a literal.

Consider the following input:

$200 $%apple% $%banana% $%orange% 

It will be converted into this:

$200 $%apple% $%banana} ${orange} 

We can also leverage the group reference $0 here, which is populated with the entire matched text using a regex. So, our code can be simplified to this as $0 will refer to the matched text $% by our regex:

input = input.replaceAll("\$%", "\\$0"); 

Another nice trick we can use here is to use the static method, Matcher.quoteReplacement that is in the Matcher API. This method handles all the special characters in a replacement string and escapes them appropriately. Now, our code can become this:

input = input.replaceAll("\$%", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\") + "$0"); 

Let's solve an interesting problem. We need to replace all the multiple occurrences of non-word characters with a single instance of the same character.

Consider the following input text:

Let''''''s learn::: how to    write cool regex... 

The expected output is:

Let's learn: how to write cool regex. 

Note that we are replacing multiple occurrences of non-word characters only and not replacing multiple occurrences of word characters.

Here is the code listing to solve this problem:

package example.regex; 

public class StringReplaceAll
public static void main(String[] args)
// our input string
String input = "Let''''''s learn::: how to write cool regex...";

// call replaceAll and assign replaced string to same variable
input = input.replaceAll("(\W)\1+", "$1");

// print the result
System.out.printf("Replaced result: %s%n", input);

Here are a few points about this solution:

  • We are using the predefined class, W, to match a non-word character
  • We are using a capturing group around the non-word character to be able to use a back-reference later in the regex and in the replacement
  • The pattern, (\W)\1+, is used to match two or more occurrences of the same non-word character
  • 1 represents the back-reference to the first captured group
  • In the replacement, we are using the reference, $1, to place the captured non-word character back in the replaced string
  • $1 represents the reference to the first captured group
  • Using the named group directives that you learnt in the previous chapter, we can also write the replaceAll method call as follows:
input = input.replaceAll("(?<nwchar>\W)\k<nwchar>+", "${nwchar}"); 
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