Some basic regular expression examples

Let's look at some basic examples of regular expressions:


This will match a, followed by zero or more b, followed by c.


This will match a followed by one or more b, followed by c.


This will match a followed by zero or one b, followed by c. Thus, it will match both abc or ac.


This will match abc in a line, and the line must not have anything other than the string abc due to the use of the start and end anchors on either side of the regex.


This will match a, followed by zero or more occurrences of the string bc, followed by z. Thus, it will match the following strings: az, abcz, abcbcz, abcbcbcz, and so on.


This will match a, followed by one to three occurrences of b, followed by c. Thus, it will match following strings: abc, abbc, and abbbc.


This will match either the string red or the string blue.


This will match either the string cat or the string dog, ensuring both cat and dog must be complete words; thus, it will fail the match if the input is cats or dogs.


This is a character class with a character range. The preceding example will match a digit between 0 and 9.


This is a character class with a character range. The preceding example will match any alpha-numeric character.


This regex will match an input containing only one or more digits.


This regex will allow an input containing four to eight digits only. For example, 1234, 12345, 123456, and 12345678 are valid inputs.


This regex not only allows only one digit at the start and end but also enforces that between these two digits there must be one non-digit character. For example, 1-5, 3:8, 8X2, and so on are valid inputs.


This regex matches a floating point number. For example, 1.23, 1548.567, and 7876554.344 are valid inputs.


This matches any character one or more times. For example, qwqewe, 12233, or f5^h_=!bg are all valid inputs:


This matches a word, followed by one or more whitespaces, followed by another word in an input. For example, hello word, John Smith, and United Kingdom will be matched using this regex.

Engine is a term often used for an underlying module that evaluates the provided regular expression and matches the input string.
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