Documentation for non-coders

Traditional testers tend to form groups completely separated from developers. This separation leads to an increased number of testers who are not familiar with code and assume that their job is to be quality checkers. They are validators at the end of the process and act as a kind of border police who decide what can be deployed and what should be returned back. There is, on the other hand, an increasing number of organizations that are employing testers as integral members of the team, with the job of ensuring that quality is built in. This latter group requires testers to be proficient with code. For them, using code as documentation is quite natural. However, what should we do with the first group? What should we do with testers who do not understand the code? Also, it is not only (some) testers that fall into this group. Managers, end-users, business representatives, and so on are also included. The world is full of people that cannot read and understand code.

We should look for a way to retain the advantages that the executable documentation provides, but write it in a way that can be understood by everyone. Moreover, in TDD fashion, we should allow everyone to participate in the creation of executable documentation from the very start. We should allow them to define requirements that we'll use to develop applications and, at the same time, to validate the result of that development. We need something that will define what we'll do on a higher-level, since low-level is already covered with unit tests. To summarize, we need documentation that can serve as requirements, that can be executed, that can validate our work, and that can be written and understood by everyone.

Say hello to BDD.

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