Parameterizing a constructor

We can unify the launchers by accepting a BooksEndpoint dependency. If we don't specify it, it will register the dependency with the real instance of BooksRepository. Otherwise, it will register the received one:

public class MyApplication 
      extends ResourceConfig { 
    public MyApplication() { 
        this(new BooksEndpoint( 
          new BooksRepository())); 
    public MyApplication 
      (BooksEndpoint booksEndpoint) { 

In this case, we have opted for constructor chaining to avoid repetition in the constructors.

After doing this refactor, the BooksEndpointInteractionTest class is as follows
in its final state:

public class BooksEndpointInteractionTest { 
    public static final URI FULL_PATH = URI. 
    private HttpServer server; 
    private BooksRepository booksRepository; 
    public void setUp() throws IOException { 
        booksRepository = mock(BooksRepository.class); 
        BooksEndpoint booksEndpoint = 
          new BooksEndpoint(booksRepository); 
        ResourceConfig resourceConfig = 
          new MyApplication(booksEndpoint); 
        server = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory 
           .createHttpServer(FULL_PATH, resourceConfig); 

The first test passed, so we can mark the dependency injection task as done.

Tasks performed:

  • Dependency injection in BooksEndpoint for books

The to-do list:

  • Change status for statuses
  • Remove the primitive obsession with status (optional)
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