
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user by obtaining the user's credentials. Hive has offered authentication since hiveserver2. In the old version of Hive, hiveserver1 does not support Kerberos authentication for thrift clients. As result, if we could access the host/port over the network, we could access the server. Instead, we can leverage the metastore server, which supports Kerberos, for authentication. In this section, we will briefly talk about authentication configurations in both the metastore server and hiveserver2.

Kerberos is a network authentication protocol developed by MIT as part of Project Athena. It uses time-sensitive tickets that are generated using symmetric key cryptography to securely authenticate a user in an unsecured network environment. Kerberos, in Greek mythology, was the three-headed dog that guarded the gates of Hades. The three-headed part refers to the three parties involved in the Kerberos authentication process: client, server, and Key Distribution Center (KDC). All clients and servers registered to KDC are known as a realm, which is typically the domain's DNS name in all caps. For more information, please refer to the MIT Kerberos website:
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