Installing Hive from vendors

Right now, many companies, such as Cloudera and Hortonworks, have packaged the Hadoop ecosystem and management tools into an easily manageable enterprise distribution. Each company takes a slightly different strategy, but the consensus for all of these packages is to make the Hadoop ecosystem easier and more stable for enterprise usage. For example, we can easily install Hive with the Hadoop management tools, such as Cloudera Manager ( or Ambari (, which are packed in vendor distributions. Once the management tool is installed and started, we can add the Hive service to the Hadoop cluster with the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Cloudera Manager/Ambari and click the Add a Service option to enter the Add Service Wizard

  2. Choose the service to install, such as hive

  3. Choose the proper hosts for hiveserver2, metastore server, WebHCat server, and so on

  4. Configure the metastore server database connections as well as other necessary configurations

  5. Review and confirm the installation

For practice, we can import the vendors quick-start sandbox ( or, which has commonly-used Hadoop ecosystem tools pre-installed. In addition, an automatic and optimized Hadoop environment provision virtual machine is also available ( to install on computers with less RAM.
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