Understanding data types

Hive data types are categorized into two types: primitive and complex. String and Int are the most useful primitive types, which are supported by most HQL functions. The details of primitive types are as follows:

ay contain a set of any type of fields. Complex types allow the nesting of types. The details of complex types a

Primitive type Description Example
TINYINT It has 1 byte, from -128 to 127. The postfix is Y. It is used as a small range of numbers. 10Y
SMALLINT It has 2 bytes, from -32,768 to 32,767. The postfix is S. It is used as a regular descriptive number. 10S
INT It has 4 bytes, from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. 10
BIGINT It has 8 bytes, from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. The postfix is L. 100L
FLOAT This is a 4 byte single-precision floating-point number, from 1.40129846432481707e-45 to 3.40282346638528860e+38 (positive or negative). Scientific notation is not yet supported. It stores very close approximations of numeric values. 1.2345679
DOUBLE This is an 8 byte double-precision floating-point number, from 4.94065645841246544e-324d to 1.79769313486231570e+308d (positive or negative). Scientific notation is not yet supported. It stores very close approximations of numeric values. 1.2345678901234567
BINARY This was introduced in Hive 0.8.0 and only supports CAST to STRING and vice versa. 1011
BOOLEAN This is a TRUE or FALSE value. TRUE
STRING This includes characters expressed with either single quotes (') or double quotes ("). Hive uses C-style escaping within the strings. The max size is around 2 G. 'Books' or "Books"
CHAR This is available starting with Hive 0.13.0. Most UDF will work for this type after Hive 0.14.0. The maximum length is fixed at 255. 'US' or "US"
VARCHAR This is available starting with Hive 0.12.0. Most UDF will work for this type after Hive 0.14.0. The maximum length is fixed at 65,355. If a string value being converted/assigned to a varchar value exceeds the length specified, the string is silently truncated. 'Books' or "Books"
DATE This describes a specific year, month, and day in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. It is available starting with Hive 0.12.0. The range of dates is from 0000-01-01 to 9999-12-31. 2013-01-01
TIMESTAMP This describes a specific year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.fff...]. It is available starting with Hive 0.8.0. 2013-01-01 12:00:01.345


Hive has three main complex types: ARRAY, MAP, and STRUCT. These data types are built on top of the primitive data types. ARRAY and MAP are similar to that in Java. STRUCT is a record type, which may contain a set of any type of fields. Complex types allow the nesting of types. The details of complex types are as follows:

Complex type Description Example
ARRAY This is a list of items of the same type, such as [val1, val2, and so on]. You can access the value using array_name[index], for example, fruit[0]="apple". Index starts from 0. ["apple","orange","mango"]
MAP This is a set of key-value pairs, such as {key1, val1, key2, val2, and so on}. You can access the value using map_name[key] for example, fruit[1]="apple". {1: "apple",2: "orange"}
STRUCT This is a user-defined structure of any type of field, such as {val1, val2, val3, and so on}. By default, STRUCT field names will be col1, col2, and so on. You can access the value using structs_name.column_name, for example, fruit.col1=1. {1, "apple"}
NAMED STRUCT This is a user-defined structure of any number of typed fields, such as {name1, val1, name2, val2, and so on}. You can access the value using structs_name.column_name, for example, fruit.apple="gala". {"apple":"gala","weight kg":1}
UNION This is a structure that has exactly any one of the specified data types. It is available starting with Hive 0.7.0. It is not commonly used. {2:["apple","orange"]}

For MAP, the type of  keys and values are unified. However, STRUCT is more flexible. STRUCT is more like a table, whereas MAP is more like an ARRAY with a customized index.

The following is a short exercise for all the commonly-used data types. The details of the CREATE, LOAD, and SELECT statements will be introduced in later chapters. Let's take a look at the exercise:

  1.  Prepare the data as follows:
      $vi employee.txt
Shelley|New York|Female,27|Python:80|Test:Lead,COE:Architect
  1. Log in to beeline with the JDBC URL:
      $beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default"
  1. Create a table using various data types (> indicates the beeline interactive mode):
      > CREATE TABLE employee (
> name STRING,
> work_place ARRAY<STRING>,
> gender_age STRUCT<gender:STRING,age:INT>,
> skills_score MAP<STRING,INT>,
> depart_title MAP<STRING,ARRAY<STRING>>
> )

No rows affected (0.149 seconds)
  1. Verify that the table has been created:
      > !table employee
| |default | employee | MANAGED_TABLE| |

> !column employee
| default | employee | name | STRING |
| default | employee | work_place | array<string> |
| default | employee | gender_age |
| default | employee | skills_score| map<string,int> |
| default | employee | depart_title|
map<string,array<string>> |
  1. Load data into the table:
      > LOAD DATA INPATH '/tmp/hivedemo/data/employee.txt' 
No rows affected (1.023 seconds)
  1. Query the whole array and each array element in the table:
      > SELECT work_place FROM employee;
| work_place |
| [Montreal, Toronto] |
| [Montreal] |
| [New York] |
| [Vancouver] |
4 rows selected (27.231 seconds)

> work_place[0] as col_1, work_place[1] as col_2,
> work_place[2] as col_3

> FROM employee;
| col_1 | col_2 | col_3 |
| Montreal | Toronto | |
| Montreal | | |
| New York | | |
| Vancouver | | |
4 rows selected (24.689 seconds)
  1. Query the whole struct and each struct attribute in the table:
      > SELECT gender_age FROM employee;
| gender_age |
| [Male, 30] |
| [Male, 35] |
| [Female, 27] |
| [Female, 57] |
4 rows selected (28.91 seconds)

> SELECT gender_age.gender, gender_age.age FROM employee;
| gender | age |
| Male | 30 |
| Male | 35 |
| Female | 27 |
| Female | 57 |
4 rows selected (26.663 seconds)
  1. Query the whole map and each map element in the table:
      > SELECT skills_score FROM employee;
| skills_score |
| {DB=80} |
| {Perl=85} |
| {Python=80} |
| {Sales=89, HR=94} |
4 rows selected (32.659 seconds)

> name, skills_score['DB'] as DB, skills_score['Perl'] as Perl,
> skills_score['Python'] as Python,
> skills_score['Sales'] as
> skills_score['HR'] as HR
> FROM employee;
| name | db | perl | python | sales | hr |
| Michael | 80 | | | | |
| Will | | 85 | | | |
| Shelley | | | 80 | | |
| Lucy | | | | 89 | 94 |
4 rows selected (24.669 seconds)
Note that the column name shown in the result or in the hive statement is not case sensitive. It is always shown in lowercase letters.
  1. Query the composite type in the table:
      > SELECT depart_title FROM employee;
| depart_title |
| {Product=[Developer, Lead]} |
| {Test=[Lead], Product=[Lead]} |
| {Test=[Lead], COE=[Architect]} |
| {Sales=[Lead]} |
4 rows selected (30.583 seconds)

> name, depart_title['Product'] as Product, depart_title['Test']
as Test,

> depart_title['COE'] as COE, depart_title['Sales'] as Sales
> FROM employee;
| name | product | test | coe |sales |
| Michael| [Developer, Lead] | | | |
| Will | [Lead] | [Lead] | | |
| Shelley| | [Lead] | [Architect] | |
| Lucy | | | |[Lead]|
4 rows selected (26.641 seconds)

> name, depart_title['Product'][0] as product_col0,
> depart_title['Test'][0] as test_col0
> FROM employee;
| name | product_col0 | test_col0 |
| Michael | Developer | |
| Will | Lead | Lead |
| Shelley | | Lead |
| Lucy | | |
4 rows selected (26.659 seconds)
The default delimiters in table-creation DDL are as follows:
  • Row Delimiter: This can be used with Ctrl + A or ^A (use 01 when creating the table)
  • Collection Item Delimiter: This can be used with Ctrl + B or ^B (02)
  • Map Key Delimiter: This can be used with Ctrl + C or ^C (03)
If the delimiter is overridden during the table creation, it only works when used in the flat structure. This is still a limitation in Hive described in Apache Jira Hive-365 (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-365). For nested types, the level of nesting determines the delimiter. Using ARRAY of ARRAY as an example, the delimiters for the outer ARRAYas expected, are Ctrl + characters, but the inner ARRAY delimiter becomes Ctrl + characters, which is the next delimiter in the list. In the preceding example, the depart_title column, which is a MAP of ARRAY, the MAP key delimiter is Ctrl + C, and the ARRAY delimiter is Ctrl + D.
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