Partition table design

Hive partitioning is one of the most effective ways to improve query performance on larger tables. A query with partition filtering will only load data from the specified partitions (sub-directories), so it can execute much faster than a normal query that filters by a non-partitioning field. The selection of the partition key is always an important factor for performance. It should always be a low-cardinal attribute to avoid so many sub-directories overhead. The following are some attributes commonly used as partition keys:

  • Partitions by date and time: Use date and time, such as year, month, and day (even hours), as partition keys when data is associated with the date/time columns, such as load_date, business_date, run_date, and so on
  • Partitions by location: Use country, territory, state, and city as partition keys when data is location related
  • Partitions by business logic: Use department, sales region, applications, customers, and so on as partition keys when data can be separated evenly by business logic
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