Understanding Object-Oriented Programming

When we are writing any program, apart from making sure that it serves the required purpose, we must make sure that we also take the following aspects into consideration:

  • Code reuse: We must try to implement the program flow in such a way that common functionalities can be used across multiple modules. 
  • Code maintenance: We must accept that any program code that's written is bound to have a few bugs. However, we must ensure that the code that's written is clear and structured enough that it's understandable and easy to maintain.
  • Design patterns: Design patterns allow us to write programs in such a manner that there is a common template/structure/functionality that can be used across multiple modules. This ensures that the performance of the application is not compromised, which is a key aspect of any program application.

All of these aspects are difficult to achieve in a procedural language. However, using object-oriented programming, which is the main essence of any high-level programming language, we can achieve the aforementioned objectives.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding object-oriented programming
  • Understanding encapsulation
  • Understanding abstraction
  • Understanding inheritance
  • Understanding polymorphism

We will also go through code examples to understand how these features are implemented in a C# application.

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