Chapter 3. Leveraging Modules

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Dependency injection with Spring
  • Dependency injection with Guice
  • Using the security module
  • Adding security to the CRUD module
  • Using the MongoDB module
  • Using MongoDB/GridFS to deliver files


As the core of the Play framework strives to be as compact as possible, the aim is to offer arbitrary possibilities of extension. This is what modules are for. They are small applications inside your own application and allow easy and fast extension without bloating your own source code. Modules can introduce feature-specific abilities such as adding a different persistence mechanism, just helping your test infrastructure, or integrating other view techniques.

This chapter gives a brief overview of some modules and how to make use of them. It should help you to speed up your development when you need to integrate existing tools and libraries.

In case you wonder why some of the well-known modules are not included, this is merely because there is not much that could be added by giving them their own recipes. The GAE and GWT modules, for example, already have a good basic documentation include.

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