Integrating with Munin

Munin is an ideal companion to Icinga, as it goes further than it. Munin is merely a visualizer of metrics, rather than a simple checker. As soon as your service is up and running you might want more information about it. And you want it to be OSI layer 8 compatible. Management should also know what is going on.

Munin with its default install is able to monitor stuff like disk usage, IO, CPU load, and memory usage, but it does not ship with any Play specific configuration. From a Play developer and administrator point of view, you want to see the output of play status graphed over time. This is exactly what Munin is made for. This example will graph the minimum, maximum, and average response times of controllers.

The source code is available at examples/chapter7/ssl/example-app for the example application used and in examples/chapter7/munin for the Munin specific files.

Getting ready

You should have an up and running Munin system somewhere, with access to added plugins. Due to Munins distributed architecture, there are two possibilities of setting Munin up to gather data. First, you could install an agent on the system Play is running on, and sending the data over to the Munin server. Second, you could query the /@status.json URI of the Play application. This example opts for the second way.

Again we will go through this recipe by using Ubuntu Linux as the monitoring system. Therefore, the paths of configuration files on other Linux distributions and server systems may vary.

You also need some Perl modules installed in order to make this work. In the case of Ubuntu Linux the packages needed are libjson-perl, libdigest-hmac-perl, and libwww-perl.

How to do it...

The first step is to add Play to your Munin node configuration, and append this to the munin-node file, which is placed under /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node:

user munin

Copy the secret from your application.conf file directly into this configuration, as the secret is needed to access the status page from remote.

Now create the check itself. Put it into the directory where all other checks reside or into /etc/munin/plugins/play and make sure it is flagged executable. If this is not the case, do this by entering chmod 755 /etc/munin/plugins/play:


use strict;
use Munin::Plugin;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Digest::HMAC_SHA1;
use JSON;

my $secret = $ENV{'secret'};

my $hmac = Digest::HMAC_SHA1->new($secret);
my $digest = $hmac->hexdigest;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->default_header( 'Authorization' => "$digest" );

my $r = $ua->get(''),

my $json = new JSON->decode($r->content);

if ( defined($ARGV[0]) and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {

    foreach my $controller(@{$json->{"play.CorePlugin"}->{"monitors"}}) {
        my $name = $controller->{"name"};
        if ($name !~ /()/) {
        $name =~ s/^(.*)().*/$1/;
        my $classMethod = $name;
        $name =~ s/./_/;
        print "multigraph runtimes_$name
        print "graph_title Play Controller runtimes $classMethod
        print "graph_vlabel ms
        print "graph_scale no
        print "graph_category play
        print "graph_info Statistics about min/max/avg controller rates
        print "graph_args -l 0
        print $name."_min.label $name min
        print $name."_min.draw LINE2
        print $name."_max.label $name max
        print $name."_max.draw LINE2
        print $name."_avg.label $name avg
        print $name."_avg.draw LINE2

} else {

    foreach my $controller(@{$json->{"play.CorePlugin"}->{"monitors"}}) {
        my $name = $controller->{"name"};
        if ($name !~ /()/) {
        $name =~ s/^(.*)().*/$1/;
        $name =~ s/./_/;

        my $avg = $controller->{"avg"};
        my $min = $controller->{"min"};
        my $max = $controller->{"max"};

        print "multigraph runtimes_$name
        print $name."_min.value %d
", $min;
        print $name."_max.value %d
", $max;
        print $name."_avg.value %d
", $avg;

Restart Munin-node via /etc/init.d/munin-node restart or alternatively use upstart after storing the Perl script.

How it works...

Before explaining what happens here, you can check whether your configuration is working at all. Use Telnet to connect to your Munin server on port 4949 and check for configuration and returning data:

> telnet localhost 4949
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
# munin node at yourServer
config play
multigraph runtimes_Application_index

fetch play
multigraph runtimes_Application_index
Application_index_min.value 3
Application_index_max.value 253
Application_index_avg.value 132

The bold marked lines are those typed in. The response of entering config play shows the configuration of the Play service, while the response of typing fetch play parses the data specific output of play status and returns it as needed for graphing. If you get similar results, just wait a few minutes for the next updates of your Munin server and you should see a nice graph for each controller, which yields the minimum, maximum, and average response times.

Back to the question—how is this all working? A Munin plugin has to implement two parts. First, a configuration setup needs to be returned if the plugin is called with a config parameter. The other part is to return the data needed to graph. In both cases the plugin code has to connect to the Play application in order to get a list of the currently active controllers. This means you can add or remove controllers, and the plugin will always cope with this. There is no need to add new controller methods somewhere manually in the Munin setup.

If you have read the configuration specific code of the plugin, you will see it uses another feature of Munin called multigraph. Usually one plugin can only emit one graph. However, it does not make too much sense to have all of your controllers packed into one graph. As soon as one controller is way slower than all the others, which might be an event intended in case of a big calculation or PDF creation, all your other graphs will not be readable at all when looking at the Munin GUI. The multigraph plugin allows having an arbitrary amount of graphs for one plugin, exactly what is needed.

I will not explain the Perl code too much. It parses the needed parts of the JSON response, checks whether the monitor name includes () which marks it as a controller and includes it then. It uses some regular expressions to beautify it for human reading. The only unknown part may be the use of the HMAC digest for the secret set in the configuration file. The digest is created by using the Play application secret as key for the message @status. The result is used in the Authorization HTTP header in order to authorize and get all needed data from the Play application. This is exactly how the command play status works as well.

There's more...

Munin is an incredibly flexible tool and should be used by you or your operations department to find out a great deal about your application. After you have added your monitoring points, as shown earlier in this chapter, this is one of the best ways to visualize such data.

Find out more about Munin and its plugins

Munin has tons of plugins, which might help you to graph some of your Play specific data further or to sharpen this example. Check Munin at

Add and graph hit counts, tag runtimes, running jobs, and so on

As you might have noticed, only the most needed data has been used here to graph. The play status command includes lots of interesting data, waiting to be graphed. For example, each controller also includes the total hit count since starting the application, or the runtime of each tag, which might help you to decide whether to create a fast tag out of it. Also the status output shows scheduling data about your jobs. All this might be very useful to graph. All you have to do is to extend this or create a new Munin plugin based on the preceding one.

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