Test automation with Calimoucho

If you have not followed the Play framework mailing list, it is likely you have never heard of Calimoucho as software. Basically, Calimoucho itself is a Play application, which checks out other applications from a VCS, runs their tests, and reports this in a simple GUI. If you think Setting up a Jenkins instance and configuring it appropriately usually takes quite some time and might not be needed for a small play project. In such a case using Calimoucho makes sense.

In case you are wondering where the name is from: It is a drink, which consists of cola and red wine. The tool is way better than the drink.

You can find the source code of this example in the examples/chapter7/test-calimoucho directory.

Getting ready

First you should check out Calimoucho from github:

git clone https://github.com/guillaumebort/calimoucho.git

Now you can check the calimoucho/conf/projects.yaml file, where the current projects are placed.

When following the examples of this recipe, you should create an application for each version control system, as each system stores its version data differently. This might lead to clashes.

How to do it...

We will try to add support for some version control systems. The starting point is bazaar:

play new test-bazaar
cd test-bazaar
bzr init
bzr whoami "Your name <[email protected]>"
bzr add
bzr commit -m "Initial commit"

Now edit the conf/projects.yml file if the Calimoucho application in order to set up configuration paths:

  name:                   Bazaar test project
  path:                   checkout/test-bazaar
  framework:              /path/to/your/play/installation/
  updateCommand:          bzr update 
  versionCommand:         bzr revno %path
  versionPattern:         1.0r%version
  revisionDetailPattern:  http://bzr/test/browse/%version
                          - [email protected]

Now put a copy of the repository into the checkout/test-bazaar (make sure the checkout directory actually exists) directory via:

bzr branch ../../test-bazaar

It is time to start Calimoucho now and see it working. After five minutes you should check the main page of the application, which runs on port 8084—also do not forget to visit the main page after starting the application in order to make sure it is running. The above mentioned 5 minute waiting time is the default time to wait before checking a repository for changes. You can configure this time via the cron.checkInterval parameter in your application conf.

To show you that Calimoucho actually works and updates, add a commit to the main repository (not the one in the checkout directory):

echo Foo > README
bzr add README
bzr commit -m "Added Readme"

Now you should see the second successful test run.

How it works...

As you can see, Calimoucho automatically updates the repository with the command provided in the projects YAML file. However, what it does not do is check out the repository initially. That would be a nice feature indeed. Basically, you need to configure five different aspects per build job:

  • framework: The path to your Play framework installation. Changing this makes it easy to perform a build for a new Play framework version.
  • UpdateCommand: The command to update the local repository to the most up-to-date revision.
  • versionCommand: The command to get the current revision—may return anything unique.
  • revisionDetailPattern: A URL where you can link to the direct source code repository.
  • notifications: A list of e-mail addresses to send the results to. You have to fill the app/views/Notifier/sendResult.txt template file with some content in order to have this feature working.

After configuring it, all you have to do is make an initial checkout and from then on updating works automatically.

As there are more versioning systems available, you might want to check how you can use Git, mercurial, and SVN repositories as well.

There's more...

As there are plenty of version control systems available, the following paragraphs provide help to configure Calimoucho to also support Git, mercurial, and subversion.

Using git with Calimoucho

As Git is one of the most used versioning systems, so it should be listed here as well. Just change your project configuration to this one.

play new test-git
cd test-git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial import"

Go to the calimoucho/checkout directory and check out the freshly created repo:

git clone /path/to/absolute-repo

Add this to your conf/projects.yml:

  name:                   Git test project
  path:                   checkout/test-git
  framework:              /path/to/play-1.1/
  updateCommand:          git --git-dir=%path/.git pull
  versionCommand:         git --git-dir=%path/.git log --format=%h -1
  versionPattern:         g%version
  revisionDetailPattern:  http://git/test/browse/%version

Using mercurial with Calimoucho

Mercurial is another distributed versioning control system just like Git, and is also used in many cases:

play new test-mercurial
cd test-mercurial
hg init
hg add
hg commit -m "initial commit"

Now go to the calimoucho/checkout directory and check out the project:

hg clone file:///path/to/repo

Add this to your conf/projects.yml:

  name:                   Mercurial test project
  path:                   checkout/test-mercurial
  framework:              /path/to/play-1.1/
  updateCommand:          hg pull -u -R %path
  versionCommand:         hg log -l 1 --template {rev} %path
  versionPattern:         r%version
  revisionDetailPattern:  http://hg/test/browse/%version
                          - [email protected]

Using subversion with Calimoucho

Though subversion has already been around for a while, it is still used a lot. You can configure Calimoucho to check out any subversion based repository as well:

svnadmin create svn-repo
play new test-svn
svn import test-svn/ file:///absolute/path/to/svn-repo/test-svn/trunk -m "initial import"
rm -fr test-svn

Now go to the calimoucho/checkout directory and check out the project:

svn co file:///path/to/svn-repo/test-svn/trunk test-svn

Add this to your conf/projects.yml:

  name:                   SVN test project
  path:                   checkout/test-svn
  framework:              /path/to/play-1.1/
  updateCommand:          svn update %path
  versionCommand:         svnversion %path
  versionPattern:         r%version
  revisionDetailPattern:  http://svn/test/browse/%version
                          - your@email
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