About the Reviewers

Erik Bakker works as a software engineer for Lunatech Research in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Lunatech provides consulting and application development services for Play and a range of other Java technologies, with small teams of highly skilled people, and employs two Play committers. Erik has a long-time interest in web application development and has been building web application for years, both small and large, using various languages and frameworks. In 2010, he got hooked to the Play framework, which he has been using for various projects, and has since written several editorials on the subject. Erik excels at translating business needs into technical requirements and solutions. He holds a master’s degree in physics from Utrecht University and you can write to him at .

Guillaume Bort is co-founder and CTO of Zenexity, a French “web-oriented architecture” company. He is the creator and lead developer of the Play framework, which makes it easier to build Web applications in Java. Made by web developers, Play focuses on developer productivity and targets RESTful architectures.

Steve Chaloner, a Brit living in Belgium, has been developing in Java since 1996, and has been an avid user of the Play framework since 2010. Steve has introduced Play into several companies for projects ranging from the fairly small to the extremely large. He is the author of several Play modules, including the Deadbolt authorization system.

His company, Objectify (http://www.objectify.be), specializes in rapid development using JVM languages and runs training courses on Play.

Pascal Voitot lives in Paris, France and is 34 years old. He is a senior developer and technical expert mainly focused on open source server solutions. He has been working in the mobile telecommunication and banking domains developing industrial solutions and then in R&D on secured mobile services. In parallel, he has become an enthusiast open source supporter and contributor. He currently works as technical expert in Java open source business services, mainly focused on web content management solutions.

His favorite subjects nowadays are nowadays lightweight and distributed servers, rich client and fast development web/mobile interfaces, and simple and scalable content management systems.

He’s currently lead developer of Siena project (http://www.sienaproject.com), a Java lightweight object mapping API bridging SQL and NoSQL databases based on active record design. He is also an active supporter and contributor of Play, a “Rails inspired” Java/Scala framework.

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